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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cristin

  1. Cristin

    HELP! Decline in vision

    Diabetes is what I'd been thinking too, but I'm no doctor, it's just something that ties weight and vision together. Let us know what you find out, and inquire about blood sugar. Maybe there's a hormonal imbalance causing it...
  2. Are you sure you are eating slowly enough? Eggs make me sick at 4 weeks post op if I don't eat slowly enough. But tiny bites and lots of chewing and they go down just fine.
  3. Cristin

    3 month follow up today..

    I would up the calories by adding healthy fats. Add avocado or homemade guacamole to your snacks. Eat salmon. Peanut butter (homemade is best, if you can get raw peanuts and a food processor).
  4. Call them! Don't by any means just wait blindly. It would make it so much harder.
  5. Cristin

    3/12 sleever

    Don't compare yourself to other people! Our bodies, ages, genders, and even technical surgery details are all different. People who lose faster will probably hit more plateaus than slower losers. And logically, losing more than 2-3lb a week is kind of unrealistic if your BMR is like 2,000 and you're only getting in 700-1000 calories a day. Just relax and stay on track. It will take a long time. Don't sabotage yourself by letting in thoughts telling you you're losing too slowly.
  6. I take a multivitamin 2x daily, Iron, Vitamin D, and calcium 2x daily. I will probably add a B complex if my doc says the multivitamin doesn't have enough B Vitamins. And maybe Biotin. I don't think it's necessary until my hair starts falling out, and I'm only 1 month post op.
  7. Cristin

    vomiting @ 6 weeks

    Phew so glad you are OK!!
  8. Cristin

    All Checked In

    It's the worst. When I woke up all the gas made me feel awful. Hang in there. It's going to be a rough first couple of weeks, but it really does get better every day.
  9. Ghrelin is only one of multiple hormones that signal hunger, according to my surgeon. While medicine still doesn't entirely understand the complexity of how all the hormones in the stomach function, it's safe to say your sense of hunger will be different (in my case less intense and harder to identify) but certainly still there.
  10. Just got my hospital bill. I had zero complications and was in the hospital two nights. In the US. The surgery itself was $29,000. Anesthesia, OR fees etc., made up the remainder. It's incredible how much money it is. In my research I read on some sites that people only paid $15,000 for everything (and in the US, like me)... So anybody who is thinking of self-financing in the US, be CAREFUL and don't trust everything you read online. I've yet to see how much my insurance will cover (they did approve me, but who knows what the final bill will ever be with insurance companies).
  11. Cristin

    vomiting @ 6 weeks

    Try eating really slow and chewing the heck out of everything. That has always helped me.
  12. Cristin

    vomiting @ 6 weeks

    Pammycakes I know what you mean! I've done the same thing.
  13. Cristin

    vomiting @ 6 weeks

    Any changed in what you're eating?
  14. Cristin

    Exercise how soon?

    2 weeks for me. He cleared me for any and everything.
  15. Hey gang - I'm 15 days post op and just started the Puréed stage. I'm aware of and have been using peanut butter powder, but what about actual peanut butter? Is that ok to eat, if I use the natural no-added sugar or salt kind?
  16. Cristin

    Peanut Butter in Pureed Stage?

    Awesome! Good to know. Hopefully it will sit well with me too.
  17. Cristin


    Get ready for a crazy adjustment period. You'll probably feel some buyer's remorse the first couple days; most of us do. Just keep reminding yourself you'll feel better and closer to normal in a month or two. Good luck!
  18. I got the smack down today too haha. I'm glad I'm not the only one getting chastised by her medical team. Well "glad" might not be the right word...
  19. I think I'm finally over the toughest part of post-op recovery. I'm at 2 weeks tomorrow, the 27th of March. Phew.

  20. I'm 11 days post op and just today it started to hurt when I breathe in any deeper than usual. No fever, no cough. The pain is like pressure squeezing my chest. It's located in the center of my chest and I can feel it through to my back. This makes me think something is going on with my lungs. I'm going to call my doc Monday, but I'm a bit scared right now. Has anyone else experienced something similar? What was it? Thank you all
  21. Cristin

    Scary Chest Pain

    Thanks for all your input, gang. I did end up going to the ER. After a whole day of testing they concluded that it was probably indigestion... But they didn't have a definitive answer. Not looking forward to that bill haha. Ugh.

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