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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MsBrown76

  1. On 01/03/2020 at 15:38, Rosy89 said:

    Hi Hun thank you for your reply.

    yeah I’m propping myself up on a few pillows. No recliner as I’m in a hotel so I guess that doesn’t help either to get into a routine.

    yes the idea after first 10 days are finished, are to start on purées, I’ve been told to drink something other then Water that’s sugar free so I need to look into that. I know a lot of people on here have jelly and ice lollies but my dietician has told me not to consume anything to cold or too hot.

    I have even given a binder and I use it religiously when I’m walking, it’s causing my wounds to discharge but apparently that’s completely normal.

    I am on a whole load of medication; from thyroid meds to Vitamin D, couple antibiotics and stomach protectors. And I’m gulping a lot of Water when taking the tablets which leaves no room for other ‘liquids’ but I guess it’s a big learning challenge and trying to understand my body again.

    rosy :)

    Seems like now I crave cold liquids before I couldn’t stand the thought of ice in anything. I have a lot of the sugar free drink mix packets (orange crush, pink lemonade, Hawaiian Punch etc.).

    How are you doing on your Protein and Vitamins?

  2. On 01/03/2020 at 14:55, GotItDoneInHarlem said:

    Were you at your goal weight or did you have some to lose? I'm pretty much at my goal weight which is 180. I'm 6 feet tall. If I lose 30 pounds I'm going to look sickly. I know that I'm going to lose a lot in the first month and I'm really worried. Going to a nutritionist to see if I should pack on some weight so I have weight to lose.

    I was at my goal weight. Losing the 25lbs hasn’t been too bad. My concern is if I lose an additional 30lbs. However, I will say with careful monitoring you can increase your weight to where you want to be in your maintenance phase. I did that after I had my sleeve. The other option would be to increase your muscles to give a more toned look. Not sure what your physique is like now just a suggestion.

  3. On 01/03/2020 at 15:02, 2Bsmaller18 said:

    I would call the Md for sure. One thing about the Vitamins. I was on chew able ones for 2 months. Once I was allowed to swallow them it was still hard so I would put the Vitamin in a cup of Water for a few minutes to soften it. It didn't dissolve in that time but the plastic like capsule was a little soft and mushy so it slid down easier.

    I have the soft chews from Bariatric Advantage so they dissolve completely by the time I swallow. These are the only ones I seem to be able to tolerate for now.

  4. I understand your pain partially. Mine was not open but I had hernia repair with a full bypass. I’m 6wks out still having some discomfort and pain. Your body is traumatized and it’s going to take time to heal. Were you given a binder to wear to help support your stomach? Are you sitting up sleeping (propped on pillows) I used 6 to help sleep, or slept in recliner.

    It’s a new learning process to know when you’re hungry or thirsty. I still can get in the required liquids and Proteins drinks in a day. I get too full even drinking from a shot glass every 15 min.

    The no Water with food is for solids only. What’s your post-op diet after 10 days it should be purée to softs and gradually adding in fish around 4 weeks soft veggies around 6 weeks. That’s how “some” are structured.

  5. Revision bypass for GERD/Hernia 11/21/19 started: 240 (ate everything I could before pre-op liquids 😝) surgery date: 229 cw: 213 dropped 27lbs in 6 weeks.

    My sleeve 11/22/2012 highest weight 364 surgery weight 350 in one year I lost150lbs and maintained weight was 216lbs (through 2018) then I was on Prednisone for all 2018 and I hovered around 235.

    Top photo was sleeve 2012-2017. Bottom photo is 2019 pre-bypass and 12/21/19 (my bday) 4wks post-op after bypass. I haven’t been to the gym yet to start toning I’m now 6wks post-op.


  6. On 01/02/2020 at 08:27, GradyCat said:

    If I eat too much or the wrong foods (bread, tortillas) I get an uncomfortable full feeling from stomach up to throat and sometimes get what we call here "the foamies" where you throw up mucus but not food. Best to stop before you get that feeling by watching your portion sizes.

    So the foamies or as I call it a ball of slime. What causes that besides overeating? I’m having that issue now if I drink something, after I chew my Vitamins, or even take a bite of food. It gets stuck like right around my bra line area and I start beating that area trying to burp it doesn’t work and almost instantly it brings up the foamy stuff but no food 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s concerning because it’s happening almost daily a couple of times a day.

    I chew small bites to oblivion and take small sips.

  7. I had bypass on 11/21/19, and I was diagnosed with SLE, Sjogrens, and PMR in 2017. Thanks God it’s well controlled with Plaquenil. The only issue I’m experiencing is the fatigue, and I’m noticing Hair loss starting. That scares me the most, but I’ve added Biotin to my Vitamin regimen. The pain and discomfort I’m still experiencing I’m not contributing that to my Lupus at this time. I had hernia repair too and that’s the area the bulk of my pain is, and lower abdominal region.

    I wish you the best of luck. Just know there’s no more oral prednisone if you have to use that for flare ups it has to be IV, or injection only from what my doctor told me. It cannot be long term.

  8. I had bypass 11/21/19 and still having pain and discomfort. For the last week and a half I’m having issues with getting anything down (liquids, chewable vitamins, food etc.). Not sure why, but I finally called my doctor’s nurse today (left vm). I’m using gas-x in case its gas pains no relief, I chew chew chew/sip sip sip before swallowing but everything seems to get stuck in my chest area. When it comes back up it’s a ball of slime nothing else. It’s happens a couple times a day.

    Anyone else having this issue?

  9. I had bypass 11/21/19 and still having pain and discomfort. For the last week and a half I’m having issues with getting anything down (liquids, chewable Vitaminsfood etc.). Not sure why finally called my doctor’s nurse today. I’m using gas-x in case its gas pains no relief, I chew chew chew/sip sip sip before swallowing but everything seems to get stuck in my chest area. When it comes back up it’s a ball of slime nothing else. It’s happens a couple times a day. 

    Anyone else having this issue? 

  10. On 09/11/2019 at 00:41, Ellandriel said:

    I am a month sleeved today.

    I am nauseous all of the time, ALL of the time.

    I am supposed to move to purées but after one swallow of applesauce or something I am throwing up or get terrible pain.

    My Dr said it was normal for the first month. I go back in a few weeks. I just am miserable most of the time.

    Me too I’m 19 days post op and the thought of food or liquids makes me sick. I can’t even get Protein Shakes down anymore after a sip or two everything inside starts turning.

  11. I am struggling big time with trying to get down any liquids and food. I stay so nauseated it’s ridiculous. The thought of food makes me sick. I can’t even eat Jello anymore it’s like my taste buds are on strike. I sip tiny amounts of liquid and sometimes gag. Seems like the only food I can tolerate on occasion are my refried Beans, Peanut Butter on crisp toast otherwise I don’t eat because of the sickness. Geez Louise I’ve had more issues with this surgery than a little bit and I’m 19 days post-op. Anyone else have/had this issue?

  12. Doctor said he saw absolutely no blockage on my CT and that my body is fighting inflammation not only from the extensive surgery, but also due to SLE and Sjogrens. So he’s starting me on a muscle relaxer for the spasms and the good ole MOM - Milk of Magnesia to see if that’ll help get my bowels moving along with Miralax. Otherwise he said keep walking and trying to get liquids in and see him in two weeks. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but definitely hoping it’ll work.

  13. On 12/03/2019 at 12:49, Darktowerdream said:

    I looked “healthy and vertical based” post op, and yet had aspiration pneumonia due to neurological dysfunction of the epiglottis (dysphasia) I also have lifelong chronic illness and disability but you don’t visually see it.

    the CT showed partial blockage, do I trust CT’s um not so much. My CT’s showed narrowing of the colon, colon wall thickening and possible colitis yet a colonoscopy yielded no answers except diverticulitis. (Sorry I’ll get to the point) if the ct showed partial blockage with a combination of aspiration issues due to GERd than it’s not as simple as castor oil.

    I have intestinal problems at first post op i had bloody diarrhea, ended up in the Er, then i was lucky if I went Once every two weeks. Something just gets stuck in transit in my gut. I can’t rely on laxatives I have too much muscle weakness and damage due to chronic illness. And the more you take the more dependent your body becomes. Plus I’m allergic to glycols. For some reason the magnesium citrate drink made me severely ill. As did MOM.

    each person has their own things they just can’t do. Or that works but it seems This is a sensitive problem and needs the right approach. I would be concerned about laxatives at this point.

    12/02/2019 02:13 PM, MsBrown76 said:

    ended up being rushed to the ER by ambulance due to sever pain CT scan was done and they found small pockets of blockage in my intestines and diagnosed me with illeus including inflammation in my intestines. I haven’t had a BM since the day before surgery. ER docs felt I needed to be admitted for pain control and further testing on the blockage, but my surgeon said no. I came home pain is still there, but developed bladder spasms this past Saturday and those contractions are worser than all my pain combined. I see my doctor tomorrow to discuss with him my options and what’s next. From day to day I’m struggling getting in liquids and my purées. Anyone have all these excess complications???

    I’m surprised with all that’s going on that the doctor would suggest laxatives Rather than further testing. It’s concerning that a part of the bowel isn’t functioning as it should. And that you have inflammation. Ileus is where the portion of bowel isn’t moving things along the way it should. Maybe the doctor feels it will get better on its own as the bowel wakes up. Maybe moving around more to get your gut motility moving. Bladder spasms are probably connected they are all connected.

    I’ve had a lot on my plate, some from surgery some not. I had another surgery before my gastric bypass surgery, also had my gallbladder removed along with the RNY, and then another surgery last month. I do have stricture. I’ve had difficulty with thinner liquids, and couldn’t tolerate purée. I’m slowly trying to add things late in the game.

    Trying moving around. Try some gentle things like massaging your stomach in a circular motion starting from the lower right up and around to the colon, is that counter clockwise? Also if you can tolerate it try sipping Smooth Move tea. I don’t use anything long term but used liquid cascara sagrada (it tastes like a strong licorice) I didn’t mix it in anything but you could.

    everything is backed up for you including gas, you don’t want to end up dehydrated or with other complications. Post op pain meds also slow the gut down. If you are still taking it the doctor can prescribe Relistor to help get things moving.

    i Got frustrated with trying to get answers from my gastroenterologist and asked for a prescription for linzess. But give things a little time. It is painful but just keep trying to get Protein first look for Protein Shots so it’s small doses, and hopefully at the next appointment the doctor will order testing if it’s not improved. They might order a barium enema.

    My answers are scattered and hopefully make sense my memory is terrible and my sense of timeline is worse. As long as you get answers and solutions to this that’s what matters most.

    Thank you your answers make perfect since. I appreciate everyone taking the time to post on this I too didn’t realize this post would elicit such passionate responses.

    I’m on my way now to see my doctor to see what he’s going to recommend. I’d rather not go the laxative way either but something has to help somewhere. The older remedies I know work in a traditional sense but I’d rather not introduce anything else into my system because I don’t know what it will do.

    Unfortunately that means pain and wait and see but I’m hoping he’ll have more to say.

  14. On 12/03/2019 at 09:22, Darktowerdream said:

    Weird first post...what are you selling via PM?

    Was this comment removed? I don’t see it or who they were responding to.

    I guess my posting this was a mistake.

    i rarely eat out, if ever - I can’t afford to. I’ve tried to go for my mother if she asks me. They don’t eat at expensive places and I don’t go just to get a lot of food to bring back home. I was never a bring home leftovers type of person. Each person has their own way of doing things and their own dietary restrictions. I just happened to end up at a buffet but it would have only been around $6.99 for a kids portion. Yeah I was upset about the price and the fact that my company didn’t care to ask about a kids portion but everyone seems to have the mindset buffet means eat more than you paid for or it’s not worth it because you can’t bring it home.

    the next time I went out was thanksgiving, I go where the other people with me want to. And that was a disaster for me. I went into sensory overload from the crowds and lack of options on the menu,

    I should have just talked about the medical card to get kids portions or a smaller portion of a regular meal for a lower price, not all places let adults get kids portions. But some do. I guess it doesn’t matter, I think I should not have posted this. I have my own personal issues with this subject of going out to eat while others just do it regularly.

    I will stop posting my own topic, and maybe will see how to remove this.

    I believe that post was spam. Definitely keep posting you never know who you’re inspiring with what you’re going through. Not every post is worthy of a response from you, and there will be several more people’s opinions of which you don’t agree with.

    Have you spoken with your family with how you feel about going to the different restaurants? Maybe have your meal before you go with them if possible.

    Best wishes to you but you seem like you’re learning to navigate it pretty well.

  • Asking for complications are you looking for ways to psych yourself out the procedure? I looked for for both success and complications because I’d been sleeved already and wish I would’ve known about the “common” complications of GERD and hiatal hernia with the sleeve, but it was too new during that time. I’m 13 days out RNY because of GERD and hernia. Right now I have some small pockets of blockage and inflammation in my small intestine, and still no BM. My intestines are decompressed and that’s because my inside have not fully awakened after surgery. Right now I’m still trying to get liquids down and my purées. When it goes it stays, but...I see my doctor today to see what’s going on.

    I didn’t see a lot of complication stories prior to RNY and I’m low key wishing I would’ve had this surgery first but my BMI was not high enough for the approval. All in all I can’t say one way or another if I like it or regret it.

  • On 11/03/2019 at 01:02, FknUpAlready said:


    I am one week post op and the only difference I feel is pain on the right side of my stomach. I have not experienced any nausea or vomiting, in fact, while I was in the hospital the day after surgery I was out of it and guzzled Water out of a straw! I don’t think this works for me AT ALL. Like did my physician take a tiny bit of my stomach? Today I went to Olive Garden to have the Zuppa Soup because it is cheap and hearty. Although I eat a little slower, I still devoured my Soup and had a breadstick. I did not feel full, bloated, nothing. I feel like this procedure was a waste for me and all I have to show or feel from it is scars on my stomach (which my tape has not fallen off yet), crazy bruising, and track marks on my belly from those dreadful shots. I have major pain bending over and getting out of bed but I have no problem with my Fluid intake or going to the gym. Three days post op and I was doing 45 minutes on the elliptical. I just don’t get it. I’m so disappointed in myself and this process. I think I just need to go to freakin weight watchers AGAIN.

    One week out 😱 were you given the informational packet that provided steps to incorporating food back starting with liquids only? Please follow up with your nutritionist and get to a support group. Your healthy lifestyle begins with changing your mindset your new pouch is only a tool to help minimize. Mentally you have to did the rest of the work. I’m hoping you’re changes have been better since you posted this message. Follow the plan it works!

  • On 11/24/2019 at 07:27, momof3_angels said:

    I have already eaten out a few times post op. At some places, I just nibble off my husband or daughters plate. Sometimes there is a Soup I can eat. Other times I order a healthier option meal, substituting things like rice when I can.... and then eating leftovers for the remainder of the day (or even 2 days). In the end, it all works out. That said.... I will avoid buffets at all costs. Not only is it not worth it for me to eat at them, I will be encouraging my immediate family to avoid them as well because you will always want to overeat at them.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I made the same choice after I was sleeved in 2012 absolutions no buffets it’s truly a waste of money for me. If it’s any other restaurant I just ask for a two go box upfront and keep on the plate the amount I may eat. Sometimes I’m adding that to the box. The other option is to meal share. Some places charge for doing so, but most do not. With having bypass 11/21 I’ll be incorporating the same practice.

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