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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Evilah

  1. Audrey, I'm scared ****less. I can't even go to the dentist without freaking out. I have to take a sedative to calm me down. I am actually considering delaying my surgery because we're moving this summer, and I don't think I can handle both, even though the move is before the surgery. My family has been very supportive, but sometimes my mom is a jerk and won't listen to me talk about the things I'm afraid of, and suggests right away that maybe I shouldn't do it. (instead of listening and giving me some support and encouragement) I totally understand feeling like you can't go anywhere before the surgery. I would feel that way for several reasons-- 1. I'd feel like I hate people to see me fat, and I'm going to be skinnier so why suffer through that ONE MORE TIME 2. I have so many things to take care of before the surgery, I need time to do those things and focus on being mentally prepared. I wish you the best, the only solace I can offer you is that once you get put to sleep, you don't have to worry about the surgery anymore. I'd probably try not to think about it much and distract myself until tomorrow. I hope everything works out well for you, and odds are, it will. Best of luck, Evilah
  2. Evilah

    the girl pictured here at lapbandtalk.com

    mark, WHAT? Is that real? There's another famous rachel rae? rachael ray? (not the one with the cooking show and talk show who posed in a bra in FHM? http://www.villagevoice.com/blogs/food/rr.jpg Google Image Result for http://www.rachael-ray.org/gallery/albums/magmisc/normal_fhm4.jpg Evilah
  3. Evilah

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    i mix stevia and raw sugar to sweeten. It takes like a third of the sugar and just a teeny bit of stevia to finish sweetening ... So cuts down on the stevia and the sugar and tastes more like realy sugar! Evilah
  4. Evilah

    Thread Killers

    Poor kitty! She had a rough start in life! How little was the kitten? I've seen young pregnant cats, but I don't know how young they can get pregnant... I wonder
  5. Evilah

    Sick from Weight Loss

    Maybe the original poster just wanted to vent or offer some wisdom based on her own experience, and is way past having her condition re-analyzed by other people, or explaining her conclusions, diagnosis, treatment plan. Maybe she didn't want any help or medical advice.
  6. Evilah


    I just write in my excuse for editing, then click "Go advanced", where you can see the post and edit in normal text if you want. Also you can preview it there.
  7. Evilah

    Vegetarian Protein

    Betsy Jane, do you dip your deers for ticks? Did you get them when they were fawns? That sounds really neat, I've always loved adopting animals. But I've never known anyone with a deer! I restrict my soy to ~20g or less a day because I think too much soy is not healthy. I read a study about soy estrogens accelerating some cancers, and my best friend's doctor told her about the connection between excess soy during pregnancy and malformed genitals in baby boys as a result. It just makes sense to me that phytoestrogens can act like regular estrogen, which too much of is very bad! whey concentrate gives me headaches, so it would be very easy to substitute soy Protein powder for all of it, but it seems that I should be getting a varied source of protein. Am I crazy to try do this surgery when I limit my soy, won't eat whey protein concentrate, and won't eat artificial sweeteners? I'm just trying to work out a natural, wheyproteinconcentrate free diet that conforms to the dr.'s guidelines Evilah
  8. Evilah

    Do Not Go To Betencourt Medical

    dang plumbing. causin polio epidemics and all.... Evilah
  9. Evilah

    Liquid Diet Support Thread

    violeteyes! OMG WEEKENDS ARE SOOOOO BAD! AAAAAAAAAHHH! I try to leave the house while my family eats, then come back later. Because it's easy for someone who's all full on meat and carbs and yummy crunchy fruit and veggies to watch you sit and sip on a Protein shake or spoon up a bit of soup than it is to watch them eat a declicious meal while you sip Protein Shake on a near empty stomach!!!!!!!!!! Evilah PS> I have this fear that after the band I'll never be able to eat normal foods again because somehow I equate eating a large quantity of whatever I want until I'm full to eating normally. SOMEONE HELP ME STO PTHIS THINKING!
  10. Was a bubble butt, According to this post by serena, the surgeon giving the seminar said in so many words that the band was evil by ranting about the EVILS of the band. Presumably he would consider that something with 10 minutes worth of evils to rant about would itself be evil. That's what I replied to. Please don't take this post as an invitation to debate. I simply want to clear up my post, by pointing out exactly whose (the surgeon's) assertions that the post was in response to and how I came to write a post about the band itself not being evil. Happy posting, Evilah
  11. Evilah

    Any one in NW WA

    ljuht, best wishes! I'll be thinking of you! wendy, and pine nut! You guys are doing great! I mean I know stuff hurts but it's worth it right? Cindy, nice to see you here. Merrillee, is it you that climbed the hill? thats awesome, I want to feel like that. Evilah
  12. Evilah

    Would you do it again?

    i want one of those phen forum tickers. Do you have to have a member accoutn to get one?
  13. Evilah

    Liquid Diet Support Thread

    I didn't quite make it today. I ate a bag of chips and bean dip. (not a whole BIG bag of chips, a small single bag of chips. heh!)
  14. Evilah

    Lower Body Lift Fun!

    pelorojo, I totally agree... "You're worthy of god's love and he doesn't care how many people you've slept with, he just wants you to treat yourself and others with honesty and respect" Evilah
  15. Evilah

    Oscopy Day!

    Well, I have respiratory issues and they limit the amount of meds they'll give you without a breathing tube-- so they gave me as many meds as they could then put a towel over my eyes and did it. Also, I was drugged and date-raped as a college student, and I was in and out, trying to fight the drugs the whole time. Now when I'm given drugs, I just have an instinct to fight the drugs because I think someone is going to hurt me. (so it's hard to knock me out) Evilah
  16. Evilah

    Any one in NW WA

    i have the feeling of something lodged...! But I don't have a lap band! I just had too many fluids. Trying to drink my hunger away.... So I'm not sure what you're feeling, but I'm sure someone at Dr. Oh's office could help you with an answer tomorrow! Call them! Sometimes I call them even if I have just a little question, and they answer it for me. Evilah
  17. Evilah

    Any one in NW WA

    wnjea, Keep us updated. Don't be shy to call if you're in too much pain. ljuht Why did you choose dr. srikanth? Evilah
  18. Evilah

    Frick, Frick, frickity, FRICK!

    The landscaping company hires "questionables" -- I'm not sure if they're illegal or not, but I know most of them don't speak english. Anyway, one of them stood in my lawn and unzipped his pants and peed on my tree last fall. And that's the time I saw him, I wonder how many times one of them did that and no one complained. You don't just go to someone else's house and expose yourself and pee on their lawn in public, on the corner of two intersecting streets in broad daylight! It's the law for god's sake. I'm sure he didn't know it's the law. Just another reason why I'm totally against illegal immigrants being here (or in any country for that matter), people NEED to be acquainted with the laws before livng here (or whatever country they want to immigrate to). Evilah
  19. Evilah

    cz? diamond? white topaz?

    CAB AMETHYST 190 cabochon amethyst
  20. Evilah

    cz? diamond? white topaz?

    I thought an amethyst would be pretty in cabachon, but I've never seen one! Evilah
  21. Evilah

    5 days post-op and in a car wreck!

    laureli, Be careful--- hunger from surgery could be clouding your judgement. It happens, many people don't realize what hunger and low blood sugar do to people who are susceptible to it. Evilah
  22. Evilah


    I love it when stuff stubbornly and wonderfully grows back. What a great surprise!
  23. Evilah

    Something I have noticed...

    Is that why there are so many Bushims? Is he a victim of bite style reporting? Nah! He's just one big bushism! I think we DO collectively suffer from ADD. Myself included. Diagnosed and everything. LOL. Actually, I think we're all had our right brains pretty heavily stimulated by visual input, so we're random processors and really and truly cannot deal with a linear reality. Evilah
  24. Evilah

    Can't Live Without It...

    i love samsung!! good phones, i have one now and I've beat the pastic off of it and it still works great. Evilah
  25. Evilah

    cz? diamond? white topaz?

    I plumped out of my rings, and part of my incentive to lose weight was so that i could wear them again, now I feel I need a little finger candy for the journey, and am trying to decide what to buy. Probably something that is resizeable (not plated) but I really don't like gold tinted stuff, even white gold which is not rhodium or platinum plated seems yellowish to me, and it just doesn't look good on my skin tone. Recently I got a silver and cz pendant from my husband that I absolutely love and wear all the time. A real one with that color and clarity and tcw would be ~40k. So glad it's not real! Or I'd never wear it! Once someone asked me if it was real and just said no, but wanted to say, "DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I'D WEAR A 40,000 piece of jewelry to go shopping here?" "AND SET IN SILVER?" But I know most people can't tell the difference. I love looking at and shopping for real jewelry, especially online, mostly becaue I want to know by sight how to identify and evaluate jewelry. Maybe I should become and appraiser? LOL! Oh and I prefer a quality cz or manmade diamond to a real one if the real one is cloudy, yellowish, or has anymore than VS1 inclusions. And the blood diamond movie among other things makes me question whether the Kimberly diamond act is effective or not in keeping "bad" diamonds off the market. quick story_ Way back when I was "skinny" I used to date a DeBeers, 30 something nasty old thing, with a penchant for speaking dirty french to his girlfriends and smuggling diamonds back from belgium. BLECK! Why did I do that? Ah well, I was young and stupid. At least I never became "serious" with him. LOL Evilah PS. Someone smack me if I ever ask someone if their jewelry is real. Just compliment it if you like it and enjoy looking at it! LOL PS. With plain light, a 10x glass and the proper training a mandmade diaomond, diamond, and cz can all be differentiated. So, some of the claims made by manmade diamond and cz makers are true to an extent.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
