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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by toy27

  1. I understand how you feel so I am going to give you my little trick that helps me get through missing chewing regular food' date=' I did it with my band and now my sleeve. I "eat" what ever I am craving. I chew it in my mouth and then spit it out in the trash. I also have my Protein shake with me. I.chew and spit then take a sip of my shake. It tames my cravings, cheating without.cheating. I hope this helps you. Just do not swollow anything your not supposed to[/quote']

    Just wondering y u no longer wanted the band & how long u been sleeved I wanted the band but my doc said the sleeve was best 4 me now I'm having regrets I was 215pounds when I got sleeved on april 3rd

  2. One of the most difficult aspects of this whole deal is dealing with our heads. I often wish I could have brain surgery along with the VSg - to remove the portion of my brain that is addicted to food :) Take a deep breath and keep on going - eat for nutrition' date=' less for enjoyment, and learn to find enjoyment through other things - it is key to succeeding at this, and no it is not easy.[/quote']

    I agree it is very hard & I wish my brain would feel like my stomach not hungry

  3. I'm aware it was my choice to have the surgery and I reviewed the different types for 3 years before committing. Unfortunately' date=' nothing could have prepared me for what would occur post op. (Sleeved on the 22nd). I'm down 27lbs and I honestly could care less. I truly miss food...when I'm hungry I want to eat not sip. I feel like if I see another broth/ Soup I will off myself. Seriously, I do not see this getting any better. Plus, I fear the puree stage will look like baby vomit. Everyday I wake up praying I'm normal but come to the realization that I'm not and never will be. I just wish I was completely happy again BC I'm miserable.[/quote']

    I was sleeved april 3rd. Not hungry but my stomach growls sometimes like I am & I have head hunger while cooking 4 my fam or some1 eating something that's good that I can't eat I do regret this sleeve from time 2 time specially when I am missing my best friend (food) or thinking about the long term effect of having this surgery or what I'm gonna do when I get old and picky or just sometimes downing all these Vitamins I even cry at times but I sit back and close my eyes and say 2 myself I did this 4 a reason I wanna b happy & live longer 4 my fam plus my self esteem was gonna ruin my marriage if I didn't do something bout it yes I had a pretty face but a big body yes I was only 215pounds but 5foot 4 so 2 me I looked about 300pounds it is a struggle & my doc & nut made it seem so easy but its not all we can do is think positive and stay strong cause what's done is done & its no going back good luck & it do get better

  4. From what I was told it would make u healthier & better than losing and gaining over & over again that's y I did it & u can't take all our Vitamins at 1 time they say that's how u get deficiency because we can't absorb things the same because of 75 to 80% of our stomach was removed I think I need 2 go 2 one of these meetings because I'm really feeling some kind of way after she said we took 18years off our life if so we should've been told that I just pray 4 every1 & hope that I could b as happy as others on this forum I was only 215 pounds 5feet 4 when I got this done at the age of 35 I did this 2 b able 2. C my kids grow up not 4 them 2 plan my funeral

  5. I can relate. I am nearly 13 weeks out...woke up regretting it & still do. I had trouble with sleep at first' date=' but then, as I began exercising more I am back to sleeping like always. So, you may want to exercise more. I do have more energy now, so I don't sleep as hard or as long as I did before surgery. I don't mind the vitamins; I've taken Vitamins & supplements for years now since I first saw Dr. Oz on Oprah years ago. It may help to get one of those days of the week tray things & do them as soon as you get up in the morning. I haven't had the hair loss yet, but I know (and dread) it coming. I don't have a boyfriend, but I think my sex drive would be fine if I had a man! lol I haven't experienced in change in breakouts - maybe check with your nut or even a dermatologist to see what it is your body is needing to clear it up.

    I don't get in the fluids or Protein, either. Eating and drinking are still uncomfortable for me. It has gotten better, but it is still a struggle. I worry about the getting older, too. It freaks me out that I willingly cut 18 years off my life with this surgery, but I did it. I have to be accountable. And maybe the 18 yrs I have read about & been told about is wrong! At least, that is my hope!

    I truly get it. Don't let the sleeve cheerleaders who love their sleeve get you down with their comments or questions - because they don't get you & your situation....just take it day by day. It is getting easier for me to deal with this decision, maybe it will get easier for you, too.

    Best of luck to you.[/quote']

    Wow I didn't know the sleeve cut 18years off ur life omg something else 2 worry bout how did u find that out

  6. I'm really sorry to hear you're having so many troubles. You definitely sound depressed. I hope you are seeing someone regarding this. Nothing worth having ever comes easy. Just keep reminding yourself of that and this too shall pass. I've yet to be sleeved' date=' but did go through having a band placed and then emergently removed because of complications. Good luck![/quote']

    Thanks & I am thinking bout going 2 the support meeting maybe actually being around some 1 that's going through the same thing I am will help

  7. I hope this turns around for you. You have a gem of wisdom in your sorrow - you did this for good reasons. Your doc should not have made this seem easy' date=' because it is not. I have to say, I don't think mine did much better, but the nurse did. I also spoke to someone had it, so I had a better understanding of what life would be like. Even still, I do think I was a little surprised at how bad I felt for the first 6 weeks. But now I'm 82 pounds lighter, and I look and feel so much better than I have in a long time. I think once you start feeling better physically, it will get better for you - however, only if you change your attitude. Don't mean to sound harsh, but it what it is, and you can choose to focus on the negative or the positive. Try to focus on the positive. Sometimes we have to "fake till we make it" when it comes to that. Best of luck to you. (PS - I hate taking Vitamins, too. I feel like it's a full time job, lol. But you could get that B12 sublingual)[/quote']

    I try 2 think about the good but sometimes I just have those days when I feel scared and overwhelmed thinking about what am I gonna do when I get older what if I become really picky with eating then & I loosing a lot of hair and getting in enough Protein

  8. I am so sorry' date=' and I certainly hope that your situation improves. Keep working with your team and try to remember that "When you are in Hell, the best thing to do is Keep Going!"[/quote']

    That's the only thing I can do now is keep going but its so hard I hope it gets better no1 ever talks about how hard it is or the problems they having like hair loss ,Vitamin def ,stress , sleepless nights ,low energy ect... the list goes on

  9. I was sleeved April 3 this year & keep having these feelings what did I do 2 myself ,y didn't I try harder & needing a nap everyday with low energy makes it worst plus count this do that my doc & nut made it seem so easy its not its very hard & a lot of work please keep me & my FAM in our prayers I know I did this 4 a good reason it just don't feel like it I'm tired of taking all these Vitamins giving myself B12 shots &feeling lonely everything change after this my friends,sex drive ,my attitude & most of all my body I keep having break outs & no 1 knows y

  10. I got sleeved april 3rd & I have had & still sometimes have feelings of regrets it is hard & frustrating sometimes I wonder what in the hell did I do 2 myself my nut & MY DOC ACT like it would be so easy its not ,not at all I have break outs on my body that I neva had b4 still have 2 take naps so I can't no longer work cause no1 is gonna put up with that I just knew this was what I wanted now I feel like I took my life away not because of the food but because of the pills I have 2 take everyday,hair loss & the emotional part I wish I could turn back but now its 2 late yes I like the weight I loss but I don't think it was worth it having 2 stick myself with needles once a month now plus Constipation & feeling alone please pray 4 me as I'm gonna do the same 4 yal good luck & think very very hard b4 making this decision its not easy at all very very hard !!

  11. So sorry you are having breakouts. You have a lot of hormone changes going on' date=' and I've been told that our fat cells also hold on to a lot of toxins, and sometimes breakouts are how your body gets rid of those toxins (skin, urine, and waste are how your body eliminates toxins). As you are losing the fat, those toxins are being released in your body, and your body is eliminating them.

    Continue to stay hydrated, and use a good face/body wash to keep the pores as clean as possible. It will eventually clear up. (I know it sucks in the meantime)[/quote']

    Thanks & yes it do suck & its itchy

  12. Wish you all the best I was sleeved April 3rd had no complications but a lot of regrets I was 215pounds when I got sleeved down to 194 my do & nut.said I'm Donna be a slow loser because I don't have a lot 2 loose I am happy with the way I look but get depressed sometimes having 2 take all these Vitamins & making sure I get the right amount of Protein in its a lot of work hard work I didn't think it was gonna b this hard yes it has gotten a lot easier but its still hard I switched vitamins & protein so many times already wasted a lot of money & its 2 the point that GNC won't let me return something I don't like anymore I pray that things get easier 4 all of us good luck & stay strong

  13. You gave your opinion and someone else gave there....so it goes both ways.This is a site with thousands of different personalities' date=' not everyone is going to coddle or agree with you. That's life, especially on a world-wide forum.

    Plus, going to be real honest here..I have a hard time taking comments written like this seriously. Leave it to Prince.[/quote']

    Wow & u don't have to take it seriously. ***************************

  14. I had my sleeve done on May 22nd and I wouldn't repeat this if I could have viewed what it would be like afterwards. I regret it fully. It won't even be worth it when I'm a 100lbs lighter....which would put me at 164 as of today. Yes' date=' I miss food. Mostly, I'm annoyed I could die by eating a sunflower seed. This is crazy. Should have done 3 lean and greens.

    Its to late now so I'm dealing with it.

    Lastly don't be offended if someone post something you do not agree with. Seriously, its called freedom of speech.[/quote']

    I totally agree with your post they make it seem much easier & now we know what its like after surgery its a pain that is now our life good luck 2 u

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