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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Momonanomo

  1. Sometimes I have one, loud, enthusiastic HICCUP! I laugh....but I am secretly seriously hoping it never happens at a restaurant!
  2. just a quick funny story I thought I'd share So….crackers are a slider for me. I don't think I'm alone in that! Last night I decided to indulge. Stood in the kitchen, opened the package and had a couple. Then I remembered I needed to turn off the sprinkler in the backyard. I asked the dog if she needed to go out – she was snoozing in the living room. She indicated that she was waaay too sleepy and comfortable to go outside, so out I went by myself. I was outside perhaps 5 minutes. When I returned, the dog met me at the door with a look—you know the one: ears down, head down, tail curled under, and a so-sad demeanor that said “I feel soooo guilty.” I soon discovered the cracker box – chewed up --- in the middle of the living room floor. There were cracker crumbs all around. I shook my finger at her for a well-deserved scolding…..but as I headed to the trash can to throw out the remains, I was secretly smiling. She saved me from the slider. Good girl! lol
  3. Momonanomo

    but.. I'm thirsty!

    It does get better, I agree with ReDbEaN Try to stay hydrated throughout the day, then it won't be as much torture to wait thirty minutes. Also, I find that if I take my chewable multivitamin or my chewable biotin as my "dessert" it helps 'cleanse' my palate and makes me a little less desperate for a sip of water. I get my butt up and go for a 30 minute walk after dinner to take my mind off of it too
  4. Momonanomo

    2 nonths out

    Well i would think a cyst is better news than a tumor, right? Is the cyst a skin thing or internal? Hang in there, they will fix you up. Glad your dr is involved. Try not to worry too much, just take good care of yourself & keep in touch with your healthcare team.
  5. Momonanomo

    5 Months & 120 lbs. gone - before & after pic

    Beautiful! Way to go!
  6. Momonanomo

    100 by surgiversary!

    That is wonderful! Great job!
  7. If someone has already posted this - sorry for the duplication. I just discovered a candy called Ice chips. Omg sooo good, and it is made with xylitol. I was in the local healthfood store, and I thought I would get some licorice as a treat, because I knew someone once who was type I diabetic, and she ate licorice because it was low glycemic. I am not diabetic but am staying away from sugar for obvious reasons. Well, the licorice I found....I did not like what I saw on the nutrition label. Then Licorice Ice Chips caught my eye. It said right on the package that it was good for diabetics and good for your teeth! It comes in a tin like altoids, and they are these sweet little chips. It's a hard candy you suck on, and it is so hard to believe it's not made with sugar! I was so blown away I found their website. Turns out xylitol IS good for your teeth, and it is a natural sugar substitute. They have lots of flavors, and I have now ordered a bunch from amazon. So far licorice, lemon, and cinnamon are my faves. If you have a sweet tooth like I do, I recommend these. They do NOT trigger cravings like real sugar candy does. I guess because it doesn't spike your blood sugar. I love love love them!
  8. Momonanomo

    Re: Protein Chips

    My surgeon's office sells them. Don't mean to be negative, but I found them to be absolutely foul!
  9. Momonanomo

    this "candy " is almost too good to be true!

    Only happens if you over indulge! I only noticed it when my variety pack arrived & i had to try them all even then, it wasnt catastrophic, i promise
  10. Momonanomo

    this "candy " is almost too good to be true!

    PS xylitol has a slight laxative effect. Could be helpful for a sleever at times, but I would not eat the whole tin in a day AND! Xylitol is toxic to dogs. I leave mine at work, since my dog gets into anything.
  11. Momonanomo

    Zomg! Why didnt you guys tell me about thi?s?

    Im headed to walmart! Brb
  12. Momonanomo

    My Ticker made me smile!

    Awesome! Congrats on gettiing close to halfway! It will be here before you know it. I know it was a big milestone for me -- about ten lbs ago. Keep that lil butterfly flyinf along! Love the halloween costume I may try that one next year. This year I am 1940s housewife. So....same era! Happy Halloween! Have fun!
  13. Momonanomo

    2 nonths out

    I cant think how it would be in your chest, and after so many weeks. I strongly urge you to go to a dr. Best wishes, and keep us updated!
  14. Surgery was 5/22 and on July 4 I had just a couple sips of white wine. It was ok. <shrug> I didnt feel motivated to drink the whole thing. Pre surgery I would have had several glasses!
  15. Momonanomo

    CAUTION! Hazards of being Skinny!

  16. Momonanomo

    Question about a friend

    Sounds like what is called transfer addiction. He used to medicate with food, but he cant use food anymore so he is using alcohol. It is dangerous, and you should encourage him to get help.
  17. Momonanomo

    Bad dog! And ... good dog!

    Yay it worked! Don't know why it was so easy for me to grab pics of Gov Christie off the web yesterday and put them in a post, but putting in a pic of my dog was so hard! I think I've got it figured out now
  18. Momonanomo

    Bad dog! And ... good dog!

    trying to post a picture per gamergirl's request dunno if this will work...
  19. Momonanomo

    Random Thoughts Thread

    I was so stoked at the grocery store last night to find that Old London melba toasts have only 9g net carbs! And they were on sale SCORE!!!
  20. Momonanomo

    5days post op sleeve

    glad you are feeling better and are up & about! Days 2 and 3 were the hardest for me, by far. Work at staying hydrated - that is your #1 job for now & will make a huge difference in how you feel. Then a close 2nd will be meeting your protein goals. You're on your way! Congrats & best wishes!
  21. If it was me, I would call the doctor's office. It does seem weird to me that you would gain on a liquid diet. Best bet is to call them & seek counsel since the 10 lb loss is their requirement, and it's their plan that's evidently caused the weight gain. They should be kept informed that this is going on, and can perhaps make alterations to your pre-op plan. Don't get discouraged -- they are on your side and want to help you succeed. Reach out and get some help from them.
  22. Momonanomo


    I've heard some people's programs don't recommend them until they're several months out, so first off I'd say check with your NUT. My program said it was ok once I was on regular foods. I just eat teeny bites and chew extremely well if I have salad. I haven't had a problem, but I have read some people here who do experience discomfort with raw veggies. So....1) check with your NUT and if you get the all clear 2) try some slowly and carefully (as with all foods being reintroduced!)
  23. Momonanomo

    Bad dog! And ... good dog!

    she definitely seemed to feel more guilty eating them than I would have
  24. Momonanomo

    So excited

    I bet your mom will be absolutely thrilled! You're probably nervous because you love your mom and what she thinks has high value to you. I bet she is going to be so happy for and proud of you! I know my mom was so worried about my future as an obese person. She worried about my happiness, my quality of life, and the health problems I was likely to develop as a result of it all. She has told me she is so happy and worries a lot less! Mom's are great. Enjoy your time with her!!

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