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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Momonanomo

  1. I agree he probably can't imagine what it's like for you. Try not to fault him too much for this -- there will forever be people in your life who will test your resistance but don't necessarily have ill intentions. Besides, he's known you forever and chocolates & McD's always made you happy in the past I'd bet.....guys tend to try to stick with what works, not necessarily what is logical :/ Bless their hearts ;) He's got to learn that you are changing your entire approach to food & doing what is healthy. It has been a big change for my husband to deal with too....

    When someone gifts me food that's not healthy, I say either to them or to myself "I don't want that" instead of "I can't have that", and I find that kind of thinking helps me feel strong.

    You could just say "thanks for the chocolates....did I mention I've lost 49 lbs??!?!?" or "Yeah.....McD's is crap food really, and I don't want it....and did I mention I've lost 49 lbs??!??!" and smile like a lunatic!

  2. 1000 % for the better. I feel better in body, mind, and soul because I am getting healthy. Most importantly because I have hope now.

    It is not all sunshine & unicorns, and it is not a magic bullet. But it has allowed me to get results from the work & commitment I put into it. I would do it again in a heart beat -- it was exactly what I needed.

  3. I have half a small avocado in a green smoothie every single day, and have since about week six, if I remember right. I give credit to this healthy fat for keeping me from experiencing Hair loss commonly asskciated with WLS.

    Really, after you are healed there is nothing (except carbonation) that has to be given up forever. And some will say they have returned to their carbonation. You will find perhaps that your tastes will change a bit.

    For me, I gave up the "whites"....white bread, white rice, and for the most part, sugar. I dont do high fructose corn Syrup at all but that is because of GMO (scary stuff). I used the preop diet and food progression during healing time to really detox from the highly processed carbs like the whites, and now I finally feel free from their addictive grip. I do on occassion have a bite or two of corn tortilla, but i am still in my losing mindset, so I am following the Protein first rule. Theres just not much room for low priority foods like that in my tiny tummy :)

  4. I had so much fun closet shopping! Had 24s to 14s. I missed a couple of things on the way down and shrank out of them before I got to wear them...oh well there are worse problems to have :) If I had been more organized that wouldnt have happened :/

    I am now needing to shop for real because the smallest in my closet are things getting too big. I have had to get new nightclothes, new bras & undies tooo. It is incredible! Lol i had some baggy undies my husband said i needed suspenders with them.

    I dont want to invest too too much shopping right now because i still plan to lose another 40-45 lbs. Old Navy had a great sale at the new year so I bought the same pants in my current size and the next 2 sizes down because they were only $12 each. Hope Im not jinxing myself ;)

    I was glad i had all those sizes in my closet to work my way through. There was something very satisfying about it! And to have that one special pair of jeans....the ones i couldnt even get up my thighs go to 'just a little tight' to 'they fit!' to 'uh oh these are too big'....well that just tickles me to death! :)

  5. I never had reflux before surgery...my surgeon has all his patients take nexium for exactly 3 months after surgery. For the first month I opened the capsule onto my tongue and swallowed with some Water -- it was pretty easy.

    After that, when the surgeon cleared me for taking pills, I just took the capsule whole, no problem. I stopped the nexium as instructed after the three months and holy hell I had some serious acid reflux! It sucked! I checked with the surgeon and he said everyone is different, some people never have a problem, some do forever, or it may or may not get better over time. I'm now a bit over 7 months out and take an OTC (zantac) as needed. I do seem to be needing it less and less, currently about 3 or 4 times a week. Hoping the whole reflux thing will become a distant memory in the coming months!

  6. You are an awesome, AWESOME woman! I have taken frequent full body selfies in my underwear....probably wont be posting those :( should have thought that idea through more lol. But I suppose for me & my husband it will be interesting at least.

    I loved your lessons learned statements. You speak the truth in them all.

    Congrats! All your hard work has paid off!

  7. So I've posted here before about having some amount of brain fog and having trouble concentrating and that even at 4-5 months out, this is continuing. That's very unusual for me, I'm typically hyper-focused. These days however, there are times when I have the attention span of a gnat. It's been a bit worrying for sure.

    Went to see the doctor today as a follow-up to blood tests. We were reviewing my blood work and she asked me if I was having trouble concentrating and focusing. Um...yeah.

    Apparently when we lose weight, at first our fat cells release estrogen so we're all weepy and emotional, but eventually, we do not produce ENOUGH estrogen. Thinner bodies need more estrogen to be created and our sometimes our bodies don't create enough, I was told. (not that I'm thin yet, but you get my point).

    Add to it 47-year old female and she said it was classic symptoms of low estrogen which is what's showing in my blood tests too. She says this is true of men as well, which is why I'm posting this in the general forum rather than the powder Room. I don't know how it's treated for men, but for me, I have to use a compounded cream twice a day on my inner arm where the skin is thin, and it can be absorbed directly.

    She herself had RNY 10 years ago, lost 150 lbs and has kept it off for 10 years. She said she had it so bad she had to drop out of her doctoral program for a semester under her hormones were back in balance.

    I suspect that early on, simply recovering from surgery will give you brain fog as you heal. But if it's continuing on for several months after surgery maybe worth getting tested for?

    Anyway, just thought I'd share what I learned.

    Gg you are so wonderful for sharing these things!

    I still feel the fog sometimes...and, although I think it peaked around month 5 for me, I still do not feel as quick n clever as I did preop. I am definitely going to inquire about testing to see if there is room for improvement.

    GG please do let us know if/when you feel a difference!!!

  8. Some might not consider this productive.. But if it is possible - don't feel hurt - get angry.

    Take the energy you get from being angry and do something productive with it; decorate the house, clean the kitchen, steam your floors, take down the curtains and wash them. Might seem a bit bonkers, but not only do you vent some of those feelings out, you're left with a beautiful sparkling house. I think the official term for this is 'displacement' activity.

    In my experience, the moment I stop is the moment I wallow and the moment I reach for something -anything.

    Go, fly my pretty.. duster and bleach in hand, scrub the ever living hell out of something and rationalise what happened whilst you're doing it. You'll feel much better.

    Those macadamia encrusted chocolate truffles just won't have the same positive effect... in fact, they will just compound matters and make you feel worse.

    Stay strong :) x

    Brilliant advice! I love this!

  9. Good for you for recognizing whats going on and addressing this in a healthy way! So pat yourself on the back for that! My recommendation would be to get busy doing things that will distract you from continuing to think about whatever it was that upset you. You have journaled and you have vented to friends, so if you have said all there is to say, then just try not to let yourself obsess over rehashing it over and over. The best way to do that is to move on and occupy your thoughts by turning your attention to other things. Get involved with whats going on in hte life of friends or family, and talk about whats going on with them, or start a project of some sort --- anything that will get yourself out of your own head and into thinking about other things.

    Best of luck and happy holidays!

  10. I have never regretted surgery for a single second. I did not make the decision to have surgery in a hurry; I did not take this decision lightly.I made sure I understood and knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I was prepared to no longer enjoy eating like I had in my presurgery life. I realized that ultimately I wanted exactly that. My over enjoyment of eating was what led me to the hell of obesity.

  11. I'll start by saying I enjoy Quest bars as an occassional treat :)

    That being said, and having read both links (the bars and the Pirates Booty), it reinforces my minds et that the very best food is real, unprocessed food. America has produced (processed!) SO many miracle foods & diet drinks in the last 30 years designed to help us lose weight or not gain weight in the first place, and what has happened in the last 30 years? America has exponentially increased its obesity rates. Add to it the ambiguity or outright "errors" in labeling, and we're really in trouble. There is no way to fudge the nutritional content of spinach, or an avocado, or some good lean meat.

    K...I'll climb down off my soap box now.... ;)

  12. I am so happy I decided 2 have this surgery I started out @215 & now I'm 149 yay lol the only problem is I don't wanna get any smaller any suggestions I don't wanna start looking sickly

    Congrats on taking care of business !

    I dont know how tall you are so I cant say whether theres any wiggle room in your goal weight. I agree the body is going to settle where it wants, so just make sure you are eating heathfully, and exercising, and getting your Vitamins, and you should end up at a weight that is right and does NOT make you look sickly.

    I also want to say that I am 92 lbs down and 7 months out (as of today!), and sure as s**t , like clockwork the weightloss is slowing down. So dont expect to keep losing rapidly forever. Try to concentrate on living healthy and the number on the scale will end up exactly where it is supposed to be :)

  13. Yes coffee can irritate the lining of the stomach, which is less than ideal while healing from surgery. I resumed drinking coffee 6 weeks post op with no problem.

    The best advice I can give preop is to not quit cold turkey.....start EARLY reducing your daily intake and until you quit completely PREop, because you do NOT want to be recovering from surgery with the added fun of a caffeine withdrawal headache! O_o

  14. When I first considered wls, I didnt want bypass because of the rerouting of the intestines and because it leaves the entire stomach in you - called a blind stomach. I did not want the band because I didn't want something foreign inside of me...and still the entire stomach is there. I lived another 5 years obese and then I heard about the sleeve. The more I researched it, the more I knew it was the answer for me. When I learned about grehlin, the hunger hormone that is produced in the lining of the fundus ( the stretchy part of the stomach ), I realized that I probably over produce it. I am not an emotional eater - I just honestly was hungr ALL THE TIME. So when I learned the sleeve addresses this by removing the majority of the fundus, thereby reducing grehlin, well that sealed the deal for me. Now, 7 months post op and 92 lbs down, I feel like I have a normal appetite that is easily satiated. I am mindful of eating nutritiously and I feel healthy. I coild eat whatever I want to now, but just because I can doesnt mean I should, as they say ;)

    It may sound funny, but of all the wls options, I feel like the sleeve is the most natural. Everythign still functions the same way in the digestive system, there is nothing foreign inside me, I have the same parts Ive always had, just my stomach is smaller, less stretchy, and produces less grehlin.

    Love it!

  15. Oh honey I hear ya!

    I'm getting lots of comments too that I would rather not hear. I just tell myself that the novelty of my more slender bod will eventually wear off for them, and I can stay a healthy weight forever and that will be who I AM.

    Rest assured that there WILL come a point where everyone who you've known will have seen the new you, and new people you meet will only know you as the new you!

    Do what Linda said above ^

    And enjoy the new you!

  16. This may sound weird, but in the early days post surgery when I didn't want super sweet stuff, I would flavor my greek yogurt with ground ginger and a touch of splenda. Yummy! Plus, ginger is a natural remedy to help soothe nausea and indigestion :)

  17. Funny, in some of her entries she's saying everyone regains all their weight back after wls, then in some entries she'll talk about someone who is anorexic, underweight and malnourished post wls. Cant speak in absolutes and contradict yourself! This woman is an ignorant know it all. A very pathetic combination.

    I was also quite dismayed at how rude she was to anyone who commented on her blog with a view that wasnt totally in line with her own. She touts herself as a christian minister, but I dont see it in the way she replied to people.


    This woman's crusade is a bit bizarre. Why do you suppose it is such a hot topic for her? She never says why, from what Ive read.

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