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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by UndercoverBariatricGal

  1. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    DANG I SURE DID FORGET Thank you I will
  2. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    Thank you guys for all the feedback they are closed until Monday but Monday morning i will call and insist on the test to be done thank you thank you thank you
  3. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    If I may suggest to really make sure you get in a gallon of water in a day I make it my place now to do it because as soon as i did the weight just started flying off I KNOW THIS IS HARD but I felt like something was wrong with me too i also went from 5 meals a day to 4 meals a day I eat 3 meals and a snack. My meal is something like this Breakfast: Associates Sugar free apple oatmeal 3.5 ounces made with land o'lakes butter silk almond milk unsweetened and a equal sugar. Lunch: Salmon and spinach total together Half and half 3.5-4 ounces snack Light and fit Greek yogurt (Vanilla,Pineapple or peach) and my dinner is the same as my lunch or ground turkey with 2% cheddar cheese and the pounds are shedding right off! I got stuck too and made changes you have to find what works for you. If you dont mind me saying so.. I also never eat past the point of "When you begin to feel full" And no I do not drink any protein shakes at all I hate them!!! lol If you want to add protein and cant stand the shakes try the plain one you can put in any food to add it to your diet.. Good luck *Change is good*
  4. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    yes i was up and down for over a week with 230-232 i am now 228 it will move again
  5. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    I will be doing the same thing when I go back too.. Dont want to have folks watching me and trying to figure me out!
  6. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    Wow you get hungry? I am never hungry but you are also over a month on my i was sleeved on Dec 6th And I hope I never feel hungry again! lol I love that I eat based on time not hunger. I eat every 3 hours and only 3 oz at this time 4 oz max and 9x out of ten its full force protein based foods!
  7. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    I think as long as your stomach is not hurting after you eat you should be fine
  8. UndercoverBariatricGal

    I'm never Hungry!

    Hey guys is it only me? Since surgery I just don't have an appetite. (Head hunger yes) But never a real OMG I need to eat I'm hungry feeling. Is this our new norm? And if not how long will this last? Don't get me wrong I embrace it but it just feels like I force feed my self all the time. How long did it take before you felt hungry again if at all?
  9. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    Wow thank you so much for that feed but I'm also sure that over those 2 years people probably pushed their limits time and time again and those who dont probably wont stretch as much as thoughs who do so my point is I would rather be limited and safe then push myself past the limits.. I refuse to have myself go through this only to fail!
  10. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    That is what I was told too but maybe they just saying that to scare us into not stretching it who knows
  11. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    Oh I didnt know but still overeating makes you feel so bad either way it keeps control so its all good.
  12. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    Where did you get yours from?
  13. I hear a lot about the liquid diet before surgery I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted up until midnight the day of surgery! I think I would of failed big time if I had to do pre op and post op lol.. I hear a lot of folks say they had to do liquid 2 weeks before and after wow a lot of self control is involved in that.. I am so glad I did not have to go on liquids before the surgery and I am 5 weeks post op and down 30 lbs as of today!
  14. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Help I need advice!

    Today I went back on liquids because for more then a week now my scale keeps going back and forth from 230-231 and no weight loss I am taking in between 600-824 calories a day is this to much? am i doing something wrong? I hear we will go through stalls but so soon? I started at 258 and am now 229 but only because as of yesterday I went back on liquids.. If not I may still be 231.. So my question is, is it normal to go through a stall so soon? I mean i know with the 2 weeks of liquids its expected to have rapid weight loss and this is not good I know but on puree i was okay for the first week and only 1 pound on the second and not nothing and I will be a week on soft/ground as of tomorrow.. Am I rushing it? should I just eat what I been eating or trick my body by doing liquids and going back on puree again.. I know the average weight loss should be 1-2 pounds a week but 0? I did not get my stomach cut off for 0 so soon after surgery!!! I dont want to hurt myself but I have no one to talk to since I decided to keep this to myself.. Help... I need some advice from someone who knows! my daily average food intake is 3-4 oz of oatmeal made with skin milk then maybe a low fat greek yogurt then a may have 4oz of baked salmon and then again for then 3-4 oz of ground turkey and then baked salmon again I can only get about 6. 8oz glasses of water in a day i am trying for 8 but 6 has been my average.. is this okay?
  15. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Pre Op liquid diet! I did not do that..

    Yes I watched a few of the surgeries youtube and they explain that too.. But my doctor just didnt make me do it.. And I'm glad too lol and I am still doing right by myself too no need to cheat I want this besides only a fool would allow themselves to go through this and mess up! (My opinion)
  16. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    Funny they all see it as the easy way out.. If they only knew it really isn't.. This is the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. Even child birth wasn't this bad lol I know at some point and time we will be able to eat ANYTHING we want and we will have to control that and say no or limit ourselves to it so we wont gain the weight back. Easy way out my but!
  17. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Yes I know how you feel I went on a stall too and went on liquids for 2 days it help break my stall if you as me lol I went back to food 2 days ago and since lost a few pounds like it woke my body back up! I don't recommend going back on liquids but it seem like it worked for me. I was back and forth from 230-231 and it was annoying me now I am 228 i stepped on the scale 4 times today to make sure lol
  18. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    So you are lucky you can be open about yours.. If it wasn't for them I would be open 2 only my fiance and 2 family members know and have been sworn to secrecy lol. And I'm sorry It will stay this way when asked I will just claim dieting and exercising is the reason why.. Sad I know that I allowed people to make me feel this way but it is what it is. Wish I could openly talk about it.
  19. UndercoverBariatricGal

    I'm never Hungry!

    Its your mental messing with you for all the NO NO foods It was real bad during the liquid and puree part but now that I am eating soft/ground food I am okay I guess if you allow the commercials that play on tv get to you it will lol. I have my fiance and 2 boys here with me so they eat normal food and I smell it and want it at times but i know it will hurt my weight loss so i stay on track. Going out is hard at times because others wont stop living for you.. One day I was with my mom and she wanted pizza (this was during my puree week) I wanted to kill her not only did she buy it but she sat in the car and ate it while making Umm Umm noises! lol I was like really! Lol its all in your head I was full from my 1/4 of a cup but still wanted what she had just because i could not have it! YOUR MIND WILL MESS WITH YOU! Did you not have your surgery yet?
  20. UndercoverBariatricGal

    I'm never Hungry!

    Cool I really hope this is our new norm that means we really have the upper hand it what we do... Come the long run that is..
  21. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    I have been out of work since the surgery for personal reasons and the job is the biggest reason I keep my surgery to myself but its a fear for me when I return because i dont want to eat out of the 4 oz containers around them i do know now when enough is enough so i can pretty much eat out of anything i want, its just the containers help maintain control and assure i wont stretch my pouch.. I guess I can use big containers to throw my coworkers off and make sure my fish/chicken is already 3-4 oz inside of that container.. *shrug* its easy to be me at home but when outside others watch they look they see. I am undercover for a reason! I have heard them talk about others that had this or surgery like this and it was not pretty they made the decision for me to keep this to myself lol Judgmental but wipes!
  22. UndercoverBariatricGal

    I'm never Hungry!

    Wow great weight loss. Well fine by me because all that tells me is that there is hope on controlling what I will eat later on ...
  23. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Stage 3 soft foods

    For me I can only eat 3 ounces of the packet so what I do is make a a couple at a time and just place the extra oatmeal in storage containers for the next few mornings.
  24. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I do sometimes but not all the time and are you sipping and still feeling this way?
  25. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Wow reading all the post I feel so much better now I thought I was the only one i see now I am not yesterday i went back on fluids thinking i needed to trick my body I will be going back on food as of tomorrow since i see the stall is normal.. Uggg tomorrow makes 5 weeks post op and i been back and 4th between 230-231 until i went back on fluids and went from walking to running.. I will return to my food intake tomorrow since i see now that this stall is normal.. My food intake is between 600-824 a day mostly fish! Its not just me.. its our bodies readjusting from having such rapid weight loss.. So I hear.. lol Good luck everyone!

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