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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sonia

  1. I have been doing my nightly researching and came across something that woudl really address only long-term band users (probably those that got banded at least 5 years ago) but am sounding if off you guys. Some sites say that because of the silicone in the band, autoimmune problems could THEORETICALLY result. THe full quote is here: Silastic reaction- it is possible that the material of the Band could create some type of body immune reaction that stimulates a separate disease process such as arthritis or Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE). However the Band is made of a silicone elastomer which is completely non-reactive to the body tissues, as far as it has been possible to determine. The same type of material has been in use in a number of implanted medical devices over time, and no problems with tissue reaction have been demonstrated. Here again, the early data is reassuring but no true long-term information exist There was another quote I believe right on Inamed's site, but I can't seem to locate this. Has anyone heard of someone's body actually rejecting the band? And causing autoimmune problems to boot? I am going to post this on an Australian band mailing list, since I believe they have had the band alot logner than the States has. Sonia
  2. Sonia

    Abkin/Bertha support group meetings

    Well, yesterday I attended the information seminar at the Old Mill Inn. Actually, it was my second seminar of the night, I also attended one at Hackensack Hospital. I was very impressed with the surgeons at Hackensack, although one thing was troubling to me. They really did not mention much of pre-op testing. I know someone (actually jsut found out yesterday) that has the surgery scheduled for Christmas week at Hackensack. She has not had to do any pre-op testing at all. The really woried me, but the surgeons were impressive. Then we went to the Abkin/Berthe meeting. Totally different atmosphere, sales-y approach, if you kow what I mean. THe meeting began with MArco, the nurse, then a person who had had the RNY came to share her experiences (I really with someone with the Lap Band had showed up) THen after a discussion about the insurance companies, the doctors showed up. What readily impressed me was Dr. Abkin's obvious knowledge about the surgery and his ability to share that knowledge "at our level". I knew alot about the procedures coming in because of so much research I had done. It was also very obvious that all the doctors preferred the RNY to the Lap Band. Even my husband stated after the meeting that the RNY must be the superior surgery. So I did make an appointment for a consultation, on January 6th. I am also meeting with the psychologist and nutritionist. In the meantime, this is when I must seriosuly consider if this is for me. If I cancel this appointment, I am telling myself that at least for the foreseeble future I must do this without any surgical tool. I have to decide what is best for me. Anyway, that's about it. I just wanted to share my progress so far in a forum that understands where I am coming from. THanks for listening, and sorry for the long post. Sonia
  3. Sonia

    baby step taken

    Well, I took my next baby step towards this procedure. I went to my PCP for the first time in 1 1/2 years, for one reason to finally be put on medication for high blood pressure and to discuss WLS. The ironic thing is, I had been avoiding this doctor becuase every time I went to see her, even if it was for a cold, etc, she would wiegh me then get on my case about my weight. I never wanted to go to her. Well, she never even mentioned my weight yesterday, which was ironic because I borught it up to her. She is very willing to back me on this, and told me to let her know if I needed a letter of medical necessity. I told her the two seminars I would be attending tomorrow (Hackensack and Morristown, NJ) and she gave her opinion about them. I did notice that she doesn't really know much about these surgeries. She was getting confused with the gastric bypass and the lap band. I am glad I had researched so much before going to see her. So tomorrow I am off to find out more. I still don't know what I am going to do, but at least I will be armed with information to make an informed decision. Sonia BTW....are any of you on/been on a diuretic for high blood pressure? If so, how often do you really go to the bathroom? Being a teacher, I don't have ready access to the bathroom. It's not like I can say "Ok 7 year olds, take care of yourself for a couple of mintues" . Just asking if anyone knows. Thanks!
  4. Sonia

    Abkin/Bertha support group meetings

    Congratulations, Doug. You sound like you are healing nicely. Great to have you back. Sonia
  5. Sonia

    Back and Banded!!!!!!

    Congrats and welcome!! Sonia
  6. Sonia

    I made it!!

    Congrats Jen. It must be a great feeling to have the surgery over with. Have a great recovery!! Sonia
  7. Sonia

    autoimmune issues

    Thanks for your input. I am just taking all the information in that I find online, and asking questions when I don't understand or am curious about something. Thanks again!!
  8. Sonia

    That'll teach me!

    How come you can't take a drink to help clear it? Sorry if it is a dumb question, but I am still learning.
  9. Sonia

    That'll teach me!

    How come you can't take a crink to help clear it?
  10. Hello, I remember reading when I was researching another WLS years ago (duodenal switch) about the major risk of blood clots. Over and over on the message boards they would remind you to walk walk walk after the surgery. I don't see that much emphasis on this here. Is there less of a risk for blood clots with this procedure? Sonia
  11. Sonia

    Abkin/Bertha support group meetings

    I just had to mention that you had your surgery on my birthday. And at the doctor I am looking into using as well. 13 has always been a lucky number for me! Sonia
  12. Sonia

    Insurance rejection letter

    Lauri, That is a great letter. I hope those insurance people wise up and give you what you need. It's a joke how these people make us jump through hoops to be taken care of. Of course, they don't think that down the road, they will ahve to pay to treat all those comormibities (spelling?) . Good luck!! Sonia
  13. Sonia

    blood clots - is there a risk?

    No, No, please don't be getting worried about something because I brought it up. I am abnormal, worry about every little thing. Listen to the others here. You are already moving about. Hell, even when I am feeling 100% you gotta force me to do laundry. You must be feeling great!! Sonia
  14. Sonia

    blood clots - is there a risk?

    Heck I will walk from here to TImbuktu if it means I will be ok. LOL
  15. Sonia

    Update on my problem port

    Thanks. I know they aren't meant to scare. I am worrywart by nature, so I obsess about every little thing. I don't mind if there are problems that can be fixed. I can handle that. I just don't want to die trying to get healtheir. I read the WLS memorial page on obesityhelp.com, and read every single person to make sure that none of them died from the Lap Band. I am constantly on the Internet searching for any mortalities and if found, reading the circumstances behind it. That is just the way I am. THis is probably something I will discuss with the psychiatrist before the surgery. I can't really discuss it with my husband. He is not against it, but really doesn't want me to do it. He is scared something will happen. How do I handle this fear in me? Hey, I will take any suggestions? Your attituide in dealing with what is going on is a great inspiration to me and others also. I love reading your posts. Thanks for sharing, truly. Sonia
  16. Sonia

    Hi, I'm new here

    I haven't had any type of surgery at all. Been lucky, I guess. So I am just letting my fears get away from me. Thanks for your welcome, and everyone else as well. I am so glad I found this place. Sonia
  17. Hello all, I have been reading the psots here ofr a few days and psoted on another thread. Ifigured I had better introduce myself. My name is Sonia, and I am currently researching the lap band for WLS. I had considered WLS once before, about a couple of years ago, the duodenal switch, but was too afriad of such major surgery. A coworker mentioned the lap band, and once I found otu what it was online, I became excited about the possibilities. I am currently just reading everything I can get my hands on, and am planning on making an appt with my PCP tomorrow to get the ball rolling. I am absolutely terrified (that word doesn'e begin to express the fear) of having surgery done. I have been put under 3 times when I was much much younger and had no adverse effects, so am telling myself that at least that part of it is no problem. I am going to apologize in advance, becuase I will probably bombard everyone here with questions, and I hope you don't mind. I am kind of a worry wart, and just think of crazy thigns to ask about. If I ever go overboard jsut give me a loud yell and I will back off, at least for the immediate. LOL. Thanks, and God bless! Sonia
  18. Sonia

    blood clots - is there a risk?

    Yep, your info helps alot. I am jsut trying to go through all the fears I have of getting this surgery and getting everyone's opinion. Thanks!!
  19. LOL that made me laugh!!
  20. Sonia

    It's Official, I'm A Bandster Now

    COngratualtions, Pat for becoming a bandster. Just rest up and milk your recovery for all it's worth. LOL
  21. It sounds like you are doing well. This may be a dumb question, but do you feel the band around you..i.e. something foreign in your body? I wonder what it feels like.DId the doctor give you a list of do's and dont's regarding what to eat at each stage? I think that would make it easier to figure out, at least for me. I always did better on a structured diet plan, where I was told what to eat. WHen left to my own devices, I would let hunger rule my head, and my mouth, unfortunately. A personal question - did you tell anyone about your surgery? I have told one very close friend and my husband that I am contemplating this, but no one else. If you didn't tell them, how did you explain you being out from work? Just curious. Thanks, Sonia
  22. Well, I officially took my first step. I ahve an appt with my PCP on Monday, and the new patient seminar on Wednesday. I plan to have a copy of the info packet they are sending me to give to my PCP, but at that point I want her to give me a referral for Dr. Abkin, if she can. THat way, I will be able to schedule a appt after the semiar if possible (and if I am still brave enough, that is). Should I already have a letter showing all my weight loss efforts done to show my PCP? She had already been hinting that I should have bypass (that was when the lap band really hadn't come out in the states yet) so I think she will be fine with it. I know she will again suggest to put me on blood pressure medicine. Will Dr. Abkin insist on my blood pressure being totally low before the surgery? I guess that is a dumb question. In a way I want it to be done immediately, but in another way I don't want to be approved, you know? Anyway, I gotta go. Thanks for listening. Sonia
  23. Well, I have taken my first step towards this procedure. Mind you, I still ahven't 100% decided to do it, but I made an appt with my PCP to discuss it, as well as attending a new patient seminar at the doctor i would have the procedure at. TO me this is a big step towards perhaps taking control of my life. I jsut wanted to share. Sonia
  24. It sounds like you are doing great. Just the fact that you seem to be incontrol of what you are eating - and mroe importantly the quantity - is great. That is something I can only dream about. Congrats! Sonia
  25. Doug, Just wanted to wish you good luck. Keep up posted on your progress!! Sonia

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