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Posts posted by szingaro222

  1. My nutritionist wants us to get 2 oz of Protein, 1/4 cup of a veggie and a 1/4 cup of a starch. We are supposed to eat protein first then veg then if we are still Hungary have the starch or some of it. I never can finish all of it. Always full before hand. She says the important part is getting the protein in first. Hope this helps.

  2. My mouth was so dry on the first day when I was not able to drink yet. It made this nasty funky film in my mouth and the CPAP machine just made it worse. I got my husband to get me a clean washcloth and put very warm Water on it and squeeze it out and cleaned my mouth, tongue and lips. At least that does not last too long. Those few things people are mentioning on here are so worth the 55 lbs I've lost in 9 weeks though :)

  3. Yes I had to do all the appointments as well. I'll have to look my dates up. I know my last appointment was like mid Dec but I had my gyn appt and mammogram scheduled for the beginning of Jan so then they gave me surgery date of Jan 23rd. It goes by faster than you think. I saw you added me on FB. That will be a great way to keep in touch. I actually got cleared to move to pureed/soft foods tomorrow. I am so excited!! I have been wanting some chicken and fish so bad.....lol talk to you soon.

  4. Oh good...I was hoping to find someone local on here. I totally LOVE the whole staff at his office. I actually got a head start on things earlier than I needed to by watching carbs and doing smaller portions a couple months before my surgery. It was good because I lost like 10lbs before I started my 2 week pre op diet. The 2 week liquid pre op diet was not as bad as I thought. I used slimfast pre made shakes and drank my Crystal light (Wal-Mart brand flavors) in between and chicken broth is really what helped the most. I would just go to any of my favorite Chinese places and grab a quart which they would usually discount since it was broth only. I lost about 12 lbs during those 2 weeks. I weighed myself the morning of surgery (wed) and also the day I came home (Sat) and lost 6 more. Surgery went great but I had side effects from the anesthesia and also from the morphine. They switched me to the Dilauded and I felt drunk as soon as they injected it into my IV so they knocked it down . To a lower dose. I had about 2 days where I would wake up early and be fine until about 1pm then I'd be so tired. After that I've been better and better each day. Went back to church today. I am following everything they tell me and the book says that they give you a week or so before surgery. I will not sabotage this . Because I went through so much time and commitment and I want to be a success story so bad. They have support group meet ok meetings once a month at the Mansion in Voorhees. I love them!!! I went to two of them before my surgery and met other patients who go to our office. Love hearing their tips and stories. They . Have samples of some of the Protein Drinks and stuff and they even have door prizes. It's great. You should try the one this month. It will be on the 3rd Wednesday. :)

  5. I am finishing up day two of my 2 week liquid diet and it has not been as bad as I thought it would be. I have to have total of five shakes daily and can supplement with any clear liquids. broth has been a . Huge help for me because I get sick of the sweet flavors and need something else so then I get a cup of broth or a whole Chinese container of it....whatever gets me through at that moment. Also I noticed I had a lot of extra liquid yesterday and ended up in bathroom about 6 times while sleeping. Mind you I am a Cpap patient so I had to keep taking it off and on all night long. Worse sleep ever!!! I cut back on liquids big time today....lol....2 days down, 11 more to go!!!!

  6. I went for my final pre op nutrition teaching class and I am supposed to start my pre-op liquid diet tomorrow. They said it is to shrink the liver which makes it easier to get to where he had to get for the surgery and ensuring he won't have to make a larger incision. Also to help my insides be less inflamed. I am going to do it because I want to try and avoid any unnecessary problems. I am just going to miss my morning cup of Was a dark roast coffee most of all. Surgery will be Jan 23rd, Cooper Hospital, Dr. Patel. Any other Patel NJ patients out there????

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