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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by nicden17

  1. Just curious to who has watched it and/or not . I just started watching it on tlc last night and could very much relate. It showed the struggles of someone that heavy through 7 years and the ups and downs and everything revolving around bariatric surgery. So if you haven't watched it I suggest it.

  2. I used to use the lane Bryant bras when I was heavier. Now I wear Victoria secret.( Someone told me they were both made by the same company) I would go there they have lots of varieties and can custom fit you. Well worth the money spent ;)

  3. There is always going to be someone who has that mind set. I had my fair share. But when we come to this decision it's typically been well thought out . I know me for example I tried EVERYTHING under the sun with multiple doctors, to b-12 shots, to Water pills, to medical supervised diets. Nothing worked...it wasn't my thyroid... food was killing me.. and I can either let it continue to steal my life away from me or do something that would be permanent. Something that would MAKE me change my ways. Something that when I wanted to give up and binge...I couldn't because it won't allow me to. A tool that I need in my life to save me from myself. So let them say what they need say. But remind them that this is your choice and you are choosing to do what you feel is best. People are quick to judge us and tell us what they think is best for us. Hard to have a fulfilling life when you feel trapped and limited to your body. Carrying all that weight on your body is not a better alternative because that leads to just as scary stuff if not worse. Good luck and stay strong and focused on your choices :)

  4. Better that it ends up in the trash/garbage disposal than on my thighs!

    As I see it, my brain is still adjusting to the amount of food it thinks I can eat (eyes are still bigger than the stomach) - I'm wasting food/money, but I'm okay with that versus the alternative.

    I too still have eyes bigger than my stomach. Hard to break that

  5. I actually didn't have a stress test prior to surgery either, maybe do to age and everything else clearing....... Before surgery I had one a few years before it . The was I would look at it is that it's like a cat scan.. They probably don't do it unless they feel they have to.

  6. I very much can relate to this. I have always been the biggest in any group of friends I have had ever since highschool. I have moved away since I have had surgery so it's not so bad. But before I moved my best friend would "surgery drop" whenever we were out. She was always the skinny one....We would be out to eat or at a bar and she would be like "she had surgery" ALOT....I know it's stupid but I always try to reassure her...I'm taller and about 10-15 lbs heavier (but as bmi and clothing size goes i'm smaller then her.) So I usually say stuff like at least your under 200 lbs...That way maybe she is less likely to surgery bomb me when we are together. I just want people to see me for who I am. Not who I was or what I had to do to get here. Damn women are so catty.

  7. Remember it may not all go back as well....Depends on how heavy you are when you start...Elasticity of the skin....my weight has yo-yoed up and down 100 lbs here and there...and I have come to terms before surgery that it all wasn't going back... But surprisingly most of it did...minus a lil pooch belly and a lil flabby arms. ... Drink lots of Water supports elasticity of skin

  8. Are you getting in enough calories...and enough protein.....enough Water ? ... I see you have added pilates which is great. Are you doing any strength training to build muscle to burn fat? Sometimes are bodies get used to the work out program we have created so we don't get out of it what we were getting so we have to trick our bodies and change our workout program . hopefully some of that will help :D

  9. I wanted to know what people think of their sleeve? Do you think it was the right decision? & what sort of weight have you lost since getting the sleeve? :-)

    My surgeon suggested the sleeve for me i originally wanted the bypass because the sleeve is non-reversal...But he told me something that made sense...who is going to have this done with the plans of getting it reversed...Truth is there are more complications with the bypass...Blockages being a big one.My sister in law has had a few since her surgery and that requires a trip back to the hospital. Also i know somoene who went in for a blockage and while there had a staff infection and passed :(... The sleeve i had no complications whatso-ever....the worst u can do is stretch it out...but only if u don't follow rules...Since my sleeve 2 years ago i have lost 200 lbs....Going from super super morbid obese to just a lil overweight . Best decision i have ever made.

  10. You have Delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS for short. Its very common and should go away on its on in a couple days.

    Thanks. Ive had it happen before but but first time i've really heard that term. I usually have light carbs before working out but ALWAYS follow with a Protein shake. Not sure why i wasn't expecting to hurt i put in 2 hours :rolleyes: but it's nice to know what it is now

  11. Contrast Showers FTW!!! Hottest Water you can stand for 30 seconds, ice cold Water for 30 seconds, do that for about 4 or 5 sessions at the end of your shower. It will help with circulation and forcing blood back in to your muscles.


    Also, something that's helped a few guys we train with is negative reps. It would be something like, on dumbbell presses, pressing the dumbbell and then lowering slowly until at the bottom, then pressing, lowering slowly, etc.

    Are you doing any overhead pressing or work? I'd stop, that's just me. I only work overhead when I'm getting ready for a strongman competition and it's in the events, other then that, it's only brought me pain and suffering, studies show the risk far outweighs the gain from any overhead work.

    You've also got to take in to consideration, you just started lifting, your delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) will be greater since you're just starting out.

    So i'm going to try the shower thing a few days ago i did a major core workout....The next day i felt fine didn't feel anything ...by the third day my mid-section is sore and when i sneeze it hurts..lol.That or i'm trying the tylenol muscle relief cream. Its just wierd it took a couple days to kick in.

  12. I guess I'll jump in here, even though I haven't been sleeved yet (I will be in April) I had to be put on a diet to lower my BMI. I started at 422 and I'm now down to 368 since Nov.12, 2012. So the first pic was taken Nov 12, and the after was taken this morning. I hope you don't mine me posting since I haven't been sleeved yet.


    I'm excited for you :D at my heaviest i weight 415...got down to 395 when i started meeting with my doctor...and 355 before surgery..now i'm 203 2 years post-op. Hope that gives you something to look foward to. CONGRATS

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