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Taylor Webster

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Taylor Webster

  1. I am 7 pounds from ONEderland.

    I am at the beach and wearing a tankini and look GOOD!

    I am doing great at getting my Water and protein!

    I am only 37 pounds from my goal.

    I put on a size 12 pair of shorts yesterday.

    I got hit on by an attractive stranger last night.

    and people think my scars are freckles!!

    This was the best decision I have ever made. I have spent all morning sobbing out of happiness. I never thought this would work out. I still doubted myself, but for the first time in my life I don't feel like food controls me. I am more confident. I feel beautiful. I am so happy!!!


  2. The way certain things taste definitely changed for me. It has been a great thing for me though. I used to really hate a lot of vegetables and love the artificial sugary stuff. now I crave vegetables a lot and anything that has a lot of chemicals or artificial flavors tastes terrible. It is pretty great to not like the things that could get me into trouble.

  3. So excited, because this morning when I looked in the mirror while brushing my teeth I saw my collar bones for the first time in my entire life!!!! :D

    I am 3 months post op and have lost 58 pounds. I am so beyond excited. I started in a 22 jeans and a 2x top. I now wear a 14/16 and a xL.

    This surgery was the best thing I have ever done for myself! Here is a picture to show how far I have come. I still have a lot to work on, but I am so happy to be where I am now. :rolleyes:


  4. I am almost 6 weeks out and I feel like this was all for nothing. I think I am failing. I am hardly eating anything and yet the scale hasn't changed in 3 weeks. My measurements haven't changed either. I am so tired all the time. I wake up thinking about the next time I can sleep. I am just so sick of following the rules and nothing happening. I know its probably just a stall so I tried upping my calories. It didn't work. I tried going on a runs that made my whole body ache everyday. Nothing changed. I tried getting more Water and Protein. Still the scale wont budge. Yesterday I drank 4 Protein Shakes and drank 50oz of water. Because of all the protein shakes I didn't eat anything. I should be losing! I don't know what to do, but I am feeling hopeless. I am regretting ever doing this. Someone please just tell me what to do?

  5. I hate it when people act like surgery is the easy way out! My family is always saying things like "if you would just exercise and not take the easy way" and "You have to put in the work in to get results". We are still doing the work. Its not like we wake up and the weight is gone. This is a hard journey and it takes everything you have got to get through this. It just makes me mad to hear that when I am struggling with this.

  6. I am 6 days post op and have had the weirdest problem. Every time I take a shower, I feel dizzy, light-headed, confused, short of breath. Its like if I don't lay down, I will pass out. I am usually fine the first 5 minutes or so then all the sudden I feel tired, confused, sometimes my vision even gets blurry. I usually have to just get out of the shower, done or not, and lay down on the bathroom floor. It scares the crap out of me. Has anyone else experienced this or know what this could be?

  7. My parents both think I am lazy and making a mistake. I guess I just let it get to me sometimes. I am shocked that I went from a chubby 10 year old to a morbidly obese 18 year old. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. This is just the final straw for me. I am just feeling sorry for myself. I will get through this. One day I will feel, look, and be better than I ever imagined.

    Thanks for the pep talk! That was just want I needed to get me going.

    And Dreamingofhealth you WILL get here one day, too. I am sorry you have to wait, but the wait will be worth it!

  8. I am having surgery January 9th, and I feel like crying... I don't know why.

    I feel disappointed in myself for letting my weight get this out of control. I can't believe that I am 18 years old about to have bariatric surgery. I am in a panic about it. I know most people are excited or nervous, but I just feel pathetic. I know it will pass and in the long run I will be glad I did it. I should be happy, because I am going to get to live like I never have before.But, right now, I feel worse about myself than I ever have.

    Is this normal? Has anyone else felt this way? how long till it passes?

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