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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by johnlatte

  1. i'm off 99% of the hbp, diabetes and cholesterol medicines. I can run unabated for 30 minutes and am training for a 5k in July, my first in 7 years. I have a bit of "payback" that I hope to get done in a week or so that will really be satisfying.

    There isn't too much bad that I can really get into. It is difficult to remember to eat at reasonable intervals. I still occasionally eat too fast and pay the price for that. The occasional stalls can be frustrating as well as slow weight losses. Overall I am pretty satisfied with what I've done. It has brought a frame work of discipline that I needed.

  2. I don't think many woman keep long toenails??

    I could be wrong.... But I always have them cut mine down short as possible when I get my pedicures..

    On that note I went and got a cheap pair of cross trainers today. I'm sure anything will be better than what I was wearing. And John if you read this quit laughing! :P

    Good for you Laura. I'm glad you got them.

  3. When you talk about losing weight, what you usually mean is slimming down. But slimming down doesn't always mean losing weight. I know that it sounds odd, but it's possible to get thinner without actually seeing the scale move. Typically this is going to happen when you lose body fat while gaining muscle. Your weight may stay the same, even as you lose inches, a sign that you're moving in the right direction. But, if the scale doesn't change, you may not even be aware that you're getting real results. What helps is you have clothes that you know are getting too big for you. I don't go by the scale as much as a I do with a tape measure and a body fat analyzer. Both tell me that I am leaner than I was before. Either way you are working your way to your goal...good job!

  4. Well...there's a couple of schools of thought. The liver does need to be shrunk so that the surgeon can maneuver around it to get to the stomach. Some don't seem to worry about it too much. The other thing is that many Drs. use it as a way to prep their patient for whats coming post op. It gets you mentally prepared for the weeks after surgery where you aren't going to be able to eat much of anything. Lastly, I think that it depends on how much weight needs to be lost. Drs. might put a heavier patient on a more restrictive diet to help them drop as many pounds as possible to better speed their recovery. Also a lot of the "rules" are hold overs from by pass surgery. When Drs. are talking about pouches and stretching that applies to by-pass surgery and not necessarily the sleeve. What would be great is if someone in the medical field would study this and come up with some real guidelines that would help Drs get more consistent.

  5. I saw somebody say Krispy Kreme and now I'm dreaming of donuts. I used to be able to eat a dozen...now I'm betting I can eat half of one cause its been so long.

    Doesn't have anything to do with people asking for absolution...but my name is Jacquelynn and I'm an addict. It's been 2 years since my last Krispy Kreme. *sits back down*

    A KK would put me in a serious coma...but man are they tasty.

  6. Okay, so that's not a bad shoe at all. It is for a neutral runner that doesn't pronate too much. Pronation means your foot is turned in a specific direction when you are walking or running. For example if you under pronate, think pigeon toed. If you over pronate, your toes are point at 10 and 2 (on a clock). Pronators tend to have more hip problems and need more stability in the foot. Do you have flat feet?

    The podiatrist could give you an idea of what orthotic might help based on your bunions and your knees. I really don't think that the shoes are the problem with your knees though. Maybe add a little more cushioning in the short term, that might help along with the ice.

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