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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Taradawn15

  1. I got a cheap flyer in the mail one day selling miracle bath fat puller. Apparently, you put this stuff in the bath Water and it pulls the fat out of your body, 20-30 pounds in 20 minutes. It had a drawn picture of a fat body-before, and a skinny body-after. I guess you'd have to call a plumber afterward to unclog your fat clogged drain. I was amazed to think that some people would actually believe this malarky.

    People fill in the gaps in their knowledge with imagination. Politicians count on it. They insinuate and let you do rest in your mind. Facts are secondary to effect.

    If you feel so inclined you may destroy their ignorance with fact. Be aware that some folks prefer imagination regardless of it's proximity to reality.

    Lol I'm not a bath person but I will become one! I love your lst sentence and feel like it is so true.

  2. Very few people in my life know I had this surgery, this is why! I was out with a friend who did know about my surgery and she actually said to me I wish I was lucky enough to have that surgery so I could just sit on the couch, eat whatever I want and still just have weight fall off me! Apparently she think I sit at home all day a weight just magically falls off my body! Yes, I will say during the first few months it kinda felt like that, expect for the eating part because i still cant tolerate many food and most likely never will. I have lost over 100 pounds. However after I lost my first 40 pounds I stalled majorly, which thankfully is when I started coming on here and getting advice and encouragement. However to kick up my weight loss I joined a gym, which I go to 5 days a week and work my butt off, I count every calorie (except during my vacation:-/) I have worked very hard at switching my whole family to a REAL FOOD diet, almost no processed foods in our house. To be honest I have been working at this lifestyle to make it work best for me, that's not even taking into account all the mental aspects of dealing with my old food habits and food addiction and getting to the root of those issues so I don't repeat my history. I couldn't believe she said that, it made me wonder how many people really believe this lie and it made me so mad. Fortunately it was just the two of us and I was able to take some time to let her know that it's not that easy. Has this ever happened to any of you? How did you handle it? It made me so mad, but it also made me wonder if I made the right decision not telling people, part of me is glad because I'm less likely to end up in that same situation, however the part of me thinks if I did let people know it would open me up to being able to have these honest real conversation with people. Any ways guess I just wanted to get that off my chest.

  3. Oh my gosh, you girls are making me so jealous I went from very perky DDD to old lady boobs that are now a B! Seriously I'm only 28 and I think after I'm past my year mark a boob job may be in the near future! However from back in my bigger days I loved Lane Bryant bras and the sales ladies whe always super nice and measured me perfectly!

  4. I have military insurance (tricare) an I just found out last week that I could even have the surgery and my first appointment is August 7th

    I had my sleev done through tri care at Ft Lewis. It took me about 3 months to meet all the requirements and schedule my appt. that being said ft Lewis serves a about of military and the bariatric program actually had a waiting list. Once I got through the waiting list part it took me about 6 weeks to get in all required apps and do a 4 week food journal that I was required to do before hand.

  5. I have never had back problem before, which I know is very fortunate. About 4 months ago I started getting numbness in my back and it has recently changed from that to pain. I was referred to physical therapy but after 3 months there is no change. I know have a referral to ortho. My physical therapist wondered if it was from the rapid weight loss. I scheduled at appt with my surgeon but can't see him till sept. Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this or any similar issues. My thoughts are it may be less about the rapid weight loss and more about the fast return to exercise. Ant thoughts would be greatly appreciated, I'm not looking for a diagnose or anything just kinda wanna know if anyone has experienced this.

  6. I am so excited about finally actually feeling confident making long term fitness goals so I am going to start with a YYYAAAAAAAYYYYY to all of us!

    1. Make it through my spin and circuit class without feeling like I'm going to die!

    2. Build strength in core

    3. Work on endurance

    4. Run a 5k in dec 2013

    5. 3 marathons in 2014

    6. Train for triathlon

    7. Complete at least 2 triathlons

    8. Coach my daughters soccer team again!

  7. Girl I'm sitting here eating boiled chicken and plain veggies and you talk to me about OREOS!!

    My favorite all time cookie! :P

    Looking good (but even your dress now reminds me of Oreos) :D

    I found a super yummy cookie recipe on Pinterest that's a pumpkin and almond butter cookie, plus I add my vanilla Protein powder. It's high in Protein and only makes about 10 Cookies. I add dark chocolate chips and they are amazing. In case you need a go to recipe!

  8. So the scale is SLOWWWWLY moving again!! My workload is so heavy right now, I truly can not exercise the way I used to. So I am being extra vigilant with my food intake. I am being a good girl with my Protein, Water, and Vitamins. But I also had some Oreo Cookies today (4 of them) :ph34r: ......Pray for me.......

    P.S Still on the fence about getting the Sleeve?! DO IT ASAP!!! you can thank me later :)

    Lol, I love you P.S. and completely agree with it! You look amazing, and great job keeping it up.

  9. Can't say I even desire eating pizza. maybe the cauliflower crust one when I get to goal. It's probably best to avoid such high calorie filled foods until you are in maintenance stage or you're going to defeat the purpose having VSG. Think healthy.

    So.... No, in my book it's not normal to eat an entire slice.. Whether you can.. I guess that's up to you

    After reading this post it made me want pizza, lol! So I went out got some cauliflower and made this cauliflower crust pizza, let me tell you it was amazing. I was super satisfied with 1 piece. I loaded it with Protien, veggis and little cheese. Made a pesto sauce to put on it. Just saying when your ready to try pizza the auliflower crust one is good and my piece was about 110 calories and 12g Protein.

  10. At nine months out I can eat 1 slice of thin crust pizza, though I normally choose not to, and if I do I can not eat anything else. That's MY normal, we all have a diff normals, and choose diff things for what we will and won't eat.

  11. Was thinking of this today.

    Get an empty two liter plastic bottle and fill it with Water. Take it to the sink and turn it over and squeeze. A bunch of Water will come out quickly. Now stop squeezing and watch what happens. Water stops coming out and the bottle tries to regain its shape. Once it regains the shape, water will start coming out again.

    That's exactly what is happening when you have a stall. That's why you'll see the measuring tape change even if the scale isn't. Your body is just catching up and redistributing before it starts again.

    What a great way to think about it, thanks for sharing!

  12. I know it, I think I do the same thing now that you mention it....and YES, we do have "fat" days. I remember how I'd want to roll my eyes when a thin person would feel fat or have a 'fat day'. I would think "GIVE ME A BREAK"

    Now I get it!!!! No matter what size we are, we do have 'off' days when we don't feel up to par and it's ok!!!!

    Always feels nice to know we are not going it alone, there are others dealing with the same issues.

  13. The most exciting thing happened yesterday and I became so excited about the rest of my healthy life. I raced my 3 year old son to the mail box and back home. Yes this sounds silly but before there is no way I would have run in public. Yesterday I did it without even a second thought. We used to go on family walks and I would walk behind everyone and watch my husband chase around our kiddos and watch them giggle at him as they chased him down. Now I finally get in on the action. Being overweight I was to scared to go to Disneyland with them because I didn't know if it was safe to ride. I am going to plan a Disneyland trip for Christmas this year and guess what I will be going with my family! It really is the small victories that have made this journey so worth it and that I believe will help to keep me on track in the long run. I am so excited that my kids will hopefully grow up and remember me as being Active part of there childhood, a mom who goes out and helps them practice there new sport and so many more new adventures we will share! NO MORE WATCHING FROM THE SIDELINES FOR ME!

  14. I have very little sag, my arms is my only issue. The running has tightened everything else up nicely :D I am leaning toward fatigue being my issue! Even being 6 months out I still have trouble getting enough calories and now I have added running! I am working on getting the calories and the fluids down! That is what I mean by post sleeve life! Eating and drinking have not come easy to me so yes my daily life is still consumed with it. I hope this all makes some sense!

    I am 9 months out and still have 1 Protein smoothie everyday and once or twice a week I add in a Protein Bars. Post life is diff for everyone. A lot of people get mad when they hear other complaining this far out about having a hard time eating enough as they are fighting the opposite battle, but that is still a struggle for me. I just came off a month long vacation and I didn't pay much attention to my eating. Most days I was only able to get in about 500 calories when I wasn't really thinking about my eating. This may be a life long issue for me anyways just wanted to let you know that your not alone in that struggle, by the way great job so far!

  15. Just my opinion, but I think younger people with less weight to lose have less of a battle with saggy skin than my 50 year old self. Sure exercise helps and there are perfect examples of VST people here. But I'll take the sagging skin and any plastic surgery if i feel I need it down the line over my former 416 pound self wondering how long i can stand the arms of the chair digging into my thighs at the doctors office.

    I am only 28 and exercise 5 to 6 days a week and I still have a ton of saggy skin, so I don't know how much age has to do with it.

    Also for me the bedroom is a very scary place, with clothes on I feel amazing and great about the work I've put in to get to where I am now. Get me undressed and alone and it is not the same story, apparently I have body issues I never knew about. Also I am a bit more fragile than I was before so when my husband was home briefly we had to re learn how we could both enjoy ourselves in new ways. It's a fresh start and we all kinda have a new learning curb for our new bodies. Don't give up and don't feel bad. However I would go to the doctor, I struggled with no sex drive severely after having one of my children and it wasn't a hormone thing is was my head having a hard time adjusting to my new rolls in life and new prioritys. The doc gave me some meds to help well I went to counseling to help sort everything out. Keep at it and keep lines of communication open with your partner that way they know what's going on and don't blame themselves.

  16. I feel like if I eat right 90% of the time it's ok to have that small slice of cake, or scoop of ice cream. I honestly just had a bad month :-/ I didn't over eat but I did not eat healthy nor did I meet my Protein goals. But today's a new day and I eat right and feel great. In my option as long as you keep at it that's all that really matters.

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