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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Momonanomo

  1. Momonanomo

    the fat fills in the wrinkles?

    Found it! And I'm passing link along to anyone that is interested in her blog -- it is a fantastic story of her journey. She's awesome! Here's the entry that talks about changes she noticed at 7 months post surgery: http://www.queenofcrop.com/archives/2012/05/
  2. Momonanomo

    the fat fills in the wrinkles?

    Yep that must have been it -- because I was an avid reader of Queen of Crop!!!
  3. and the after is from Aug.... so 2 months ago....yeah I can see it. (I did a wuick google search. Pic from nj.com)
  4. I fully agree on both points! I think he's lost more than we can tell. A good ole before and after picture would be helpful
  5. Momonanomo

    the fat fills in the wrinkles?

    Can't remember where I saw it -- it may or may not have been a VST member --- but she posted before and after pics of close up of just her eyes, and it looked like she had had an eye lift! Her before made her eyes look puffy saggy & older, and her after was awesome -- like her bright shining eyes were now SO BIG! I'm hoping for that effect . . . .
  6. Momonanomo

    losing myself

    In my mid 20's I lost 75 lbs with weight watchers and I definitely freaked out over the difference in the way I was treated. Bitter is an excellent word to use. I was indeed astonishing how differently I was treated. This kind of thing can really mess with a person's head, and in my case I believe it is largely what led to me slipping into old habits and regaining my weight -- and then some. I say find a counselor NOW. You don't want to jeopardize your success. A counselor can help you unravel all these complicated feelings, and help you find ways to center yourself. You are still YOU, but you are different. I imagine my experience this time may be a bit different as far as the attention because I am a lot older this go round. But I think if I start feeling uncomfortable I will go to a counselor, because I don't want to go back to that place. Best of luck to you, and I'm glad you shared here on VST. This is an excellent place to start for support. But a good counselor would be very valuable for you too.
  7. that is so exciting! I'm headed that direction too -- can't wait! congratulations!
  8. Momonanomo

    What are your staples ?

    oh and almonds too!
  9. Momonanomo

    What are your staples ?

    vanilla premiere protein ready-to-drink chike protein shakes, and a variety of syntrax nectar-- mostly fuzzy navel, vanilla torte, and strawberry kiwi cottage cheese baby bel light spinach/ kale/ chard avocados chicken breast fish
  10. Momonanomo

    Help.... post op question

    I had this until I started more solid food -- I think it was pureed food. Just gotta think -- liquid in, liquid out. My NUT had said if it persisted that it could be lactose intolerance or an intolerance to the artificial sweeteners in shakes. She said it was ok to take immodium -- but I'm not recommending it because I think you should consult with your own surgeon and/or nutritionist. Above all -- stay hydrated.
  11. Momonanomo

    When people ask "How did you lose weight?"

    Oh, and for what it's worth -- people at work who see me every day are only just now noticing that I've lost weight (I've lost 80 lbs!!!!). And they had already noticed a change in my eating behaviors waaaay back in the beginning, before they noticed I lost weight, so in a way it is very easy for them to believe that I've done this solely through lifestyle change. And let me say that my success IS through lifestyle change....I just have this awesome tool to help me
  12. Momonanomo

    When people ask "How did you lose weight?"

    I SO agree!!!! I try to be vague as well when people ask me. They're not looking for a real scoop anyways, it's just small talk usually. I will usually ask them something about themselves and off they go --- people love to talk about themselves! And then the attention is off me I do have to say though, that if one of my obese friends or coworkers were to sit down with me and genuinely ask how I was doing it, because they were in that desperate same place that I was not so very long ago, I would tell them. I feel it would be cruel not to.
  13. Momonanomo

    Ever normal again?

    I've always been a big Water drinker too -- and like Fixerupper, I got back to that fairly quickly, for the most part. Definitely 98% of the time I drink water just as I always have. But some days - and I have not figured out why -- I do get a bit uncomfortable with water. I just always start slow and see how it's going to go that day. But MOSTLY water is a breeze
  14. Momonanomo

    Here's a crazy question...

    Mine came out through my belly button. I had two other "incisions" that were no smaller than what I imagine it would look like if I got stuck with an ice pick -- not really incisions at all. Now they barely even look like freckles. So, essentially it was single incision surgery. And, since my scar is hidden in my belly button, you really can't tell I had surgery! Anyways, I remember asking my surgeon if he rolls up the stomach like a yoga mat to get it out through the incision He laughed and said it, and the incision, are quite stretchy and can fit just fine.
  15. Honestly, I hope to be how it sounds you are-- I do NOT want my sleeve to define me. I want to integrate into this new way of life completely. That being said, I think once one reaches goal, it is still important to be mindful of habits. Assess yourself: is the scale creeping up or are the ole jeans getting tight? If this happens, do you have a strategy to nip it in the bud? We all go through a LOT to get ready for surgery, have the surgery, recover from the surgery. It is definitely good to contemplate measures and methods of maintaining what you worked to achieve. It IS important. And, congratulations on such great success!
  16. Congratulations! Gorgeous Your blue eyes are so big now!
  17. Momonanomo

    Pumpkin Pie

    This recipe for pumpkin custard is incredible! http://recipes.spark...p?recipe=852584 If the link doesnt work, search sparkrecipes.com for pumpkin ricotta custard. It is da bomb. 74 cal and 6.6 g Protein, low carb, gluten free...etc etc YUM!
  18. Momonanomo

    Hair loss

    My surgery was 5/22 & 78 lbs gone, but no hair loss. Knock on wood. It could start tomorrow & i wouldnt be shocked. I feel like if I escape this aspect of WLS, i will attribute it to: Hitting my Protein goals consistantly from early on Getting my calories up to 900 average early on as well, by incorporating healthy fats like avocado Taking Biotin and my Multivitamins daily Not washing hair every day (i use dry shampoo in between) When i shampoo, i first put cocnut oil on the ends to protect them and i take my time and really massage my scalp while im washing my hair If it does thin, i would first try a product called topik, which is this spray Fiber stuff that camoflages thin spots. I also have long hair & a lot of it...last resort would be a shorter cut until it grew back. And thats the good news: not once have i read a vet on here saying it doesnt grow back! So hang in there, it will come back and be as glorious as ever!
  19. Momonanomo

    100#s Gone

    jeannette, yes YOU DID IT!! And congratulations for it!!!! 100 lbs, gone forever, and it's almost your 1 year surgiversery. Way to go girl! All your hard work is paying off! I *think* the site upgrades are what's making it difficult to post pics right now -- hopefully they'll resolve it soon. Hold that thought -- I know everyone here loves good before-n-afters! Again I say: congratulations! I look forward to being where you are on this journey!
  20. Momonanomo

    Possible Stricture ahhh!

    Ohno! I'm so sorry you're having to go through this I applaud you for being your own best advocate and demanding the tests! Hopefully they'll be able to fix you right up and you'll get some relief soon. I am curious though , since your profile page doesn't say when your surgery was -- how far out are you?
  21. Well, I guess I would say that (and I'm not trying to be snarky) -- just because you can doesn't mean you should. If you only mean to eat 5-6 bites, then that is how much you should put in your bowl, not the whole can. You're 4 months out -- I'm only a month or so further along than you, and wow yes! the restriction is loosening! But as it's drilled into us all the time -- the sleeve is a tool not a magic wand. You still have to take responsibility for what you eat. You did miss a meal, so maybe that's step 1 -- don't allow yourself to get over hungry. And step 2 would be that maybe chili doesn't give the same restriction as maybe a chicken breast would. I know for me I can eat more and more of certain things as time goes by. I think the vets will agree with this....don't rely solely on restriction to help you achieve your goals. Use this opportunity to come up with strategies to maximize the use of your sleeve. You can do this!
  22. Momonanomo

    Ladies HELP!

    I completely agree! Your curves are lovely! OWN that gorgeous hourglass!! Your best accessory will be your smile and confidence.
  23. gman, you are such a rockstar, and one of my favorite members of VST. You've always had wonderful things to say and a wonderful attitude. I certainly can't see 10 lbs worth of excess skin, so that's just not true You are 10 lbs UNDER goal!! That is really freekin cool! You're looking really buff & healthy! Enjoy that Happy Place! Thank you for all you contribute to the gang here, including your humor as well as the inspiration.
  24. Momonanomo

    telling people?

    I chose not to tell most coworkers. I said I was on vacation. If they asked more than that, i said something vague and then asked them something about themselves people love to talk about themselves, so it was an easy way to take attention off me! And because I see them evry day, and people are only just now noticing weight loss, so it is doubtful they will connect my weight loss with the vacay i took in May!
  25. Momonanomo

    Candy bowls and window seats.

    I agree - i have used the "thats not food" tactic successfully. Candy is in brightly colored wrappers to cathc our attention. I have always been a sugar and candy fiend. As a child, i was the kid who put anything in my mouth if it resembeled candy at all. Fancy soaps, for example, when i was about 4. Jeez laweez. But my point is, if you try to look at that brightly colored candy and think"those are soaps" or, "those are markers" maybe you can Not think of them as edible any more. My work has a ridiculous amount of candy --i will have to post a picture some time. This is the only way for me to stay away. And i know i can not just have one... And, you do not suck! You are not alone. And you can conquer this!!!

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