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Blue Star Mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Blue Star Mom

  1. When I was a slim teenager I so wished for the enormous boobs I have now. Who knew I'd have to gain 100lbs to get 'em. My large belly cancels out the big full breasts. Ha! I know they will deflate to a full C if I get back to my ideal weight and I will be soooooo happy with that!

  2. The 8th is almost here! I am excited for all of us!! I am doing the "nervous / anxiety" type stuff right now - like cleaning my room, closet, bathroom (want it all to be comfortable for me when I get back from hospital). Organizing like crazy - reminds me of when I nested before my kids were born...lol - I guess this the new "birth" - just delivering a stomach instead of a baby...lol!!!!

    LOL Im doing the same thing! I'm so anxious I'm not even hungry.

  3. God please have mercy :( after sooo many issues finally my surgery is set for Monday and I am sick, have headache, cough and I think a little fever. Please pray I will get better by Monday Morning. Thanks guys.

    Oh I so know how you feel. My surgery is on Tuesday and I've got the cough and congestion thing. Ive been surrounded by sick people at work and home. Dammit!

    My doctor didnt ban Vitamins pre surgery so I am doubling down on Vitamin C. What else to do?

  4. Ok question? Im scheduled for surgery Jan7 after looking over my info packet I notice I should have been taking a lot of Vitamins b1 B12 Calcium multivitamin etc 1 wk ago I just started yesterday. ..will they cancel my surgery??

    I dont think your surgery will be canceled, but you should start taking the vitamins right now. My doc didnt mandate vitamins pre surgery, just post surgery.

    I don't usually take vitamins at all, but started taking a multi, and extra Vitamin C to see how my stomach would handle it. Vitamins have always upset my stomach so I was worried how I would handle it post surgery. Sure enough it was bad for about 10 days and then it gradually went away! Im happy I did it and now take my vitamins regularly.

    Tbaby - I think you're going to be fine :) Get those vitamins in!

  5. Im jan7 start my preop New Years Eve! Ok have any of you sleevers considered not going through with the surgery? I got a family member who is kinda a complainer hypochondriac and scary cat all in one who work in the hospital. (SO DO I) anyway she keep telling me that all these Nurses have concerns about this procedure.But never really say what the concerns are.How do u deal with this issue?

    Surprisingly I haven't had anyone say anything negative. But I've only told my immediate family and a couple of close friends. I guess if someone keeps telling you about their concerns, try to get down to specifics. The research the issue to understand it. Have a frank discussion with your family about it and ask for their support.

    Personally if my family didn't support me in this I would not talk to them about it at all. Surround yourself with positive supportive people, see if your doctor have a support group you can join. My doctor has support group meetings once a week.

    Hang in there.

  6. Blue star mom, me too!!!! Oh my gosh I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one. I have 10 people in my house. 5 grown kids, 2 grand kids, a friend of my sons and my husband and I. It seems like somebody has been sick for the last few months. I had a dry cough yesterday a couple of times. Just a little tickle in my throat and I'm freaking out! I am taking robitussin daytime and instead of adding crystal light to my Water I'm adding airborne, just to try and cover my bases. I really wish I could go into hibernation for the next 2 weeks! So scared my surgery is gonna get cancelled.

    Funny you mentioned wanting to hibernate because I had the same thought. :) I feel like Im obsessing about it.

  7. My surgery date is Jan 8th, I start the pre-op diet on Jan 1. I'm excited and scared, hoping for no complications. My biggest fear right now is being surrounded by friends, family and co-workers who have either a nasty cold or the flu!

    I know if I get sick before the surgery it will likely cause a delay. Anyone else concerned now that we're just days away from the big day?

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