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katie kaboom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by katie kaboom

  1. It might sound weird but i was having a big problem not eating and drinking at the same time until i started adding a chilled fruit to my meals. Its weird but when i would normally have taken a drink i have a bite of pineapple or strawberry and the coldness kind of satiates the urge to drink. Weird but works for me. If i dont do that i find myself cutting meals short just to get to the drink.

  2. I have an allergy to adhesive and yours looks very similar to what i had last time i had a reaction. Even after the tape came off i had a red hive the size and shape of where the tape touched for like a week after.

    Sorry that benadryl isnt helping that would be my only advice besides a cool damp cloth on the hives to maybe help ease the discomfort. Just careful on the incisions.

  3. I recently went to the doctor (after being sick for like 2 months even though I had finished the prescription he gave me earlier) and it feels like both my doctor and his staff are nicer to me since they found out about my surgery. I knew my doc had a bias against heavier people (one of those oh something is wrong? Its cus youre fat! guys) but now he seems kinda proud its weird. He even lectured me after my mom called me out for not getting in enough calories since she found out i went a few days eating less than 300 calories a day (im working on it). Im only down like 40 lbs but im starting to feel the difference in the way im treated. Weird

    Side note being lectured on getting more calories in was surreal! Felt like I was some anorexic chick refusing to eat or something. Lol its not that im refusing to eat its just hard to get the calories but im trying.

    K weird ranting post over :)

  4. My bestie bought those microwave Pork rinds and gave me a pack. They smell awful when cooking but they are delightful!!! Soo good. :)

    It was hilarious actually I put the plate in front of my mom and she turned her nose up and grimaced like a toddler. After i convinced her to taste it though she wanted the whole plate! I totally recommend those little suckers.

  5. So how does everyone eat at japanese steakhouse type places? Can I say i just want a little bit of (pick your protein) ? No rice or anything like that. Or am i better off not ordering anything and picking off the fams plates? :)

  6. I find this no straw thing annoying. I have been almost exclusively using straws for as long as I can remember. The reason being when I drink out of cups I felt like I was swallowing too much air. I still feel like I am getting too much air when I sip from a cup or bottle.

    Its driving me bonkers. I am thinking of using a straw for a day to see if I feel better. But I am only 3 weeks out is it dangerous at this point should I wait?

  7. I know what you mean, I felt a little fluish before my surgery but went through with it anyway. (Started feeling ok when they put in my iv) I ended up with a nasty chest cold or bronchitis or something the day after surgery so I was coughing an awful lot like with every other breath, with the fresh incisions it was miserable. I would recommend getting a lot of Vitamins and be pro active avoid anything or anyone that might get you sick! Take some emergen-c. :) take care of yourself and good luck.

  8. OMG' date=' I am dying :lol: I am 3 weeks out and feeling really good, but still get exhausted out of nowhere! I am not hungry at all, it is a chore to eat/drink what I need to every day. BUT OMG I am craving junk. It's not like I can eat it anyway, but I WANT IT!

    My wants right now....

    Reeses PB cup

    grilled cheese on sourdough

    In n Out cheeseburger

    Cake (it's my birthday and I want cake :lol:)


    spaghettios from the can .... and I hate them so why am I craving them :rofl

    How on earth do you guys deal with the psychological cravings? I am losing my mind![/quote']

    Im right there with ya I'm two weeks out. On my two week follow up on the 31st (my bday) I was craving watermelon with a fiery passion along with strawberries and grapes to a lesser degree. I was able to kind of work backwards n realized those cravings were most likely associated with being a little dehydrated.

    Ive also been craving buttered wheat toast, saltines and sprite all things i usually ate when im sick (i have the flu sadly) So a lot of the time you can find a reason behind cravings whether its something in the food your body needs or just a situation that you associate with a certain food, i can already see craving doritos and pb on celery during the super bowl lol.

    Ive also been wanting pizza or more accurately Pizza Crust and ive always disliked pizza not sure the reasoning behind that one :)

    Good luck and I'd say look for alternatives.

  9. I was heaving and nauseus the day before and day of my two week follow up wasnt sure why i knew it wasnt from a new food or med, so they gave me a prescription that helped a lot. Then today (yesterday was my two week follow up) i woke up with a 100 degree fever and killer sore throat. So i would recommend just be cautious it is flu season after all and some of the flu symptoms mimic a leak stay in contact with your doctor.

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