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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by johnlatte

  1. I only used the liquid hydrocodone for a couple of days after I got home and mostly just to sleep. I sleep on my stomach and the staples were annoying. Other than that, and since then, I've been taking Tylenol just fine in the pill format.
  2. johnlatte

    Best tasting protein shakes?

    My favorite are the Premiers that come from Costco or Sam's Club. I don't do the powder ones. These aren't terribly sweet like muscle milk or the EAS ones that I've tried and the vanilla ones can be modified with a bit of sugar free syrups. I could practically live on them. If I could ever find the strawberry flavor, I'd be all over those. My have to break down one day and order them from the website.
  3. johnlatte

    So who's got the party today?

    Yea!! Superbowl Sunday...the biggest unofficial holiday of the year! Who's got a party going on? And who do you like for the big game? Since I am a fan of neither team, I'm going with the 49'ers. What's on your Superbowl menu for today (sleeve friendly I hope ) I'm making a little spicy gumbo in the slow cooker and some baked buffalo chicken strips and some home made pimento cheese to spread on veggies.
  4. You know, you start paying attention to the kids meals more now with the sleeve. I have never let my kids eat a kids meal. If it was some type of nugget and fries. I would always ask the server to put vegetables on the plate. Some times the server would get a bit snarky about it, but I would just mention that I didn't think letting an $60-$80 dollar tab + their tip go out the door over a hand full of fries. I typically split something with the wife, bring home the leftovers or just get an app.
  5. johnlatte


    I only crushed mine the first couple of days out of the hospital. Since then, I have swallowed everything whole. You might want to check with your Dr. though. Since everyone seems to have a different strategy.
  6. I agree with Cheri. My nut wants me eating 5-6 small meals of no more than a 1/4 at at time. I also forget to eat on time as well, but I do need to eat every 3 hours or so. Not sure about just eating 3 meals a day after being sleeved. I'm also on Nexium at least for the next month. I may keep that going though as it does help quite a bit.
  7. johnlatte

    How many calories do i need to eat?

    Your nutritionist should be giving you this information. There is no set rule for the number of calories that you need to consume. A lot of factors include your current weight, your level of activity and any co-morbities. For me I am at about 800 cals at 2 months out. I average around 600 as I really don't care that much about eating and a lot of times just forget.
  8. johnlatte


    with a straw you are getting in a lot of extra air and gets you fuller faster. I found this out the hard way and had terrible pains. Gave up the straw and haven't had problems since. Gum dunno, haven't chewed gum in 15 or 20 years so don't know about that one. But if works for you, then don't see a problem.
  9. johnlatte

    What are you guys eating ?

    Every surgeon does this differently and people do choose not to faithfully follow what they have been told. I've seen people here do solids two weeks out and wonder why it doesn't feel good. I was at 80% puree and 20% very soft like yogurts, humus, cottage cheese etc. The goal was let the stomach heal and not put pressure on the seam.
  10. johnlatte


    Don't decrease calories, if anything eat maybe 10-15% more for a short period time. Take a look at what you are eating. Watch the carbs, try eating some more complex type carbs it you can. Still get your liquids in
  11. johnlatte


    myfitnesspal website and apps. Tracks everything you want to know.
  12. Since everyone approaches weight loss differently, the amount and length of time would be difficult to gauge. Research has told me that about 80-85% weight loss is average. However, reaching goal weight (withing the ideal BMI range) is certainly possible. I am a slow loser and always have been, so my expectation is that it will take about 8 - 9 months to drop the 100lbs that I need to lose. Again everyone is different though.
  13. johnlatte

    Super Bowl Food Ideas

    I'm making buffalo chicken strips. Got my gumbo (since it is in nola) in the slow cooker now, and about to make some homemade pimento cheese for dipping veggies and pita chips...ymmmmmmmmmmm.
  14. johnlatte

    So who's got the party today?

    Sure -I've made these for years. you can play around with the sauces etc to come up with your own style. 1 to 1 1/4 pounds boneless chicken breast halves 1/2 cup Buffalo wing sauce, such as Frank's, (I use Franks and some chipolte tobasco) 1 1/2 cups panko crumbs if you don't want to use this, its okay it still works, but adds crunch 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes 1/2 teaspoon ground sweet paprika 3 tablespoons butter, melted ***Buffalo Aioli*** 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon finely chopped celery 2 teaspoons dill relish dash garlic powder 2 tablespoons Buffalo wing sauce or whatever hot sauce you like Preparation: Line a large baking sheet with foil. Spray with nonstick cooking or baking spray. Wash chicken and pat dry. Cut the chicken breasts crosswise into 1/2-inch strips. Put them in a food storage bag or bowl and toss with 1/2 cup of the wing sauce. Let stand for 15 minutes or marinate in the refrigerator for 30 to 45 minutes. Heat oven to 425°. Combine the panko crumbs, 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, parsley flakes, and paprika. Toss well to blend ingredients. Toss with 2 tablespoons of the melted butter. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until chicken is cooked through. Meanwhile, combine the mayonnaise, finely chopped celery, relish, a dash of garlic powder, and 2 tablespoons of the Buffalo wing sauce.(I use chipolte tobasco) Serve with the aioli for dipping. They are really really good.
  15. johnlatte

    Can I Ever Have A Diet Soda Again?

    That's kinda obvious, but a lot of people, myself included have a hard time letting go of things that have been habits for years and years. Sure there is little nutritional value in soda. But isn't always as simple as just quitting something cold turkey. Habits and food addictions are difficult and not as easily dismissed as saying "why is it important?" I myself, like many here was a huge diet soda drinker. I stopped as soon as I went full on pre-op. That's been a little over 2 months now, and yes, I would like to have a soda. But I also know that the benefits out weigh the rewards of drinking it. Is it easy? no it isn't but I am learning to cope and I may at some point try to sip one. We all have our demons when it comes to food otherwise, we wouldn't be how we are and we wouldn't be on this board. Healthy habits have to be learned just as the bad habits were learned. Some of us learn easy, some don't but in the end, we should all pick the path that works the best for us.
  16. I was sleeved on a Tuesday and was back in the gym on Monday. Did mostly walking on the treadmill, but slowly got back on the weights. Waited until my staples came out before I got back really into it. But there's nothing you can't do except lift a more that 5-10 pounds early on.
  17. I rarely have problems with liquids, but sometimes you get full fast and it's like a drain that won't clear really quickly.. I've basically retrained myself not to gulp. Its hard to do, especially when you've been working out or gotten really hot. What I do is swish before I swallow and that keeps me from gulping too fast. There have been times when I have totally forgotten that I have a sleeve and just get a big old gulp of something. Sometimes it is fine sometimes not so much.
  18. Outrigger if you are considering the surgery, i think you should keep doing the research. I don't necessarily think that this board is a good bell-weather one way or another. There are tons of success stories that probably never get posted here. It is really easy to post the negative stuff. The reality of it, is that it is major surgery and there obviously can be complications. But in my research (outside of this forum), is that the risks are fairly small. You certainly need to do a lot of research for Drs. hospitals etc. I didn't go with the first Dr I talked to about it. Just didn't seem to be the right fit for me. I really didn't even start reading boards and forums until I was ready to go. I never let the negative things posted here (or any board) sway me one way or another. I have found this board to be a good spot to research things, and I have tried to share my experiences, but I wouldn't let is sway me one way or another from the surgery. Just for the record, my surgery, like Franks, has been a breeze. I do follow exactly what my nutritionist says, I get my protein, take my vitamins etc. Never have I felt nauseous, or thrown up. Have lost 40lb since 11/20 surgery date. Would have liked to have lost a bit more, but have always been a slow loser so I just keep on working. I know that there are certain factions on this board that post pretty negative stuff. I rarely read that and try not to get pulled in. Almost every board has these types of people that don't seem to have enough going on in their world so they spend time posting a load of BS to bring people down to their miserable level. So, If you need real advice, there are lots of good people here that are extremely helpful but sometimes you have wade through the cow pies to get there. Hang in there, do you home work and I know that you are going to do just fine!
  19. I waited after the first week. Then I was good to go.
  20. nah, I think those folks spend too much time on the grumpy stick......
  21. Love me some Premiers. Wish I could find the strawberry flavor (its on their website). Would be good to whip up with some fruit in the blender.
  22. johnlatte

    Summer Cruise Anyone?

    LOVE Cruising!! We go just about every year and have cruised all over the world. This year we are heading to Alaska out of Seattle for an 8 day trip. Can't wait. Going to be all in shape and looking good! Won't be getting my drink on, but will still be having a great time Woohoo!
  23. johnlatte

    Couch to 5k

    Downloaded the app on my phone and started today. Day 1 was simple. Skin around my incisions was sore a bit from the running segments. Plan to stick with it and my 2013 goal is to run a 5k with my daughters, who are both competitive runners and run track. Used to run a lot before a broken foot and a ton of weight gain stopped me. Can't wait for the first race some time in future...wish me luck!
  24. Ask yourself why, you want to back out. Make a list of every thing about being heavy right now that you hate. Make another list of all the great things that you could be doing in a slimmer, healthier state. Go read the thread "What Straw Broke The Camel's Back". Have a real and honest conversation with yourself. Right now, you are taking years off your life, years that could be spent with family and loved ones. For what? For the love and comfort of food? I don't know you, and I am not judging you at all, but if you come through this as far as getting your date, then there's something there inside your head telling you that you need to do this. Will this process be easy? No, Will this process hurt? Most likely. Will this process be frustrating? Absolutely. Will this process be worth it? More than you could ever dream. You have the opportunity to make real, life altering changes in yourself. The surgery is only the very first baby step though. It is a tool that will open a door to places that you may have never been, a healthier, livelier you. I've been heavy 47 of my 55 years. I was probably going to die within 5 years. DIE as in permanently not breathing anymore. I had too much still to do. My bucket list is long and gets longer every day. I wish to the gods that I had done this 10-15 years ago, but now I am taking advantage of it. It has given me a whole new perspective on life, food, living etc. Everything that I knew in my head, I am now getting to put in place. One little act, of having this surgery has made a tremendous difference. YOU CAN DO THIS. You know that you can. One foot in front of the other, one baby step. We didn't get large and in charge in one day, and the surgery won't reverse in one day either, but you can do it! Hang tough!!

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