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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    serenity1959 reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in Looks like it's going to be Mexico after all. Need help with details!   
    I am four weeks postop from surgery in Mexicali with Dr. Aceves. You arrive the day b4 surgery for preop testing and stay in the hotel Lucerna. The next day is surgery day and you spend 3 nights in the hospital. They will transport you from the San Diego airport to Mexicali and back. Also to the hotel and Almater Hospital.
    You need at least a passport card to get back to the USA.
    Dr. Aceves is wonderful. He's been doing Bariatric surgeries for 15+ years. He is apart of FACS and AMBS.
    Almater is a full service hospital. He is not the cheapest surgeon but he is worth every dollar.
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    serenity1959 reacted to No game in Boobs?   
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    serenity1959 reacted to lucky8mb1 in Boobs?   
    Mine have always been disproportionately small. Even at almost 300lbs, I was only a C cup. Anyway, I always lose in my chest/breast first, and this time has been no different. I can't fill out my C cups anymore.
    I've gained and lost hundreds of pounds over the past 19 years and have breastfed two children until they were just over a year old. My breasts are a wreck and pretty much always have been. I will absolutely be getting an augmentation and possibly a lift if I need it, once I hit my dr. goal of 160lbs. I'm turning 35 this year and for once in my life I want nice boobs!
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    serenity1959 reacted to rachel marie in Cleaning out my closet!   
    This is very exciting, yet bittersweet! I am going to clean out my closet today! Meaning I will have maybe 3 outfits that fit. I know it's crazy but when I put on my pre surgery clothes and they are baggy every where I feel disgusting! I will not be spending alot I money on clothes until I reach my goal weight. Thank God summer is around the corner and I can live in summer dresses. But for now, this crap needs to go!
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    serenity1959 reacted to Webchickadee in How Soon Can I Resume My Pre-Sleeve Eating Lifestyle?!?!   
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but some of the response to the OP's post sound like they think SHE is the one making these crazy comments about when she can get back to pre-sleeve eating life.
    No! She's all bent out of shape because OTHERS are posting those crazy things!
    I agree with her wholeheartedly. Anyone making those posts either did not do the pre-op research and psychological prep, or are doomed to failure because they think this surgery is the quick fix and they don't have to do any work on their own habits, lifestyle and mindset.
    I'm so glad the majority of members of this forum are more educated, Enlightened and motivated to improve their OWN lives, using the sleeve as their tool to achieve their goals!
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    serenity1959 reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in How Soon Can I Resume My Pre-Sleeve Eating Lifestyle?!?!   
    This is a rant in the truest sense of the word. This is probably the most frustrated you will see me get on this forum. I've been hanging out on VST for almost a year and I am now 3 weeks postop. I'm no expert, but I am a woman with food addiction trying to get healthy.
    Some of the questions I've come across blow my mind. Truly. It's not that I don't get this is a journey and a struggle. I do. I get it. I've wanted to lick spoons!
    But really?! bread a week out?! Trying to figure out how soon b4 you can get drunk?! Let's eat at McDonalds for Protein? ! I've been sleeved a month, can I get Chinese takeout?! I sure miss bingeing?!?! Pass the box of donuts, it is all I can afford?!?!
    Disclaimer: I plan to eat realistically. I know I will eat bread again. I'm sure wine will pass between my lips again. I imagine I will partake in Chinese food, although a buffet would be a total waste. I will sink my teeth into a Boston cream donut. But I'm 3 weeks out. These things are not my priority. And while I won't tell others what their priorities should be, if these are yours you may want to find out why.
    I've been tempted to ask my uncle, he is going on two years sleeved, what he can hold comfortably in one sitting max. But when I reflect on why I'm asking that I realize its my addiction wanting to know this. Wanting to anticipate max binge ability. When I read some of the above questions my brain translates it to my subject title: How Soon Can I Resume My Pre-Sleeve Eating Lifestyle?
    Maybe I'm wrong/reading more into things, and my emotions and whatnot are getting to me postop.
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    serenity1959 reacted to Krystalrez in Coloring hair   
    I'm a hair stylist and typically, there aren't any medical procedures that would prevent you from coloring your hair (with the exception of chemo or radiation, because this makes your hair more fragile than anything else). So, with that being said, I plan to continue to color mine and I have many clients who have been sleeved and we were still coloring their hair at their regular times. Go for it!!
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    serenity1959 reacted to TheGamer in Coloring hair   
    I don't get gray hair. I prefer to tell people I'm growing Fiber optic cable!
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    serenity1959 reacted to No game in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    Wow... All if this just because 1 poor woman said that she did not have a good experience with her stay and treatment while in Mexico?
    Makes me wonder...
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    serenity1959 reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    To those getting their feathers ruffled that the OP posted a constructive criticism about her experience with ALM: Has it occurred to none of you that she has not once accused, insinuated, implied deceit or theatrics to those singing praises of ALM, nor has she attacked you regarding your own personal account of your own personal experience?
    A shame you chose not to give her that same courtesy.
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    serenity1959 reacted to Ms.AntiBand in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    I agree.. There are some superior Cordinators that go way beyond the normal call of their job requirements. Fortunately, I had one nd still in contact with her today nd plan on returning to visit.
    Research is the key to getting what you want.
    Now, I know some say the thread is dead... But I just got here and have to add my two cents. I wasn't aware anyone was ever sent to the hotel with a drain and I know my doc doesn't do that. If a drain is necessary then it means you remain in hospital care. If the drain is leaking then it is either full (probmatic in many ways) and needs emptying, the tubing/incision is in need of care or there's a malfunction in the equipment.
    The OP.. Had legit concerns and I'm glad she shared them.
    People.. Research the docs you consider as well as the company and ask about more than just the price. Most of us have wonderful experiences down there and will gladly answer your questions.
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    serenity1959 reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    I now declare this bridge (thread), closed.
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    serenity1959 reacted to No game in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    I think if you were concerned about this thread being helpful to someone you would of not attacked the OP and tried to make her sound like a ill informed whiner...
    People will continue to go to your doctor,don't worry.
    But as an employee they (you?) should take the less than stellar performance of these people and try to improve it. Instead of attacking the client.
    I understand that it's a move them in move them out business and once they dump these people off its no longer their worry.
    But you can not discredit every person with an issue and not take some responsibility.
    To the coordinators;
    These people are more than just your "bread and butter"
    They have the right to speak up if something's not right. And you have the responsibility to make changes to less excellent care!
    It's a major surgery that comes with risks not a damn botched pedicure.
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    serenity1959 reacted to Chris R in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
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    serenity1959 reacted to dawndenise in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    Sharing my experience is by no means throwing anyone under the bus. It is just that, sharing my experience which - I should point out - is the purpose of this forum. As for me choosing not to believe The Driver (Abraham) when he told me that the drainage was to be expected, you surely are reading more into this than was said. Had I not believed him, I would have made a mad dash to the hospital on my own. Instead, I waited around, continuing to drain excessively until the next morning, at which time I choose to pay more attention to my body than to a non-medical person with only driver's license - not a medical one. And to be clear, I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but in our conversations yesterday, Janese never mentioned to me that she was on a plane. She said that she stayed home to visit with her son. Please get your facts straight.
    I'm glad that you had a positive experience. I wish I shared in that with you. But I (and I'm sure others as well) question your passionate and overly negative response to my experience. Do you work for ALM? Have some personal relationship with Janese? I don't believe my narrative was negative at all. It was merely factual, a retelling of MY story. Everyone on this forum (well, almost everyone) is mature and sensible enough to make their own decisions on which company to choose after reading through the myriad of factual experiences. I don't have a dog in this fight; hence I'm not shouting from the rooftops the ALM is god-awful and not to be used. I'm merely presenting my experience to help those who come behind me just as those who went before me helped me. I assume that is also why you are sharing yours. But no need to berate me or worse, try to call my intelligence or judgment into question because we didn't share the same experience.
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    serenity1959 reacted to LisaLoseAlotx2 in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    you can really be tedious and snarky Serendipity. hopefully your new lighter self lightens you up as well.
    First of all, a hotel is not a home. It is a strange place in a strange country. To release someone with her drain still intact and actively leaking all over the place for two days is not normal. So sorry if you think it is. Secondly, I have read numerous posts of people who have had the doctors actively being concerned and checking in.
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    serenity1959 reacted to SerendipityHappens in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    It does not matter if she was on a plane, or sick or had an emergency... A patient in a foreign country who just had surgery PAID for a service and expects to be supported. The company should have had someone filling in for her. Thank God everything was OK for this patient, but it was a LOT of blood to her eyes she soaked through bandages and sheets AND a towel. and she was obviously concerned and needed support. There is absolutely nothing "disgusting" about giving her honest opinion and feedback. She has said nothing untrue. I do not doubt that you had a fantastic experience... just as I do not doubt that this particular patient did not receive the support from A Lighter Me that she had expected. Rather than make excuses such as "she was on a plane" the company should be looking for ways to prevent this from happening to someone else.
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    serenity1959 reacted to NerdInOregon in How long did it take to schedule your surgery in Mexico?   
    I made the personal decision to have surgery in Mexico on Thursday, inquired on Friday, submitted my medical information Friday, it was reviewed/approved by the doctor yesterday, and I confirmed my surgery date today. My deposit is in the mail!
    I realize that sounds like I didn't give it much thought, but I've been researching surgery for over a year, so once I made the decision to go, it happened very quickly. My surgery isn't until June because I need to wait until spring term is over, but I could have scheduled it sooner if I was able to travel eariler.
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    serenity1959 reacted to ShayLeigh in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    I loved all of your comments! There were so many that made me laugh and so many that I related too. For years I have felt so alone and have been unable to discuss my limitations with family or friends. It feels sooooo good to know I am not alone and to hear from others that have same challenges! Whoop, whoop...We are on our way folks!
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    serenity1959 reacted to Jessica H in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    I'm looking forward to - doing more things with my 10 yr old daughter, my knee/hip pain going away, not having anymore fat rolls that my belt cuts into, not shopping at Lane Bryant, getting out of breath while walking upstairs, riding the coasters at Six Flags, fitting thru a turnstyle and hopefully falling in love with a great guy! My next 35 years are going to be FANTASTIC!!
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    serenity1959 reacted to EJamiFan in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    These lists are great!
    Can't wait to:
    --Not be embarrassed to see friends that haven't seen me in a while
    --Actually feel feminine again, would be nice to not feel invisible around men ...would love to run into my ex husband just to see the look on his face
    --Wear clothes that aren't all stretched out and mishaped
    --Be able to walk across a parking lot without feeling winded
    --Pictures with my girls. I have three daughters and have only a few pictures of myself with them as they were growing up. It's almost like I didn't exist.
    --I think the biggest one is not being so stinkin exhausted all the time

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