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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by hattie55

  1. I too am not to drink milk for 10 days since I had an intolerance to it my very first shake I made. My dr said I hv to build my flora back up so im taking 2 probiotic balls 2x a day. And I LOVE MILK! Booo...it may not be permanent so I am praying to 'get milk' again!

    I was not allowed to touch milk for first two weeks. Now I can, and thankfully doing good.

  2. In less than 24 hours I will be getting ready to embark on a new adventure. I truly can't believe this is happening! At first I thought I wouldn't be able to do it, you know the whole lifestyle change but here I am stepping out on faith. God has been so good to me and I know He will continue to do so. I just pray that He continues to watch over me tomorrow and allow me to have a speedy and healthy recovery. I also pray that He watches over all of you guys as you embark on your journey. March 12...my reset day! I promise to make all my friends and family proud of me and to not waste my blessing. Moreover, I promise myself that I will never abuse you the way I have for so many years! Never again! Well, wish me luck. :D

    One day at a time, Sweet Jesus! Praying for you.

  3. I was STARVING from day 4-10 or so. It was so bad I cried. Yeah, I cried from hunger. Not my cutest moment. But my surgeon said it's common and that it would pass; and guess what...it did! Now, 6 weeks out, I get hungry some but not that grueling stomach eating itself feeling. He said that may be a result of the inflammation causing your stomach to move/grind a lot. Best of luck!

    Thank-You for sharing that so now I know I am not alone in feeling THE SAME WAY.

  4. I want real food. Still on liquids 10 days post op. Taking little sips is kind of depressing b/c I can't just have a drink and be ok. No I have to swallow and wait to see if its too much and then sip and wait,sip and wait. I hope and pray we can drink and eat food a little better or I just can't say its worth it if the focas on life is still FOOD. Yes I miss food.

  5. I'm 1 week and 3 days post op and the smell of food still makes me sick. I am having trouble getting in my liquids and the Protein Shakes make me nauseated really bad.

    Today I've had 24 oz Water, 8 oz skim milk, 8 teaspoons total of cream of wheat (made with skim milk & Splenda) I will try more chicken broth tonight, but so far everything makes me sick.

    I am jealous! I am still on Clear Liquids 10 days post op. Oh well, a few more days and I can have one egg. Whoop eeee

  6. Hello everyone. I was sleeved on the 4th and was feeling really good this morning but I think I overdid it today and am really exhausted. Went to costco today and got their ready to drink Premier Protein drinks in chocolate and I love them. Way better than the chocolate muscle milk whey powder I had to mix. I've been good on getting my Protein in but not so good on Water, I definitely need to step that up. I weighed myself today and I am down 11 lbs from surgery date...amazing! It kind of makes being totally miserable with these clear liquids worth it. Best of luck to you all.

    I was sleeved on the 4th. I'm having very little pain but the acid reflux is on level 10. My incisions are starting to itch. Im getting my water in but not much else and I can really tell this is causing me to be very weak. I cant stand the protein power, pudding, or Jello. I pray I can get past this stage very soon!

    try protein so you heal. I hate it too.

  7. Hi , just stopping by to tell you, your ok and to get UP out of that bed. WALK, WALK, WALK, SIP, SIP,SIP. And every hour gets better but its work you don't really FEEL like it b/c you just had surgery but make short goals. Every time you walk, you did something to help your body heal. Every time you sip and not gulp, your helping your body heal.

    I am one week out TODAY. Don't look too far ahead just each day . I feel GOOD now. And you will too. I think the anesthesia was awlful and the pain med was too strong because I couldn't wake up.

    Hang in there! Your not alone! :)

  8. I am 6 days to surgery and very emotional. Excited, scared. I have always been afraid of addiction and I know lots of people who are addicted to all sorts of things. My addiction is food, of course. I find that I am eating more thinking " this is the last time, and what will I do when I don't have that whole comfort and calm that is instant relief". Ha but I know that I know the comfort is only for a little while and the thing that was bothering you still needs to be addressed. I know that the learning to cope without food is a process, just like becoming dependent on food was a process.

    New tools to learn. Keeping my hands busy during stress? I am so glad to be able to come here and use the keyboard! Maybe I can learn a new hobby? hmmm ( yeah, eating very sneakily became mine) And maybe I will feel like MOVING more often in the evenings. I am on my feet all day at work but when my back stops hurting and joints stop hurting.....ohhhh what a day!

    There is so much good to look forward too! Thanks for listening fellow sleevers and if I ramble b/c of the anticipation, at least I'm not shoving food in my mouth! lol

  9. I am excited also. It's just sort of starting to hit me that it's two weeks away from happening.

    I don't have any pre op diet to do but liquids post op and my surgery date is Feb 28, 2013.

    Anticipation......I bought 2 cases Isopure in glass bottles and I have two giant containers of powder Protein. now to get sugar free ice pops, Jello, ..... whats the reason to drink the Protein prior? to promote healing? wow so excited to begin to see HEALTHY!

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