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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jkfjdohio

  1. Last night I weighed myself and I FINALLY weigh less than my husband! By two pounds! Woo-hoo! When I went to my 6 month checkup, I had met my surgeon's goal for me and was told I could skip my 9 month check up. I am quite content where I am at. food and Vitamins are still a struggle. I focus on Protein. I have slowed to about 4-6 lbs per month and I am often gaining and losing the same couple of pounds when I weigh myself but at the end of the month I still have a net loss. I am in small tops and size 8 bottoms at NY&CO. I ordered a pair of medium yoga pants from Old Navy and they are a bit big! Unfortunately all this weight loss has cause me to go down several bra sizes too. I need to get measured again. After being a DD I never thought that implants would be on my radar but they are now!

    SW/HW: 224

    CW: 155 (surgeon's goal was 168)

    I am still overweight per BMI but I feel thin. And people tell me I look skinny so who knows. I just wish I could eat food without feeling sick. It's just not fun so I tend to not eat. I know that's not good but I hate feeling bad. Wonder if that ever changes or if that's what we signed up for. At the rate I am going with food intake, I am worried I will keep losing to the point of being too skinny.

    I have stepped up weight workouts trying to tone up to determine if plastics is necessary. I don't want a Tummy Tuck (and don't have hanging skin so it wouldn't be covered by insurance per my NP) but I am thinking some Lipo in my lower stomach and upper inner thighs. My surgeon says wait a year so I will.

  2. NSV - I just bought size 10 dressy shorts & capris at New York & Company. 5 months ago I was in an 18! The 10s were actually a touch loose too :)! I'll tell you this surgery was the best thing I've ever done but man is it expensive clothes wise! My scale has been stagnant or even has gone up a couple pounds here or there in April so going down another size helped my psyche for sure.

  3. That's what I'm losing a wk on average. I thought that was good. Is it not? I'm 16 lbs from what dr. Bell had said I would lose. I'm not sure how much I should lose for my height. Ugh going in next month and will discuss it eith him!

    highest weight 224#<br />sx weight 212# (11/20/12)<br />current weight 166#(4/3)

    We are very similar stats - I am not sure what I am losing a week but I am happy overall. I tend to stay at the same weight or even go up a pound and then suddenly I am down 2-3. I think our bodies are still in adjustment mode.

    Highest weight & surgery weight: 224 (I was on prednisone which caused me to gain my preop weight back right before surgery - they almost cancelled it!)

    Current weight: 164

    I am not totally clear on what my doctor's goal weight for me is. I am going to nail him down on that at my 6 month follow-up. I know the BMI charts for me (I am 5'3") say 135. I can't ever imagine being that small. I would be fine at 150. We'll see.

    Congrats everyone!

  4. I swear I get at least 50 to 60 grams of Protein a day. I was sleeved on 11/20 and my hair is falling out. Is anyone else having this problem? It really is quite upsetting.

    I am having the same problem. Sleeved 11/19 and get about 50 grams protein a day and my hair is falling out like crazy. I am getting worried. Last week at my 3 month appointment my NUT told me it was completely normal and will stop around 6 months. I am scared I will have no hair by then! Thank goodness I started with a thick head of hair!

  5. I had a glass of wine 4 weeks post op. I drank about half of it - no problem. It did burn a bit and it tasted a lot more sugary than preop. I used to just love wine but since my surgery it just isn't the same. I no longer enjoy it. In my 10th week out, I had a week full of business dinners and had key lime martinis at each dinner with absolutely no problems. Obviously alcohol contains empty calories so it's best not to drink a ton of it but the reality is many of us will still drink at least occasionally. Just take it slow and watch how you feel. I've seen some people say that they get tipsy much more quickly. I have not had that experience. I drink MUCH more slowly now though. Preop I would have had three cocktails during a 3 hour dinner. Now it's just one.

  6. I was sleeved November 19th. My weight a week before the surgery was 224. This morning I finally broke 180 with a weight of 179. I feel like the entire month on January I gained and lost the same 3 pounds toggling between 181 and 183. My size 16s are huge on me but I am not buying any new clothes yet. I would have thought that 45 pounds would have led to smaller sizes but I was at old navy this weekend and some 16s were tight. Oh well sizes are only numbers. I still struggle to get my liquids, Vitamins and any food in. I do get around 50 grams of Protein in a day but I feel like that's all I eat. All in all it was a great decision that I wouldn't change although I had no idea how difficult the journey would be.

  7. I was so excited to be moved to soft foods last week. Unfortunately it's not as satisfying as I thought it would be. I'm able to tolerate egg beaters, cottage cheese, my surgeon's bariatric chili, and believe it or not, meatballs. I've had cod & halibut 4 times (1 oz. each time) and three of those times I "slimed" and was miserable. Today I tried an ounce of grilled chicken for lunch and spent the next hour or so spitting up slime. It was awful. I'm wondering when I'll be able to eat normal food without pain...even if it's just a tiny bit. It's really discouraging.

  8. I had my sleeve on November 19th. My first post op appointment was yesterday, December 6th. I've lost 26 lbs & 28% of my excess weight - woo-hoo! I've been moved to soft foods. Tried successfully 2 tablespoons of egg beaters this morning. Making tilapia & mashed potatoes for dinner. Can't wait to be free of those yucky Protein Shakes. Looking forward to the next few months! Already fit into riding boots that previously wouldn't zip. Great feeling!

  9. I have to go to a family Christmas gathering on December 15th. I will be one day shy of 4 weeks post op. Not everyone at the party knows what type of surgery I had (the know I had stomach surgery and that I am on drastic food restrictions). Question is this is a pot luck type party. Any suggestion of something I could take that I could eat and others would want to eat as well? The hardest par is going to be not having a glass of wine!

  10. I was sleeved on November 19th. Feeling good; back to work; still on full liquid phase.

    Problem is getting all my fluids & Protein in. Yesterday was the first day I attained the 64oz. Fluid goal, only 28g of which was protein. Today I have gotten 36ozs of liquid so far (20 oz Water & 2 Protein Shakes with 16oz milk totaling 48 grams protein). I'm struggling finishing the second Protein Shake. If I wouldn't have made the second protein shake I know I could have gotten in enough water to meet the liquid goal but then my protein would have been inadequate (still is). As I work toward meeting both goals, which is more important at this stage?

  11. I was sleeved on 11/19 and I am still having a heck of a time with fluids. I am lucky if I get 25 oz in a day! 1/2 of that is usually a Protein Shake so I am getting some Protein but not near enough. My stomach just does not like drinking a ton! How is everyone else doing?

    I was sleeved the 19th as well and am having the same problem! I get one protein shake a day and some fluids. I really need to work harder on it but I am just not hungry/thirsty and now that the Vitamins and Calcium are added to the mix I just don't see how I can do it! A little more each day is my goal. I feel like I would have to constantly be putting something in my mouth to reach the amounts we are supposed to be getting. I feel pretty good though and went back to work yesterday 11/26. I have a desk job and am not in any pain so I held up well. Although I did go to bed at 8pm last night because I was pretty tired. Lost 10.5 lbs since morning of surgery!

  12. I was sleeved in Akron, Ohio on the 19th. Had to stay in the hospital until Thanksgiving because of an elevated heart rate with no explanation. I felt fine. No pain other than gas discomfort. Home 24 hours and feel great. Even went shopping for about an hour today but that did tire me out. Not hungry at all. On full liquids and got in about 3oz of Jello, 4 ounces of broth, a popsicle and 8 oz. Of Water. I just have no appetite. Tomorrow i will start the day with a Protein Shake & see how I do. My stomach is still pretty bloated but I have lost 5 lbs from my morning of surgery weight :)

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