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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HoosierGirl

  1. HoosierGirl

    Just received a verbal beating...

    Annabelle - thanks for your comment.....glad I have some company here. I really do understand that weight loss surgery is is big deal and kind of shocking.....add going to Mexico and people just freak out. It is major surgery, I get that. But, wow, I could use a little support here on the home front.
  2. HoosierGirl

    One Week. One. Just one.

    YEEEESSSS!!!! I travel Sunday, February 3 to San Diego for surgery in Tijuana on Monday the 4th! Can't get past the feeling of anticipation - really looking forward to spending the remainder of my life as a normal sized person. All the best to you as you count down this week! How is your pre-op diet going? I'm so pleasantly surprised that I am not starving and am losing weight. My 8 year old took my pre-surgery "fat" pictures this morning!
  3. HoosierGirl

    Starting to get scared

    Amytug - I think what your are going through is very normal. I've been having the same questions - feeling the same nervousness - and just generally worrying about everything. Then, while I was out of town a couple weeks ago, I got a good look at my back-side, naked in a full length mirror. WOW. What a wakeup call. That pulled me right back to reality and reminded me that I don't need this just for my body to appear normal, I need it to avoid the health conditions of my parents, I need to be able to participate with my kids now, I need this surgery to extend my life. If your best friend was YOU, what would you tell her? The risks are very small for the huge long term gains in health, physical and mental well being. Bottom line, if you could lose the weight and keep it off, you would have by now. Your kids and husband deserve you to be fit and healthy and with them for a very long time. You deserve this. Hugs to you!
  4. HoosierGirl

    February Sleevers

    February 4 surgery! On the pre-op diet and kind of enjoying seeing the scale move to lower numbers each day. Best wishes to you all for safe/successful surgery.
  5. Last year, I asked my PCP if weight loss surgery would be beneficial for me. She said, "Yes, but probably a band, not a by-pass." So, that was all the permission I needed to hear! Once it's done, it's done. I will try to get surgery notes, etc. to provide to her. Since I'm not asking her to fix anything, just need her help with the endoscopy and blood tests, the location of my surgery shouldn't be an issue. And if it is an issue, I will find a different PCP!
  6. HoosierGirl

    BCBS Insurance?

    I am PPO too....my BMI is about 35/36 and I have a co-morbidity, but it is managed with medication. So, they denied me. My plan is grandfathered and not subject to independent review per the new healthcare laws. It ticked me off, but I understand they are just a business. Thankfully, I got educated/determined/creative and did find a legit surgeon in Mexico and am having surgery in two weeks! I have a very high deductable and surgery in Mexico is only slightly more expensive than my deductible. Anyway, they were very prompt in responding to each request. Only took a week or two each time.
  7. HoosierGirl

    BCBS Insurance?

    I have BCBS of PA and was denied almost immediately.
  8. HoosierGirl

    Finally scheduled!

    Congrats....February 5 is right around the corner....very exciting!
  9. HoosierGirl

    Dr. Ortiz Jan. 15th!

    You guys ROCK - thanks for all the great information. Glad your experiences were positive and your recovery smooth. Will be having my VSG on February 4 with Dr. Ariel Oritz as well. Really appreciate your tips for bringing books and for your companion. All the best as you continue your weight loss!
  10. HoosierGirl

    My Sleeve experience in Mexico :)

    GREAT info - thanks for taking the time to put all this together! Sounds like you had a great experience....hope to be as fortuante as you!
  11. HoosierGirl

    Order to do things?

    I paid the "expedite" fee to get my Passport book and Passport card sooner. (I have BIG travel plans as a reward for weight loss, thus the Passport book!) Paid the deposit with the surgeon, got the Passport, bought the plane tickets. Now all of that is done, all I have to do is sit around and obsess/freak-out about it all. Oh, but will begin the enjoyment of my pre-op diet on Monday.
  12. HoosierGirl

    WLS in My Dreams...

    In my VSG dreams, everyone is naked. The whole surgical team. Oh sure, they have on masks and gloves, but otherwise, buck ass naked.
  13. Wonderful update! Glad you are doing well!
  14. HoosierGirl

    Icon23! Where are you?

    YESS!!!! Thanks for the update! Rest, relax and let the losing begin. Ha!
  15. HoosierGirl

    Pre-op diet!

    I'm having surgery on February 4....but would love to keep in touch! Your diet and grumpiness will be worth your while when January 28 rolls around!
  16. HoosierGirl

    plane tickets

    Indy to San Diego was $280 on Southwest.
  17. HoosierGirl

    Icon23! Where are you?

    ICON - super super excited for you! Prayers for a smooth surgery and recovery! All the best to you. Will be visiting Dr. Ortiz Feb. 4 too!
  18. HoosierGirl

    Pre-op diet!

    Oh I know what you are dealing with! Started my pre-op diet Monday too. I don't feel mean per se....that would take energy that I just don't have right now! I've been tired and dragging so far this week. And it will be worth it on January 28!
  19. HoosierGirl

    Finally got my sleeve 1/15!

    Edwina - Shelley (aka HoosierGirl)! Glad to see you positing here! Tons of good info. Can't wait to hear all about your surgery my friend! Hugs!
  20. HoosierGirl

    Finally got my sleeve 1/15!

    BeccaDawn - SO GLAD you are doing well! Looking forward to all the details as I will be having my surgery with Dr. Ortiz in 19 short days! All the best as you recover. Hugs - Shelley
  21. HoosierGirl

    Why weight loss surgery?

    Improve fertility
  22. Cannot wait to buy clothes that don't have a W in the size. Bring on regular size clothes!
  23. HoosierGirl

    I am not waiting

    Bariatric surgery is covered by my health insurance. (Blue Cross Blue Shield of PA). I met all the insurance requirements. Completed the bariatric program. BMI over 35 with one co-morbidity. I was denied because my hyper-tension is controlled with two meds. Very disappointing. And took 8 months to be declined So, I decided the insurance company is simply a business. They don't know me. And I am going to make decisions about me and my health. Thus, I am going to Tijuana for surgery on Feburary 4. (Up yours Blue Cross!) Good for you and your decision and being pro-active!!! All the best as you start the process!
  24. HoosierGirl


    AmandaRae....you've got this! Contact your coordinator and talk with them about this. Make sure they understand it's a big deal for you and ask them how it's handled. Hopefully that will bring you some measure of peace. Before/during/after the surgery, you will be hooked up to many monitors - including blood oxygen monitoring on your finger. You won't be oxygen starved, if there is an issue, they will address it. You are going to ROCK this surgery. Seriously, you are so prepped and knowledgable, you could probablly ASSIST with a surgery! Ha! Second guessing is normal - I know I have a lot of "inner discussion" with myself. Plus you have a few weeks to go. Sending good vibes your way. I'm glad you are so well informed and on top of all this...you are going to have a great surgery outcome. Hugs to you my friend!
  25. HoosierGirl

    Price differences

    Excellent questions. I think both Aceves and Alvarez are excellent doctors. Like you, I was not so sure about the whole "surgery coodinator" thing. So, I found some other doctors that do not use surgery coordinators. You can contact Dr. Pompa at LIMARP or Dr. Oritiz at Obesity Control Center directly - both without a coordinator. Dr. Pompa and Dr. Ortiz are the same price, (and cost less than Aceves or Alvarez). Dr. Pompa and Dr. Ortiz both practice at bariatric International Centers of Excellence. It might be worth checking them out. The other thing I wanted to be sure of is that I was traveling to a part of Mexico without a travel warning from the US State Department. Tijuana doesn't have a "defer non-essential travel" warning, so reducing the worry on top of the surgery. Good luck in your research! And in your weight loss too.

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