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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. MoM, can you please provide the link where you got the info?
  2. vinesqueen

    danger dog!

    Elvis’ teddy bear leaves building the hard way http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14154738/ Guard dog rips head off Presley’s $75,000 toy in stuffed-animal rampage And that was only ONE of the rare teddy bears destroyed by this dog!
  3. vinesqueen

    Mediterranean Diet

    Ok, I saw a new local Endocrinologist yesterday, mainly because I needed some local support, someone to locally help me interpret lab results and the like. I also wanted to see if he could help me come up with an action plan so I don't end up in the ER any more because I crash so Low. Well, he ordered yet more UFC tests because he didn't believe the other test results :eek: because they are too high, and I don't really "look Cushing's." Cushing's is a biomedical condition. No one says you don't have high bloodpressure because you don't "look like you have high-blood-pressure..." And no plan of action to keep me out of the ER either... ANYWAY... He decided that I need to lose weight (ya' think???:faint:) So, he wants me to do the Mediterranean Diet. I suppose that would be ok, but it seems to be very high in Carbs, which as a bandster, I have problems with on several levels, not the least being difficulty eating them :hungry:. But it calls for drinking wine, but I don't drink wine :clap2:, especially red wine, I just have never been able to develope the taste for it. But I thought I'd share, since it sure gave me a laugh. Ok, so yesterday it was more hysterical laughter, but laughter still...
  4. vinesqueen

    What was your very first job?

    My first payroll job was at Fothergill's Fish 'n' Chips where I learned to make real bear battered fish 'n' chips, not crappy breaded stuff. Next one was at Sears, where I was at the Coffee shop until I could move out to the garage, where I was a tire buster. Yup, changing tires. I enjoyed the physical work, but the constant and daily "go back to the kitchen where girls belong" coupled with the open hostility from the other Sears employees made that short lived. Today I could sue their butts off, but in the 80's there was no such thing as "sexual harrassment."
  5. vinesqueen

    Mediterranean diet -- have to laugh

    Damn Brain tumor is right!!!! :alien I'm beginning to think that no-one know a damn thing about nutrition either! LOL. Doc's tell you one thing that contradicts what they told you 5 minutes ago, or that contradicts that their nutritionists.... :moony:
  6. vinesqueen

    World Domination!

    I'm High again I just mowed the front yard and weeded part of my rock garden and watered the rock garden and cleaned the rust off the 3 different types of hoes and cleaned the rust off the spade and the fork and cleaned the fern and mulched two flower beds and watered the lilacs... and two days ago a trip up from the basement needed a rest in-between all last week I was weak and tired, could hardly do anything but sleep I still don't feel "strong" like I will later in the week if only I didn't have theses lows, can you imagine how much I could get accomplished? World domination!
  7. vinesqueen

    Grrrr...I hate In laws!

    ROFLOL!!!! So sorry, but when I read this DM doesn't stand for "Dear"... :omg: Sorry, I'm in one of those moods...
  8. vinesqueen

    Mediterranean diet -- have to laugh

    Celest! You are absolutly the best! From what I've been reading, it's sort of a Vegi diet, since most of the protien is to be from legumes and nuts, with little poultry or or fish, and meat once a month. The bulk of the diet is carbs, both simple and complex. It's also supposed to be a "delicate balance" between the carbs and the other stuff.
  9. vinesqueen

    I got 18 Right

    I missed the Ink Spots. I should have known that one, since Spudboy and BabyGirl love the Oldies station....
  10. vinesqueen

    Whippledaddy Has Passed Away

    Thank you Greg. I know this hasn't been easy for any of us who know and love Ryan and Patty. I know you will share our warm thoughts with Patty. I'm glad his suffering is over.
  11. vinesqueen

    Mediterranean diet -- have to laugh

    Hehe, I just can't bring myself to eat pasta.
  12. vinesqueen

    Mediterranean Diet

    Ok, I saw a new local Endocrinologist yesterday, mainly because I needed some local support, someone to locally help me interpret lab results and the like. I also wanted to see if he could help me come up with an action plan so I don't end up in the ER any more because I crash so Low. Well, he ordered yet more UFC tests because he didn't believe the other test results :mad: because they are too high, and I don't really "look Cushing's." Cushing's is a biomedical condition. No one says you don't have high bloodpressure because you don't "look like you have high-blood-pressure..." And no plan of action to keep me out of the ER either... ANYWAY... He decided that I need to lose weight (ya' think???:faint:) So, he wants me to do the Mediterranean Diet. I suppose that would be ok, but it seems to be very high in Carbs, which as a bandster, I have problems with on several levels, not the least being difficulty eating them :hungry:. But it calls for drinking wine, but I don't drink wine :clap2:, especially red wine, I just have never been able to develope the taste for it. But I thought I'd share, since it sure gave me a laugh. Ok, so yesterday it was more hysterical laughter, but laughter still...
  13. vinesqueen

    Pseudo Tumor Cerebri Diaged in March 06

    Hey MoM. I have found that being banded had helped my edema problems, but they don't sound as bad as what you are experienceing. I'll have to research the headaches you are talking about, as per your other headache thread. I was dx with Cushing's after being banded. Nothing I did with my band helped me lose weight, but because I wasn't willing to give up, they found out what is really wrong with me. Never surrender! Never give up! This will probably be beyond Dr.C's excertese. Are you seeing an Endo for this, or is this strictly an neruo thing? Has it thrown your hormone system out of wack?
  14. Hmmm, very interesting. I have many of these headache symptoms. But I also have Intermitent (aka cyclical) Cushing's, most likey caused by the tumor in my Pit. I'll be sure to research this more, and bring it to the attention of my Cushing's board.
  15. vinesqueen

    Thread Killers

    ooooh yeah, folks that don't understand the search function so we have 18 bazillion threads on the same subject. Folks who complain that they've only lost 80 pounds in 4 weeks and can't figure out why they aren't lossing faster... I've killed probably more than my fair share of threads. DeLara says it's because no-one can figure out just what the hell I'm talking about. She's afraid of me ((((DeLarla)))) But the threads I don't read are usually the ones that folks are rightfully proud of what they have accomplished. Too painful I guess. No, that's not truthful, I know they are too painful, so I just don't go there. I hate that I can't be more supportive of them and their successes.... stupid brain tumor.
  16. vinesqueen

    Grrrr...I hate In laws!

    Well, at least you don't have my DH's MIL...
  17. vinesqueen

    Heartburn after a fill?

    Yup, I have to agree with Kathy! You are a bit too tight, it sounds like.
  18. vinesqueen

    Throwing In The Towel...

    Wow, You've done so well without any fill! Well done! It's likely that you will only need a small fill. Since you did so well without a fill for so long, it's a good bet that you will only need a small fill. Not everyone who is properly restricted has to have microbites. The band is not about being restricted, it is about losing weight. It's not about surgically induced bulimia.
  19. vinesqueen

    Just for fun - misconceptions?

    These are great! I get the "shouldn't you have lost more weight by now" too :alien
  20. vinesqueen

    World Domination!

    I'm High again I just mowed the front yard and weeded part of my rock garden and watered the rock garden and cleaned the rust off the 3 different types of hoes and cleaned the rust off the spade and the fork and cleaned the fern and mulched two flower beds and watered the lilacs... and two days ago a trip up from the basement needed a rest in-between all last week I was weak and tired, could hardly do anything but sleep I still don't feel "strong" like I will later in the week if only I didn't have theses lows, can you imagine how much I could get accomplished? World domination!
  21. I've had nausia for days now, and all weekend I was sucking down phenegren. Last Thursday I had the dry heaves at a dr's appointment for my headaches. She gave me a short of toridol and phenegren, but neigther one helped too much. Wouldn't it be a pisser if I have band problems on top of everything else? :faint:
  22. vinesqueen

    A memorial weekend

    Well, this weekend I spent with my mother-in-law, while she took care of some things for her best friend who recently died after a protracted illness. Every year, my MIL and her friend went to this charity high-tea out in Kelso, WA. The two charities support families in need, one is a family homless shelter and the other provides new school supplies to kids in need. The weather was lovely, but since we are having one of the dryest summers on record (the next dry one was in 1960) It's been a lovely summer, but man I miss the rain! Anyway, we went to the second sitting for the tea, which is the one that they always went too. I know it was hard for my MIL, especially since she brought several tea things to give to the Tea Lady. We had several things that she needed to do. The next day we were going to go to their church, but we didn't sleep well, so we didn't go. She'd neglected to tell me that that was part of the plan, so I wasn't prepaired. Pagans don't really attend church...my in-laws are Lutherens, but I've never been to a Lutherin service. Oh well. I didn't pack any "church" clothes... So, we slept in, and went to breakfast at this cute little plance, with ginormous portions. Since I'm unfilled I had heavenly french toast! ok, I had 1/2 piece of french toast and some baccon, but man, have I missed french toast :hungry:! We met the friend's son and his family for breakfast. It was pretty funny, I thought we were going to be eating with Church ladies, but my MIL headed straight for the table with the tough burly biker-looking dude sitting by himself. Massive tattoos on his biceps framed by his black tee-shirt, in the wife-beater style... :laser: Not the usual "type" of person my in-laws associate with! Nothing "proper" about him, but he was the nicest guy. I took pitty on their 11 year-old grandson. The poor kid had to try to entertain himself quietly with a spoon and paper-napkin. I gave him my PDA to play with. I just couldn't sit there and let that kid be miserable... I know how it was with my son... Ah yes, I made a friend right then! We spent a good chunk of the afternoon going to boxes and bags of the Friends things. Looking through the remains of a long life. The life of a stranger.
  23. vinesqueen

    A memorial weekend

    Well, this weekend I spent with my mother-in-law, while she took care of some things for her best friend who recently died after a protracted illness. Every year, my MIL and her friend went to this charity high-tea out in Kelso, WA. The two charities support families in need, one is a family homless shelter and the other provides new school supplies to kids in need. The weather was lovely, but since we are having one of the dryest summers on record (the next dry one was in 1960) It's been a lovely summer, but man I miss the rain! Anyway, we went to the second sitting for the tea, which is the one that they always went too. I know it was hard for my MIL, especially since she brought several tea things to give to the Tea Lady. We had several things that she needed to do. The next day we were going to go to their church, but we didn't sleep well, so we didn't go. She'd neglected to tell me that that was part of the plan, so I wasn't prepaired. Pagans don't really attend church...my in-laws are Lutherens, but I've never been to a Lutherin service. Oh well. I didn't pack any "church" clothes... So, we slept in, and went to breakfast at this cute little plance, with ginormous portions. Since I'm unfilled I had heavenly french toast! ok, I had 1/2 piece of french toast and some baccon, but man, have I missed french toast :hungry:! We met the friend's son and his family for breakfast. It was pretty funny, I thought we were going to be eating with Church ladies, but my MIL headed straight for the table with the tough burly biker-looking dude sitting by himself. Massive tattoos on his biceps framed by his black tee-shirt, in the wife-beater style... :mad: Not the usual "type" of person my in-laws associate with! Nothing "proper" about him, but he was the nicest guy. I took pitty on their 11 year-old grandson. The poor kid had to try to entertain himself quietly with a spoon and paper-napkin. I gave him my PDA to play with. I just couldn't sit there and let that kid be miserable... I know how it was with my son... Ah yes, I made a friend right then! We spent a good chunk of the afternoon going to boxes and bags of the Friends things. Looking through the remains of a long life. The life of a stranger.
  24. vinesqueen

    going for an unfill tomorrow

    Yup, bread and all! Shear bliss! yeah, the nausia has been bad, phengren wasn't cutting it so a day or too I take something stronger
  25. CPAP machines will take an extra fitting so they can add extra O2 to your supply. My machine also has the option where they can give me my breathing treatments in my sleep, so they ddidn' have to wake me up every few hours to keep me breathing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
