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Posts posted by Fishy

  1. Exactly and like the ass hat said it should be for peoplr who have exhausted every option. In the fact hes judge me saying i havent tried everything..and i have been to the doctor more times in the last two years than ever before. My biggest issue is my pcos. Anyone whos ever had ovarian cycts knows how painful they are..and when they burst. My weight is severaly effecting my.reproductive system the most. I also am on medication for high blood pressure and would love to not have that stress.everyday. My doctor is fighting for me because he knows the advantages it has for me.

    Anyways good luck with everyhing i hope you get approved!!

    My fiance has PCOS. That is not linked to weight. Your fat can produce some more complications but it does not cause PCOS. You will stay have PCOS when you lose 100 pounds.

    You. Should. Not. Be. Allowed. This. Surgery.

    Sorry if that hurts your feelings.

  2. Trust your doctors they have ways of getting you approved. After all they are the ones that went to med school not sume smuck sitting in a office that got his medical experience from watching TV or making TV ads for Meds that do more harm then good.

    Doctors have lost control of the medical field to Insurance Company's that are in it for profit. Big time profit more money in 1 month then most doctors make in 2 years (sounds fair right) besides Insurance company's know what's best for you Not some Doctor

    So we can all sleep better knowing that some dumb ass wearing a white shirt sitting in a office( sorry to anyone that wears a white shirt) who's only experience in the medical field is putting a band aid on his really nasty Paper Cut

    You will get approved give the doctors a chance.

    Surgery Anniversary 7/30/12

    Doctors get a kickback you dimwit.

  3. So over this. Thank you for those of you who are here for support. I appreciate it. I mentioned this site to a few other people in my support group that I go to. I have met some really great people and have some close friends are are starting our journeys together :) heheheh like that MY JOURNEY? Its MY JOURNEY< and If i want to call it MY journey I will. You are a pathetic little man who needed to get off on coming in here and being mean to people. I am not going to continue to let you get off at fighting with people on the internet. Again MY journey. And for those of you who care I should know tomorrow or Tuesday whether or not I was approved. Thanks for all the kind words and support. I hope that this one negative person dose not discourage other people to share their stories on here. 100 lbs or 600lbs. people all have the same feelings, and the same size battle and we are here for each other, thats why we joined the site right?

    LOL. Yes, "your journey". You act like you're on the road to Narnia or something. Get a grip.

    As far as hearing back, I truly hope you don't get approved. And I will be reporting your doctor and bariatric center for allowing you to skirt the system and line your pockets with heavy objects.

  4. Really this is stupid, he gave his opinion, you don't have to agree its America but going back and forth is childish and calling names and typing insults is just sillly. I don't agree with skirting the system with ankle weights and etc BUT I also think you should have been approved for all you other reasons. We are here to support doesn't mean we have to agree,.

    The ankle weights, pennies in the pockets and all that other garbage is DISGUSTING. Rules are rules and are in place for a reason. You're basically stealing, when you do something like that.

    I'm sorry they're upset. But the truth is that they're upset because they know I'm right.

  5. What about someone like me? I am not exactly meeting the weight requirement, but I am having servere difficulties with diabetes, hypothyroidism, and sleep apnea? I am not wanting this surgery to just loose weight. I have been busting my ass for 6 years to keep weight off and I am losing the battle no matter if I eat less than 1200 cal a day or work out 3 times a week for 45 mins alternating aerobic with weight training. Gastric bypass has been proven in many case studies to almost do a reset for people with diabetes due to the malabsorbtion of sugars and nutrients being rerouted. I am not stomping my foot, by all means I agree that someone who is just wanting to lose a little weight without effort should look for an alternative source, but I think they need to adjust the requirements for people who are really struggling. I would give anything in the world not to haft to take shots everyday or 8 different medications some 3x a day.Just to sorta live a normal life. :wacko:

    I think there are exceptions to every rule and you sound like one. Plus you have been trying for 6 years.

  6. How are you already approved when you have not been to any type of pre surgery stuff? I just saw in another post you were confused about the liquid diet? Anyone who has been through the mandatory pre authorization requirements know the reason you have to have a liquid diet. This is a SUPPORT GROUP! Not Facebook where you can come on here and whine and cry because I am not as big as you. Like I said YOU DO NOT KNOW MY JOURNEY. You don't know that I am only 23 years old, and am not being able to live my life because I am over weight. Weight loss surgery is to benefit your physical health and emotional health. I have been thinking and researching the surgery for a whole year. Done all my research and have met some really great people on this website. My doctor doing my surgery is in the best in the area, people come from all over California to be seen by one of the physicians at ALSA medical group. Again this is a support group, and you cannot offer support then leave. Thank you for all of the kind words from the people who responded, and you should just feel sorry for this guy. Being as over weight as he is, I am sure there is lots off issues going on in life and its easier to make a big deal out of someone elses issues. I know I have my up and downs and I cannot imagine being as over weight as him. If I were you I would have made this decision 100lbs ago. Now you face even more issues with the surgery just because of your weight alone. And There is a reason they make you meet with a psychologist before you submit for approval. If you have let your self get as out of control and you have all kinds of cravings (which are emotional not physical) then what makes you think YOU ARE READY? This is not the easy way out. Its lots of hard work, and finding other ways to deal with your emotions without eating your feelings. Again you really should research this surgery and options more. I can tell by your obvious ignorance you are not ready to start your journey.

    Lol shut up about "YOU DO NOT KNOW MY JOURNEY". It sounds stupid and pathetic and embarrassing.

    I was approved because I have amazing insurance and most of my tests were completed for other reasons. I had a sleep test last year - they used that. Full blood panel a month ago - they used that. They used my last 6 weigh ins at my doctor. And I have a regular therapist who approved me.

    Also, my cravings are due to INSULIN INBALANCEs. Man some people are stupid. As far as being as big as I am, you LOOK like you're about 600 pounds so maybe you're right - you need this surgery bad.

  7. I don't mean to be "the bad guy" but I see where Ryan is coming from. He started out by giving his opinion and then was ridiculed and made sure to say sorry to those he offended before things got out of hand. Insurance requirements are there to gatekeep. Weight loss surgery should be a last resort. Insurance set the 40 BMI for a reason. They were smart about it, and decided to lower it to 35-39 with two or more deadly co-morbities. They know what they're doing. Should a person be cheating the system in order to get to a 40 BMI? Is that morally right? I don't think so, but it happens. I don't agree with it and I don't think surgeons' or doctors' should be encouraging this. Is anyone wrong in this argument? No. It's an opinion and everyone's entitled to one :)

    This surgery should not be regarded as a quick fix nor should someone purposly try to decieve an insurance company willing to pay for a very expensive, intense surgery. In the end though, you do what makes you happy, and this is all that matters!

    You are 100% right. Great post.

  8. I think there is a by misunderstanding in this post. I have read every post. And I am not taking sides but I didn't see anything but his opinion that you shouldn't get approved if your BMI is under a certain number. I think we all can support each other and yes he needs support too. So why don't we move past this and find common ground and help each other. By the way my insurance requires 40 BMI or 35 with a Co morbidity

    You're right. All I've done is give my opinion. The problem is that if you don't agree with them, they get upset.

    Notice the first person to bring up putting down the food was Paul.

  9. Had to post one last time

    Glorified Car salesman enough said. Slime of the earth. It is amazing how some people will put you down to make their miserable life sound so much better then yours. He's not above name calling. He's headed in to a crappy marriage ( won't last try living with a person like this) Please let me know what crappy dealership you work for so when I'm ready to buy my next new car (every 3 years) it won't be there.

    Ps what college was that Monroe community college. You would make them proud (not).

    Mami posted how to block people like this. My suggestion do it and maybe he will just go away

    There is now winning with a idiot.

    Good by

    Surgery Anniversary 7/30/12

    Just shows how stupid you truly are. Marketing and development is not car sales. I've never sold a car in my life. You see those car ads on tv? Hear those dealership ads on the radio? See those billboards? That's my job. Glorified car salesman? Ha!

    Ps, it's "a" it's "an".

  10. Wow you have some balls to talk to anyone like that. Who are you to decide or cast judgment on others who are fighting for their lives?? Does she need to be dying before you think it's ok?? WTF. No Bueno.

    Thank you. I do have big balls.

    Also, if you could read you would know I never said anyone has to be dying.

  11. Read his story it says it all. Let me read between the lines for you

    He lives at home with his parents ( in basement) he was going to collage but not now for what ever reson has a BMI over 60 not related to food. Is on insulin not Becuse of food and weighs 427 lb not Becuse of food and is only. 24 years old that should answer all questions.

    What it must be like to be young and so knowable about how the world works

    I'm 52 been all over the world didnt go to collage and make more money the most people make that went to collage (Becuse of hard work)

    I may not be the greatest speller and my language skills may not be to his collage level. But I have done and seen things he will only dream off. So here is my last post I will ever say to this sorry person. I can only hope you find peace in your troubled life. You bring no peace here.

    With a attitude like his he will not go far. ( maybe some day he will move out of his parents basement and understand what life really is like) not shelterd at home and given everything he wants. Insert word ( Entitlement) here he is the new generation

    Good luck on your Journy may you find or be given everything your heart desires .

    Surgery Anniversary 7/30/12

    Dumb as a bag of bricks huh?

    I'm 24, own my own home, and live with my fiancé who I am marrying in 4 weeks. You can visit our wedding website at RyanAndKristina2012.com

    I have a degree in marketing and accounting. I currently am the director in charge of marketing and development at a car dealership in Rochester, NY.

    So I guess you were right about... Nothing! Also it's "college" not "collage".

  12. No? Then why did you start a thread asking if people's hunger and/or cravings subside after surgery. You mentioned that it was a problem for you...that surgery would not be a good option for you if those symptoms wouldnt subside! That would equal you having a problem putting down the fork wouldn't you say?

    Yes... do you know what insulin does?

    Wow. There are people on here who do not know basic chemistry.

  13. I debated about responding but after the "quick fix" comment I had to. Please don't be under the impression that this surgery is a quick fix. It is most definitely a lifestyle change not a quick fix. It is not easy at all! There are days I throw up everything! Days that no matter how much I try I can't eat. Days that I feel awful all day. With that said...I have no regrets and would do it again....just don't like people referring to it as a "quick fix". Also, I have BCBS (one of the largest insurance companies in the country). The requirements for surgery are BMI over 40 with no health issues and BMI over 35 with other health issue (diabetes, HBP etc). While you are entitled to your opinion (as everyone is) I think its better to leave the requirements to the surgeons and insurance companies! AND, I wish you the best in your journey to WLS but after you have the surgery....please let me know how you feel about it being a "quick fix"!

    The OP did leave it up to the insurance conpany. And she was denied. That's why this thread exists.

    And yes of course it isn't a quick fix but some people view it that way

  14. Um....why is he complaining about people not being able to put down the fork? It looks like he fought and lost that battle a few times...we ALL have! Why is he getting surgery??? Uh for the same reasons as most of us. Yes diseases/injuries can contribute to weight gain but I bet eating helped that along as well.

    Bottom line is, we ALL have issues with weight here, we have tried other means and have decided that this is the best option for us! No one should judge because we are ALL here trying to get or have gotten WLS!

    Maybe he's gotten rejected before and he's jealous...just saying.

    I love this site and I hope to never see negative comments like that before.

    Got approved in 12 hours the first time.

    And no, my issue had nothing to do with a fork. Read above for my story.

  15. Mami how do we block idiots like this that just want to argue.

    Makes me wonder if he got turned down by his insurance company

    Surgery Anniversary 7/30/12

    If I was denied by my insurance company, why motivation would I have to agree with them? Common sense dude, common sense.

  16. Maybe you should have paid more attention in school and not so mush at lunch everyday more calories out then in does not make you fat. Maybe you should have tried that and not blamed it in insulin

    I didn't blame it on insulin. The doctors did when i was 4 months and was gaining weight at twice the rate a normal baby should be. When I was 2, I was in the 99th percentile for two year olds. When I was 10 I weighed 190 pounds. I was the size of a normal sized adult man at 10 years old. And it wasn't because of gorging myself. When the doctors told my parents that I would have trouble with weight, they put me on so many diets your head would spin. When I was at lunch, I was eating salads and rice crisps while my other friends were eating tacos, and juice boxes. So before you go spouting off at the mouth, you should probably know what you're talking about.

    I know what elitism is and you are proof of that by your statements. You call a man stupid and you know nothing about me. Where do you get off thinking your are so much better then me ELITISM you my friend are the definition of it.

    Again, you apparently don't know what elitism is. If we dont give gallbladder surgery to a person with no gallbladder issues, are we elitist?

  17. I'm supported of everyone in here. I don't judge & wow! Didn't expect to be judge in here. I love & care about people you make it seem as if I had to wait till I blew up before I did something about my weight issue. If that's you in the photo your not skinny. Maybe you should try eating less. I did many diets & well I'm slimming down & I careless what you have to say. I feel good & you should be happy for me instead of looking for a reason to judge me. We are here for support.

    Stop and listen to your self. Are you god?

    If you care less about what I am saying you wouldn't be responding. And you woudn't even care to be honest. You are only upset because you know there is some truth in what I am saying and the truth hurts.

    I am not god, but I do use common sense. We don't give gallbladder surgery to people who have one bout of pain in their right side. We don't give MRI's to someone who has a few headache's. We don't even open people's chests up after one heart attack. Giving WLS to someone with under a 40 BMI is ludicrous. There is a reason why their are sanctions on it. There is a reason why insurance denies it. There is a reason why world class surgeons won't operate on anyone with a BMI under 45.

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