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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Momonanomo

  1. My surgery was 5/22 & 78 lbs gone, but no hair loss. Knock on wood. It could start tomorrow & i wouldnt be shocked. I feel like if I escape this aspect of WLS, i will attribute it to:

    Hitting my Protein goals consistantly from early on

    Getting my calories up to 900 average early on as well, by incorporating healthy fats like avocado

    Taking Biotin and my Multivitamins daily

    Not washing hair every day (i use dry Shampoo in between)

    When i shampoo, i first put cocnut oil on the ends to protect them and i take my time and really massage my scalp while im washing my hair

    If it does thin, i would first try a product called topik, which is this spray Fiber stuff that camoflages thin spots. I also have long hair & a lot of it...last resort would be a shorter cut until it grew back.

    And thats the good news: not once have i read a vet on here saying it doesnt grow back! So hang in there, it will come back and be as glorious as ever!

  2. jeannette, yes YOU DID IT!! And congratulations for it!!!!

    100 lbs, gone forever, and it's almost your 1 year surgiversery. Way to go girl! All your hard work is paying off!

    I *think* the site upgrades are what's making it difficult to post pics right now -- hopefully they'll resolve it soon. Hold that thought -- I know everyone here loves good before-n-afters! :D

    Again I say: congratulations! I look forward to being where you are on this journey!

  3. Ohno! I'm so sorry you're having to go through this :( I applaud you for being your own best advocate and demanding the tests! Hopefully they'll be able to fix you right up and you'll get some relief soon.

    I am curious though , since your profile page doesn't say when your surgery was -- how far out are you?

  4. Well, I guess I would say that (and I'm not trying to be snarky) -- just because you can doesn't mean you should. If you only mean to eat 5-6 bites, then that is how much you should put in your bowl, not the whole can. You're 4 months out -- I'm only a month or so further along than you, and wow yes! the restriction is loosening! But as it's drilled into us all the time -- the sleeve is a tool not a magic wand. You still have to take responsibility for what you eat. You did miss a meal, so maybe that's step 1 -- don't allow yourself to get over hungry. And step 2 would be that maybe chili doesn't give the same restriction as maybe a chicken breast would. I know for me I can eat more and more of certain things as time goes by. I think the vets will agree with this....don't rely solely on restriction to help you achieve your goals. Use this opportunity to come up with strategies to maximize the use of your sleeve. You can do this! :)

  5. wow! Gorgeous! Whatever sweater you wear, try not to hide your curves that the dress highlights. So shrug or lightweight cardi, not like, you know sweater. With the curves and the hint of cleavage, I think you'll be working it! Love it.

    And remember to HAVE FUN.

    I completely agree! Your curves are lovely! OWN that gorgeous hourglass!! Your best accessory will be your smile and confidence.

  6. gman, you are such a rockstar, and one of my favorite members of VST. You've always had wonderful things to say and a wonderful attitude. I certainly can't see 10 lbs worth of excess skin, so that's just not true :P You are 10 lbs UNDER goal!! That is really freekin cool! You're looking really buff & healthy! Enjoy that Happy Place! :D

    Thank you for all you contribute to the gang here, including your humor as well as the inspiration.

  7. I chose not to tell most coworkers. I said I was on vacation. If they asked more than that, i said something vague and then asked them something about themselves :) people love to talk about themselves, so it was an easy way to take attention off me! And because I see them evry day, and people are only just now noticing weight loss, so it is doubtful they will connect my weight loss with the vacay i took in May!

  8. I work in an office with a big candy bowl about 10 or 12 feet behind me. I tell myself "thats not food" and "thats not yours" and pretty much refuse to even see it as being there. I would not give up the prime location.

    I agree - i have used the "thats not food" tactic successfully. Candy is in brightly colored wrappers to cathc our attention. I have always been a sugar and candy fiend. As a child, i was the kid who put anything in my mouth if it resembeled candy at all. Fancy soaps, for example, when i was about 4. Jeez laweez. But my point is, if you try to look at that brightly colored candy and think"those are soaps" or, "those are markers" maybe you can Not think of them as edible any more. My work has a ridiculous amount of candy --i will have to post a picture some time. This is the only way for me to stay away. And i know i can not just have one...

    And, you do not suck! You are not alone. And you can conquer this!!!

  9. Hi becca! Thanks for sharing your story, and congratulations on starting your journey! This board is a wealth of information :) I read EVERYthing I could while I prepared for surgery. Im still addicted :) People are great about sharing their experiences, and by the time I had my surgery, nothing was a surprise :)

    I take Bariatric Advantage chewables. My NUT (nutritionist) recommended them because they have evrything we need, and there are no special timing issues for proper absorbtion. I like them because I think of them as a little sweet treat.

    As far as loose skin.....You just wont know til you get there! For sure though: you will FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. And your beautiful family will love that you feel better:)

    Best of luck!

  10. Hi Anna :) Good for you for doing your research. I know I researched all my options and the sleeve seemed the best for me. Turns out I was right!

    We do have Australian friends on the board every now & then....might I suggest doing a patient search (on the right hand side of the menu bar at the top of the page). Maybe you could inbox someone in your area & find a buddy. I found someone early on who had the same surgeon as me. She is amazing! Im so glad to count her as a friend. I hope you can find someone like that who can mentor you through the process.

    I wish you the best!

  11. Last year I was getting freaked out that my iud had moved around or adhered. The stupid gyno I went to never even examined me that day, but she announced that I needed to lose weight (duh) and demanded to know what I ate for Breakfast every day. I told her I was on Jenny Craig, and she proceed to tell me to eat a yogurt every morning. I was like you have GOT to be effing kidding me. The whole time she lectured me, she was looking at me like I was poop on the bottom of her shoe. You would think she would have done an exam if I was concerned about iud adhesion!!! Not that I ever want to have to beg for a pelvic exam lol. So I went to a much better dr a week later, got my exam, and all was well.

    But seriously...wth!!!

  12. It's different for EVERYONE! Some lose a lot for a long time, or for a short time, and some lose small amounts for a long time, or for a short time. Point being: there's really no way to tell until (and unless) it happens to you. Sorry to be so vague. The good news is this: it grows back. I haven't read one single post where a veteran said it never grew back.

    I'm at 5 months post surgery, and I haven't lost any yet. I figure if I can get to the 6 months mark I'm in the clear (what I've read it starts between 2 and 6 months). I suppose it could start shedding tomorrow, and if it does I won't be surprised. I also will still be grateful for the 76 lbs I've lost so far, and for the reasonable chance that I can lose 69 more and get to goal. If I lose hair, I will know it's not forever & it does grow back.

    Try not to worry yourself too much over this! Get your Protein, your Water, and a balance of healthy fat in your diet. Take your Vitamins, and Biotin supplements. Be kind to your hair and massage your scalp well when you Shampoo. But please don't make yourself miserable worrying.

  13. Try not to think of it as a 'diet'. Think of it as preparing for a surgery.

    You want to give your surgeon the best chance of doing a safe surgery, and give yourself the best chance at a smooth recovery.

    Start fresh, now, today. You can do this! Wonderful things are ahead for you, just keep your eye on the prize!

    good luck!

  14. I used to get reqlly into the show & get inspired. But then I read a follow up article, and most of them gain the weight back. I felt betrayed in a way....I kinda feel now like they mislead the audience. >shrug< just havent been into watching it ever since i read that. Plus, the product placement (advertising within the show) is pretty shameless! Just my opinion...

  15. yes yes and YES! A kajillion times yes!

    The sleeve has not only reversed the horrible path I was going down, it has given me hope for a future in which I won't be miserable. I already feel so much better, and I am excited that I will keep feeling better and better as I head toward goal!

    I had tried so many things in the past and always ended up gaining it back plus extra. I was tired of failing, and tired of being tired. I researched all the different WLS and the new diet pills that have recently come available, and those that will be coming soon. I firmly believe that the sleeve was the best answer for me.

  16. Oh I am SO sorry! I had post op nausea too :( it sucks.

    I can't tell you when yours will stop, because everyone is different. If they think you should stay in the hospital, you should stay. Numero uno priority right now is for you to stay hydrated. Dehydration is serious business.

    Tiny, TINY sips of Water are the way to go, and breathe. Just enough to wet your mouth. Tiny sips several minutes later, and breathe. Rest, and repeat. It WILL get easier over time. Also, they should have some anti-nausea medicine, and I've heard smelling an alcohol swab can help.

    Mine lasted no longer than a week, and while at the time I was miserable --- it's a distant memory now.

    Hope you feel better soon!!

  17. next week Thursday, 10 am.


    :P just kidding

    When was your surgery? What is in your surgeon or NUT's guidelines? Go by their guidelines!!

    There'e an ongoing debate here about whether carbonation is damaging to the sleeve once it's healed. Certainly if you have just recently had your surgery, carbonation is out of the question, because it could hurt you and/or do some damage to your healing tummy. But if you're several months out.....well.... some people indulge, others swear i will stretch the sleeve, some have tried and found it painful.

    I'm about 5 months out and have had calorie free, very light carbonation a handful of times. If I drank too quickly it was uncomfortable. The way I see it, I will be doing right by my body if I can get off unnatural, carbonated beverages (this includes diet AND regular). Water is best really, and I'm trying to develop good new habits while I'm in this period. I worked really hard to get my sleeve, and for the progress I've made so far. Coca cola bottling company doesn't deserve my support -- they helped get me to a point where I needed surgery in the first place!

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