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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by UndercoverBariatricGal

  1. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    I only threw up a few times but i never eat fast I take my time so it will feel like i have a normal stomach. My fiance and I's anniversary is coming up on the 31st I chose Red lobsters so I can stick with my lifestyle change I will eat slow then too.. Just so I can enjoy our time out this will be my first restaurant visit since my surgery... The only hard part will be not having the Cheddar made biscuits...lol.. Slow down love so you can enjoy the sleeve.. I hate throwing up so I know it has to annoy you.
  2. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    thanks to you i am pushing and i will continue to push until i see what wrong.
  3. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    UPDATE! Okay guys so today I spoke to the nurse I gave her all my concerns including the dramatic possibility of them listening to me when I am dead.. Yes I went all out to explain myself and fears to them about my heart rate! She said and I QUOTE "palpitations don't mean you have a leak" I then said okay fine but I have insurance and its my Copay so why cant we just eliminate the possibility of a leak.. She said to me I have to come in when the doctor is in to do the test I now have an appointment on the 28th and can only hope I am okay until then, they are willing to do the test because I didn't take no for an answer. I told her all I know is that before the surgery I NEVER had any type of heart issues and I want to make sure I will be okay. So again I will follow up with the what happen after the 28th guys....
  4. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I fear my return to work also there is no way I can do a Gallon of water while at work 1/2 but not a whole I just cant get freed like that at work. However I will run home at the end of my tour and take the rest of that night to drink drink drink its easier if the water is room temperature it will pass your sleeve faster you have to work around those situations the best you can trust its important for you to get that water in... Besides dehydration factors it helps flush all the fat and toxins from your body.. You will find a way when you see how that change has broken the stall. I wish you luck..
  5. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I brought 4 oz bowels (rubber maid) and i fill one half up with fish and the other half of spinach i eat one baby spoon of fish followed by one of spinach so once i reach my limit i know I had 50/50 for that meal i do oatmeal for breakfast (sugar free apple by associate's) made with almond milk and a little land o lakes butter and a splenda for lunch 50/50 fish/ spinach followed by my snack of 3-4 oz of light and fit Greek Yogurt and for dinner again either tuna of the 50/50 fish/spinach meal again and dont forget the gallon of water I also treat myself to peppermint tea with lemon at night if I get all my fluids in early I use lemon juice it 0 calories for it so no big deal. Before that I was doing chili and all sorts of thicker heavier foods that just seem to stick the scale. Within 2 days 4 lbs fell off.. And yes my body goes EVERY day now unlike before.. Before It was 2-3 days apart from each other.. and yes its canned spinach not fresh and no I don't care about sodium its to small of an amount to stress plus I flush it out with all that water.. If you like the above menu try it and let me know that your scale moved and that your body is going on a regular now and i will say see change is good lol. I wish you luck.
  6. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I agree with you I was in a stall up until i started forcing my fluid intake to a gallon a day and I was on 5 meals a day and changed it to 4 or well 3 and a snack now instead of 4 and a snack (yogurt) my point is change what your doing to see what works if your eating oatmeal every morning change that if your eating heavy at night try the snack (yogurt apple sauce fat free pudding) last instead of in the middle of the day I also added spinach to my food so instead of eating all 4 oz of fish I do 2 ox of fish and 2 of spinach and not to be nasty but it also changed my bowel movements from every other 2 or 3 to 1 to 2x a day.. this works for me it may not work for you test your body try new things out for 3 days at a time look for change and if not try another method something will give.
  7. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I walk at least 30 minutes a day and do push-ups but only because of all the places I worry about sagging its my arms I would hate that I dont care about legs stomach or my back like i care about my arms I love to show them off and sagging skin would kill that for me so i work out my arms hard!
  8. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    I went and brought Rubermaid Storage containers they claim to be 4 oz but they can only hold 3 oz of solids. So what I do is cook my fish, oatmeal, and so on and I fill those containers up and each one is a meal. It works for me and i know I wont stretch my sleeve since I am sticking with my storage cups. They are from Bed Bath and Beyond and are called easy find lids. What do you do to assure you won't stretch your sleeve or over eat? *Note I am only 5 weeks post op* Not sure if this makes a difference..
  9. UndercoverBariatricGal

    How I keep from over eating!

    Yes I am also thankful for the post.. Glad to know this .. So I will be mindful of al my food intake I use myfitness pal to keep track of my daily intake and it helps!
  10. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    Omg is diarrhea a symptom i have had it for some time now but dismissed it because of my Fluid intake and spinach.. I do feel weak and have thrown up and had what i think is called dry heaving? also the heat racing thing I never checked my temperature though but I assume its normal. All i can say they saw was low blood pressure.. Sigh!
  11. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    lol @ stomp on his toes ..... yeah just like with any other site im sure we have a few nuts on here i have yet to meet one though thank God...I will post an update as soon as I have one in this forum Again i thank you and your advice
  12. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I read that there are two reasons for stalls one is our bodies have lost so much weight in such a small amount of time it needs time to adjust to the change. and then the second was that since we are taking in so little calories our bodies goes into protective mode and starts taking the calories it needs from our muscles (instead of burning our fat) and it also takes out 8 pounds of our water in our body we need so once it sees that our diet isn't changing you will get that 8 pounds of water back and it will stop pulling from our lean muscles and the weight will then resume its lost. So with that said between the two i guess your stall is based on how fast your body gets the memo that one this is your new food intake and its not changing and that 2 yes i lost a lot of weight and allow it to readjust to its new environment. I guess some except the change faster then others.. But no matter UNLESS YOU ARE CHEATING! You should resume weight loss no matter what just follow your diet plan to the last letter.. 8 glasses of water and 3 meals and 1 snack to 2 a day no grazing dont take longer then 3 minutes to eat a meal chew chew chew and you should be fine DONT GIVE UP! You did not come this far to let a stall discourage you! December Sleevers best of luck to you all!
  13. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    I agree I really want to believe in the man who placed me in a position to this wonderful life change but if he wont listen to reason then I need to move on. a part of me is scared and another part of me is terrified so the bad outweigh the good I wont move on to stage 4 foods until I get the okay that I dont have a leak .......Taking it easy and eating light until Tuesday... Thank you again,, you are more then kind. Wish I knew you in real life.. everyone needs a friend like you in life.. ** cyber hug***
  14. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Okay well I only asked because I had a stall too and trust I understand how hard it is to get fluids in at work I really do.. However I was frustrated about my stall so I drop 1 meal and increased my fluids from 6 cups a day to 8 and the weight just started falling off again i was eating every 3 hours 5 times a day i changed that to every 4 hours 4 times a day 3 meals and a snack its not hard because I am still never hungry I fear getting my appetite back but for now as long as I dont have one I control the way this "TOOL" will work for me and I am taking full advantage of it too! I did not give up all the food and snacks I love to FAIL!!! Oh by the way good job on the weight loss both pre op and post op.. A pound is a pound... wink well I hope you get out of your stall and soon.. Good luck
  15. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    No it didn't, they gave me one unit of fluids said drink more even though I said to them 1,000 x that I drank a gallon of Water a day my blood pressure was still low and before I left my heart was racing again I informed them and they said if you still dont feel well come back smh do this lady know its $70 co pay every time I go to the ER.. Let me see... yeah no I dont have a money tree in my backyard so unless I really am clinching my chest i will have to wait until Tuesday when my doctor is back in I am in bed right now where I will remain until Tuesday morning.. I pray I stay okay until then ......=-(
  16. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    DId you take your measurements before you started? I know I didnt and I wish I did i was sleeved on 12/6 and didnt do my measurements until 1/3 I know silly me but I took off an inch and a half on my stomach since and 1 in off my bust since too.. So when you go through a stall .. They say its not really a stall if you loose inches. Its just your body readjusting thats all.. If you didnt do it now better late then never.
  17. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    may I ask? Did you do the pre op diet too? a stall for 5 weeks is a lot. are you getting all your water in? Has it started moving at all (the scale) Since the stall?
  18. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    I may have to do the same I took my fiance to work this morning and again the heart racing thing starts up i tell you this is crazy! I wish people would just listen to the patient I know I never has any issues out side of heavy breathing before this surgery and that was only on stairs and walking or running fast moments so how come only after this surgery is my heart going wild from just walking?? Not to mention I am 34 lbs smaller since and if anything that's less weight on my heart and lungs so come on now!!! I am going to try phelps Hospital by phone to see if they have a bariatric specialist in their hospital and pray they do so I can get some real help.. I swear if they find one and i can sue I am because I been telling them this since 2 weeks post op i am over 6 weeks now and the issue is getting worse! SMH Only me! But I thank you all for opening my eyes because had it not been for you guys I would of never even went to the ER.. At least now its documented! Thank you.
  19. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    wtg I know its a great feeling you almost at goal?
  20. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    To be honest I dont know of any that have bariatric specialist on call or on site
  21. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    The Er I went to is the same place I had the surgery the Doctor is out of town for the "long Holiday" Smh hell I dont care I dont feel good and I need or his back up here to see me through this mess I wanted to loose weight not die I NEVER Had any heart issues until this surgery! MY BP was low and it was still low when I left but they blame it al on dehydration because they dont know what else to tell me if you ask me.. Guys just hope I survive the next 2 days to go back and see him when he is back from his "long Holiday Weekend trip!"
  22. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    So you know I asked them for it and they denied this test to me I am mad as hell right now all i know is this is not changing and I am full of Water and iv fluids now smh they trying to kill me! I am at home and will try to rest until I can see the "specialist" on Tuesday! Smh I can only hope I am okay until then if not I will be calling 911 to come get me because driving myself is so not safe!
  23. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    UPDATE So I went to the ER today where I had my surgery and I told them all my symptoms and even that I had a possible leak.. My cocky doctor swears its not a leak so by phone he tells the treating doctor this and she feels me with fluids and says I was dehydrated I said lady i am drinking a Gallon of water every day its not possible for me to be dehydrated.. SMH as I'm leaving the heart thing starts up again so i tell the nurse she says listen to be honest you need a specialist, I said I know but something is making my heart race and its scaring me she said follow up with the doctor on Tuesday smh I might be dead by then so all I can say is I am home now and if something happens to me someone please sue the hell out of them for me.. Please and Thank you.
  24. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    OMG u are so sweet I will take my symptoms seriously i wanted to loose weight to be healthier so dying would sort of defeat the purpose huh?
  25. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    You are right If i'm still feeling ill in the morning I will go to the ER

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