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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by HoosierGirl

  1. Thanks for the feed back. Wow the 3 of us are going on the 28th! **** luck! I am new to this site and would like keep in touch, let me know how it goes!! Are there friend requests or chat rooms or a way to keep in touch? i am so excited! I am having the vertical sleeve, how about you?

    I'm having surgery on February 4....but would love to keep in touch! Your diet and grumpiness will be worth your while when January 28 rolls around!

  2. Bariatric surgery is covered by my health insurance. (Blue Cross Blue Shield of PA). I met all the insurance requirements. Completed the bariatric program. BMI over 35 with one co-morbidity. I was denied because my hyper-tension is controlled with two meds. Very disappointing. And took 8 months to be declined

    So, I decided the insurance company is simply a business. They don't know me. And I am going to make decisions about me and my health. Thus, I am going to Tijuana for surgery on Feburary 4. (Up yours Blue Cross!)

    Good for you and your decision and being pro-active!!! All the best as you start the process!

  3. AmandaRae....you've got this! Contact your coordinator and talk with them about this. Make sure they understand it's a big deal for you and ask them how it's handled. Hopefully that will bring you some measure of peace.

    Before/during/after the surgery, you will be hooked up to many monitors - including blood oxygen monitoring on your finger. You won't be oxygen starved, if there is an issue, they will address it. You are going to ROCK this surgery. Seriously, you are so prepped and knowledgable, you could probablly ASSIST with a surgery! Ha!

    Second guessing is normal - I know I have a lot of "inner discussion" with myself. Plus you have a few weeks to go. Sending good vibes your way. I'm glad you are so well informed and on top of all this...you are going to have a great surgery outcome. Hugs to you my friend!

  4. Excellent questions. I think both Aceves and Alvarez are excellent doctors. Like you, I was not so sure about the whole "surgery coodinator" thing. So, I found some other doctors that do not use surgery coordinators. You can contact Dr. Pompa at LIMARP or Dr. Oritiz at Obesity Control Center directly - both without a coordinator.

    Dr. Pompa and Dr. Ortiz are the same price, (and cost less than Aceves or Alvarez). Dr. Pompa and Dr. Ortiz both practice at bariatric International Centers of Excellence. It might be worth checking them out.

    The other thing I wanted to be sure of is that I was traveling to a part of Mexico without a travel warning from the US State Department. Tijuana doesn't have a "defer non-essential travel" warning, so reducing the worry on top of the surgery.

    Good luck in your research! And in your weight loss too.

  5. Thanks for your post. When I went through my bariatric program last summer, it was to get a band. Insurance denied my "medical necessity" and I started doing my own research and learned about the sleeve.

    I feel almost thankful to be self-paying for my sleeve vs. having insurance pay for a band. They seem like a complex device that are very troubling for many.

    All the best as you complete your program and move towards a sleeve!

  6. Am I the only one that's mind has been taking over by this surgery. My every thought is consumed. I'm sooo ready to get this journey started. I feel like a kid waiting to go to Disney. My bags are packed and I'm sitting in the car waiting on mom and dad to come on. Lol.

    EXACT same feelings here! I'm going to be in a straight jacket before the big day....making myself crazy.

  7. My hubby just said in passing that he needs to get some weight off too so I don't look great and have people say, "Why is SHE with HIM?!" He was kidding - sort of. I know he would like to slim down too.

    He's not insecure at all and we have a really good marriage. He knows I am not going anywhere. But I took it as an opportunity to tease him that he had better be on his best behavior or I will kick him to the curb! Ha ha!

    Said he would even try to stick with me on the pre-op diet? We'll see about that one! :huh:

  8. Booked the surgery date: March 8th

    Just went to the post office and bought my passport card- it should arrive in 6 weeks or so. I sure hope so because that's going to be cutting it close. Lol

    Now all that's left to do is get the plane tickets and I'm all set! I just hope my income tax is enough to pay a big portion of this surgery, if not, I will have to take out a loan :( and I hope that I would get approved. If it comes to that, and I don't get approved, I will have to postpone the surgery. :(

    How are all the other February/March sleevers coming along? Have you booked your flights and passport yet?

    Very exciting! As I await my Passport card for my February 4 surgery, I can't help feeling like I did shortly before I graduated from high school. Not really sure what the future holds, but I have a feeling it will be cool beyond anything I could imagine!

    This is OUR YEAR!

  9. Apologies in advance for my "brain dump" but there is a LOT to consider as you research surgeons in Mexico. Everyone who has posted on this thread have very specific and valid personal reasons they have selected their surgeon. Based on their high level of research, I have every confidence they will have a great experience because they know what to expect before they arrive. And that is what I hope for ALL of us, we do the research so we can have a good experience.

    When I began to consider Mexico as an option for weight loss surgery, I learned a lot. There were several factors important to me in selecting a surgeon:

    1. A surgeon who has performed a lot of weight loss surgery.

    2. Member of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (i.e. I wanted to be able to verify their credentials)

    3. The doc should have a lot of positive internet “buzz”, or testimonials on weight loss surgery forums so I could contact those and get some independent feedback.

    4. Would like to go to a part of Mexico WITH NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS from the US State Department

    5. The icing on the cake would be if they were at an International Center of Excellence as designated by the Surgical Review Corporation – same body that designates US bariatric Centers of Excellence

    6. Oh, and I wanted to contact the surgeon DIRECTLY, not through a surgery coordinating company


    1. Dr. Guillermo Alvarez in Piedras Negras http://www.endobariatric.com/doctor.htm

    2. Dr. Alberto Aceves in Mexicali http://gastricsleevesurgeon.com

    3. Dr. Pompa in Tijuana http://www.limarp.com/en/dr_liza.php

    4. Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com

    I checked prices. I spent a great deal of time on each website to understand the process, review photos, verify

    credentials, etc. Both Dr. Pompa and Dr. Ortiz are practicing at International Centers of Excellence. And I liked the fact Tijuana does not have a travel warning from the US State department.

    Dr. Alvarez wrote a book about the sleeve. I purchased his e-Book. It’s an easy read and provides a great deal of information about the sleeve procedure, how he performs it, and what you need to do pre-surgery and post-surgery for diet.

    Ultimately, I selected Dr. Ortiz. Why?

    • He has a TON of YouTube videos available. I watched many of them and learned a lot about the surgery, recovery, diet, his philosophy, got to see the surgical team working together, pictures of the facility, etc. Also, he has a great video about the difference between healthcare in the US vs. Mexico and was spot on. This video actually made my decision for me. (He even addressed the sombrero issue. I’m in! Ha ha!) Check the video

    • Confirmed they are a International Center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery http://www.surgicalreview.org/locate/cmcoem/

    • Confirmed Dr. Ortiz is a member of the American College of Surgeons http://web2.facs.org/acsdir/public/DetailMember.cfm?CHKDGTS=88010816878

    • Confirmed Dr. Ortiz is a member of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery http://asmbs.org/member-search/ (search for last name Lagardere, as in Ariel A. Ortiz Lagardere)

    • Tijuana is in Baja California, the only Mexican border state that does not have a travel warning from the US State Department. http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_5815.html All other border states have a “defer non-essential travel” warning

    My hope is that you find a surgeon and location that are right for YOU! Just by being on these forums and becoming educated on your options - I have a feeling you will have GREAT results.

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