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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by greensleeve

  1. greensleeve

    four month out face pics

    Thank you!!!
  2. greensleeve

    The Chin.......

    Yes my neck has gotten a lot smaller. I'm down 82 pounds.
  3. greensleeve

    Hit Onederland Today!

    Good for you!
  4. greensleeve

    Eating out?

    I just get a regular meal that is healthy and end up eating a fourth of it. I usually take home the rest but sometimes you just can't do that. (Because we are going other places, etc.)
  5. greensleeve

    down 80 pounds!

  6. [ I just have to share. Four months and 80 pounds gone!
  7. greensleeve

    down 80 pounds!

  8. greensleeve

    down 80 pounds!

    Can you see the picture?
  9. greensleeve

    Idk if I made the right choice

    What phase does your surgeon have you on?
  10. greensleeve

    is anyone tired?

    I am four months out too. I have to take my Vitamins every day like clock work. I also take extra D. My surgeon probably wouldn't want to hear this but I do have an extra coffee or tea in the late afternoon when I'm really tired. Also I take Milk Thistle which supports your liver. Our livers have to do so much work processing all the fat and everything that comes out of it.
  11. greensleeve

    I Feel Disgusted With My Self

    Your liver will be fine from one sandwhich. Honestly our surgeons know we are addicted to food. I think they make the diet extra strict and long because they know we are going to slip up a little. You are doing great. It's human nature to want to eat real food, have something to chew, and drinking Protein shakes for so long is against our very DNA. It's so necessary to make surgery safer, but don't beat yourself up. Just stay with it and it will be over soon. I ate a really dark chocolate bar during my pre-op diet. I was fine.
  12. greensleeve

    gastric bypass changed my life

    Good for you! You look great.
  13. greensleeve

    rode bikes today w daughter!

    Thanks. I used to be an avid rider. It was my main transportation for a few years. I think I need to get my own bike!
  14. I haven't been on a bike in probably 12 years. She's never seen me ride a bike. We just rode around on our street and went around the circle. Not a long ride because I need to get the seat raised, it's set for a shorter person. I might go on a trail with my step son sometime this week. I was so excited to not have to worry about being off balance, blowing a tire or looking like the Michelin man on a tiny bike.
  15. I hadn't told her because I only wanted those close to me to know. She can have trouble keeping secrets and I didn't want to burden her with that. And if she let it slip I knew she would feel guilty. Almost everyone in my family knows now, and my ex and his girlfriend know because they hacked my email. Long story there but I don't have to worry about them finding out now. So I told her, she was a little upset because she thought that I had a bad stomach disease even though I never said that. I'm just glad it's out in the open now and that she can ask me questions and I can tell her why I don't eat certain things. I feel relieved.
  16. I have hit a lot of these already and it's so surreal! Booths are a piece of cake now. Stairs are nothing. I'm in a size medium shirt and my old shirts that used to roll up look so long on me.
  17. greensleeve

    finally told my daughter.

    Thanks! I was just so nervous about it all and I really didn't want to have to deal with a million questions and comments. I was SO nervous. When I get like that I just really have a hard time being patient with people so I knew that wasn't the time to deal with an onslaught of commentary.
  18. greensleeve

    "doin the dirty" is sooo much better now!

    I had a decrease in desire after surgery and I was thinking this was permanent. I was just so focused on the mechanics of healing and eating, and my response wasn't what it used to be. But now I feel like I'm more horny than ever. And I just like changing positions, I last longer and feel like I'm more flexible. Definitely a big improvement in an area I didn't think could improve!
  19. Can you get a letter from your doc?
  20. greensleeve

    40's New Beginnings

    I am down 80 pounds. My stomach was already a mess from pregnancies and previous weight loss. I started out losing a lot there but my body right now is taking it off my behind, feet, fingers, calves. The worst place right now is right under my arm pits. I had no idea how much I would lose there. My arms actually look pretty good for what I've lost on them but that armpit/side boob area looks like a deflated balloon. I wish you luck! It's frustrating but everyone loses differently and every one's skin responds differently.
  21. greensleeve

    Sex Drive Decreased After Surgery

    Mine decreased after surgery a lot. But now I'm back to my normal self. I kept wondering how the sex could get better because our sex life is amazing. But yeah trying new positions, having more mobility, more flexibility and more endurance makes it even better! Ouch my thighs hurt....
  22. I have never felt like food was my best friend. I never considered myself a foodie. I just ate a lot of food because I wanted to. I have done a lot of work on myself and the reasons why I over ate. And so now when I eat something that is amazing, I think to myself that I wish I could eat more of it. But then I feel happy that I can't eat more of it. The reality is that I can eat more of it the next day. I just don't feel sad that I can only eat a few bites of something. Because now I'm in control of food instead of food controlling me. And it is a great feeling. I'm down almost 80 pounds and I don't regret it at all. I have further to go but I already feel so much healthier, lighter, younger, and more like the real me. I feel like this is who I am supposed to be.
  23. greensleeve

    100LB Photoshoot

    That's awesome. I really like the symbolism here and you look really happy.
  24. You aren't supposed to have NSAIDS with a sleeve either. I get bad headaches and especially after surgery I had some doozies. My Dr prescribed Tramadol. It's a strange drug. Some people have no reaction, some people feel wacky, and some people fall asleep. If I take her dose I fall asleep and I'm just out. Half that and I just feel weird and can't be in charge of kids or drive. A fourth and it doesn't relieve the pain. If I were you I would talk to your surgeon and PCP. I wonder if you would have enough relief from your arthritis from weight loss that you wouldn't need ad much pain relief. You could also look into alternative pain relief like herbals, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. Arnica is supposed to be great for pain.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
