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Ginger Baby

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Ginger Baby

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    Cooking, travelling
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  1. Ginger Baby

    Buddy needed

    Yesterday and today went well... Thank you! Potassium on the low end of normal so we have to continue to monitor this. I even managed to "eat" a 1/2 can of chicken broth without incident Had a one on one with my nutritionist, NP, and a hospital employee that had the surgery 3 years ago. I picked up a few pointers, so we will see. Got enough energy for house work tonight, so happy!
  2. Ginger Baby

    Buddy needed

    No, no, no... not going to try.
  3. Ginger Baby

    Buddy needed

    Have been "forcing" myself to drink since surgery, even in hospital . Went to the hospital today, labs horrible! Received 2 liters of Lactated Ringers, 40mEq KCL IV, Protonix IV, Reglan IV, Zofran IV... feel like a new girl! Get to go back tomorrow and Thursday for a repeat, I'm looking forward to it
  4. Ginger Baby

     Any 11/15 Sleeves? 

    Sleeved Nov 15 in Chicago. Not doing well... headed back to hospital for admission AGAIN tomorrow. Glad you girls are doing well
  5. Ginger Baby

    Buddy needed

    Thank you for the words of encouragement and the prayers! I need to be clear that I am NOT eating or drinking which is causing me the worry and fatigue. I have no desire to eat or drink. Unfortunately, I will be admitted into the hospital at 0830 tomorrow for IV hydration and potassium replacement... again. I don't know what the answer is. I will keep smiling because the best is yet to come.
  6. Ginger Baby

    Buddy needed

    I am trying to remain positive, but I keep finding myself saying "I wish I had not done this". I was "sleeved" on November 15, 2012 at a prestigious Chicago hospital. I have been nothing but sick since the surgery. Everything from DVT (blood clot), pneumonia, hypokalemia, wound infection, dehydration and so on and so forth... I am in the hospital weekly. I am tired! I cannot tolerate the protein drinks (vomiting), so I've been "eating" chicken broth since discharge. I had to be admitted for severe dehydration and hypokalemia, so I'm now drinking V8 for calories, Gatorade, water, and chicken broth. I'm always nauseated, with some vomiting, even while taking Prevacid and Zofran around the clock. I think all of this is causing some depression, I've stopped "eating". I didn't post this to make anyone question the decision to sleeve, I think it's a great option for people like us. I'm looking for some pointers, a forum, a mentor/buddy to get me through the next 5 weeks. I will keep smiling because I know the best is yet to come... but it's hard.

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