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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Taradawn15

  1. I am six months out and am kinda feeling similar, I found these Pure Protien bars at costco and Target. They have 20gs Protien and only 2 grams sugar but are about 200 calories. I think they are tasty and really fill me up. I would give them a try, I actually keep some in my car to prevent me from eating junk food when I'm out and get hungry.

  2. I'm am almost exactly 6 months out, I was sleeved Oct 16th 2012. I got stuck about a month ago, I upped work out and intensity and I cut back my food intake a bit and started paying super close attention to my intake again. It started back up, however what I have noticed is that I'll lose 5-7 pounds and then sit at that weight for a week to 10 day nd then ill drop a bunch another 5 pounds. So it's still coming off, it's just a bit diff now, I'm ok with it as long as it keeps coming off. Good luck and don't give up.

  3. Hey Ladies,

    Yesterday was my 6 months anniversary, I have lost about 80 pounds and have bout 30 more to go. My husband is in the Army and left on a year long tour to Korea when I was about 10 weeks out from surgery. He comes home in middle June for a few weeks vacation, and I am so nervous about it. I have lost a lot of weight since he left, about 50 pounds, however I'm not so nervous about that, it's all my extr skin. In clothes I can hide all this extra flappy skin I have everywhere, I feel good and confident in my clothes, however in the bedroom, undressed there is no hiding it and I am so uncomfortable and nervous by it. I should say that I have an amazing husband who has loved me through everything, didn't care when I was overweight and has never made me feel bad about myself, so I know the worry has more to do with my own internal thoughts than with my husband, just wondering if anyone else has felt this way and how you overcame it. Thanks

  4. I was just at the nutritionist last week and asked her that same question. She told me to stick with 800 calorie a day goal. She did suggest for me to have a Gatorade at the gym, which is hard for me because I do a low carb/sugar eating plan but because that I need the extra carbs she said during workouts. I hope that helps, I was super concerned myself before I saw her last week because sometimes my calorie intake was actually less than what I burned so I was in the negative at the end of the day. She told me for now not to worry. Good luck

  5. I haven't read through all the comments so maybe someone already said this, but I thnk everyone says this! I am 6 months out and am just learning how to balance my love of the kitchen and food. In my house when we socialize, chat, comfort each other it always happens in the kitchen. I am glad to say that is still the case in my house. However if my friends/family/kids or whoever is snacking a dim not hungry I drink a nice cup of flavorful tea or lemonade. Also I love to spend time cooking and baking with my kids and family members, so I found all kinds of super healthy recipes we make instead of the old Cookies and cakes, also we bring baked goods to friends and family a lot as a surprise gift just to say we where thinking of you. It took the first 5 months for me to find a balance and not feel kinda sad in the kitchen. I'm so happy that I was able to keep my kitchen bliss

  6. I was getting light headed often, and fainted walking at the Zoo a few weeks ago. I did have to up my Water intake. And now I pay a lot of attention to by body for signs of over doing it. I also make sure I eat and drink before I go to the gym. Plus I keep healthy Snacks in my purse at all time! For me the biggest problem was water, I have to really think about my water intake. I have a few other issues that kinda add to it but if you are in tune with what your body is telling you then you won't have a problem. I go to the gym 6 days a week and have never fainted at the gym. Good luck and enjoy the gym, I love it!

  7. Hey fellow Oct Sleevers, I had an appt yesterday and I am under 30 BMI, which means i am no longer in the obese range, 80 pounds down and I am feeling good. I went to buy me myself a congrats pair of pants and guess what I fit nicely into a size 10! WHAT, I started at a 24/26 and now can fit into a 10! Yay I am so excited, how are you all doing? Here's some before and after pictures!post-47169-13813664423485_thumb.jpg4 years agopost-47169-13813664422051_thumb.jpg1 year agopost-47169-13813664423871_thumb.jpg1 month agopost-47169-13813664424739_thumb.jpgyesterday

  8. I had a similar thing happen as I moved shortly after my surgey and had a very hard time getting into the weightless clinic near me. So I saw my primary care doctor instead. She had never even heard of the Sleeve and said that's most likely because its just another fad that would end up in me gaining all my weight back. I was mad and saw a diff doctor. The other doctor was very supportive and reminded me that getting the sleeve is just a tool in my weight loss goal and if I work hard with my sleeve I can easily achieve and maintain my goal and I think she's right. I am only 6 months out, but have already made major lifestyle changes to accompany my sleeve and I know I can stick with them. This is going to be a lasting change for me and I will be happy to prove that first Doctor wrong!

  9. For the first time in a few months I am just not hungry at all. It's 630 pm and I've only had Water today! Is it ok to go a day or two without eatting. I was super busy running around today that I didn't get to the gym so I'm thinking its probably ok today. Have any of you ever felt like this, just wondering if its normal!

  10. I think it's super normal also, before I used to LOVE not just food but cooking also. I am just about 6 months out and still have to force myself to eat on a regular schedule. However I did just recently get my enjoyment of cooking back. I'm having a lot of fun learning how to adapt some of my fav foods to a new healthier versions. It took awhile but I am finally starting to feel pretty normal, I'm sure you will get into your new groove soon.

  11. Also, I am post surgery. 5 months out. I feel like I drink enough, maybe even more than I need to, between 60 and 70 and day, lol I am constantly peeing. I did just see a doc today but can't see MY surgeon tll my last surgeon sends them my files, and as I am dealing with military hospitals I may actually end up having to fly up and hand carry them, which is completely my fault for not doing in the first place! Anyways I hope I answered everyone's questions. Thanks again.

  12. My blood pressure and sugar are both great. At my last appt they had me monitor my sugars and those are really good. Both times I fainted I was on my period and it was after I turned my head quickly. The dizziness is an on and off again thing, not all day but several times a day. It happens most often when I turn or make a sudden movement.

  13. I have been having frequent dizzy spells and have fainted 2 times in the last month. I have not been able to see my surgeon because I moved and am having trouble getting my last surgeon to send my files. I see a nutritionist in 2 weeks. But today my doc said she's sure I've got vertigo. Has anyone ever developed this after being sleeved. I am 5 months out and doing ok otherwise. It just seems so random to me. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

  14. I am 5 months out and only ever got sick once. I have never gotten that stuffed feeling so far ever. Which is I guess actually kinda sucky because I have to pay really close attention to how much I eat to make sure I am not over eating. I can't complain through, I'm down 78 pounds and only have 25-30 to go. Just have to figure out how it's going to work for you. Good Luck

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