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Everything posted by greensleeve

  1. greensleeve

    so sad :(

    I know you started higher than me but I was on 3/25 and I'm at 270 from surgery weight of 299. You are doing awesome! I get this way too. I think it's all changes, it's the fact that we have lost weight but aren't close to there yet, food isn't entertainment anymore.
  2. I have lost 40 pounds and none of my coworkers said a thing.
  3. greensleeve


    Thanks I hope it does return soon but right now I'm about to get Aunt Flo so I don't care.
  4. greensleeve


    I'm usually wanting it all the time but I have no sex drive left! We have done it once in five weeks since surgery. I have no energy and I just don't feel like it at all. I don't know what I'm going to do if this is my new normal!
  5. Have a bad headache all day. Tylenol isn't working. I have my first day back at work tomorrow and I am so down about it and stressed. I just really need this headache to be gone! Is there anything else we can take?
  6. I agree in theory. But I did it when I was quite a bit smaller and it just disgusts and depresses me now. And I really don't need to have a teacher showing me how to do poses to get around my fatness. Ack.
  7. Oh I would hope people wouldn't be rude enough to ask why you are getting a divorce! Id probably just say "ask him." Just because people ask doesn't mean they have a right to know. We live in a society where everyone wants to share every minute of their exciting lives on social media, where people want to document their entire WLS experience on YouTube: that is fine for them. Great. But whatever happened to discretion and privacy? I am not telling anyone at work. Some of them think I had a hysterectomy with complications. Whatever. I lost twenty pounds in a month and not one person has mentioned it which is awesome. The last time I announced I was trying to lose weight by going to WW meetings at work I just felt under the microscope and like some people wanted me to fail, others were jealous. I am not a circus act or a form of entertainment. Just because everyone wants to be on TV talking about the intimate details of their lives doesn't mean we are required to disclose the details of ours to our acquaintances.
  8. greensleeve

    Tylenol isnt working

    Cool thank you!
  9. greensleeve

    Tylenol isnt working

    I'll try the liquid. Isn't Tramadol kind of habit forming? Can you take it at work and be normal?
  10. greensleeve

    Giving Up your favorite foods

    I have to confess I miss alcohol.
  11. greensleeve

    Tylenol isnt working

    Thanks, I'm researching herbal alternatives. (Not MJ LOL)
  12. greensleeve


    She's just jealous.
  13. greensleeve

    Starting back at work tomorrow :(

    I was just wondering because coffee helps with BMs.
  14. What is the diamond approach? I get acupuncture now and then and see a chiropractor. I need to find a new one actually.
  15. greensleeve

    Starting back at work tomorrow :(

    Oh I'm right there with you. I start back on Monday. I don't want to go back!!! I so loved my easy mornings, my daughter loved riding the bus to school instead of going to before care. I slept a lot and didn't feel good but it was still better than working! Good luck to you. Are you still on puréed foods? Do you drink coffee?
  16. Hi! I have always been a fan of alternative health and eastern medicine. I was actually really really mourning the fact that my last resort was using western medicine! Like I seriously was depressed that none of the other things I did worked. I used to do yoga a lot but my belly was so in my way I was uncomfortable. I think I'm going to try again with gentle yoga. I also work with a hypnotherapist who does Reiki and energy work for me. I want to get a meditation practice going. I know I need to rebuild my spiritual life if I'm going to keep this weight off.
  17. greensleeve

    Giving Up your favorite foods

    I think for me being on liquids for four weeks reset my brain. Just not eating anything was beyond difficult, but now I appreciate every little thing I can eat. I'm only a month out so maybe that will change. But today I went to a party. Normally I would have tried all the dip, had a hamburger, maybe two, then had more dip, then had dessert. Today all I had was a few ounces of fruit. And it was really good. I didn't feel deprived. I just was so happy that I had control over food instead of it having control over me. When you can only eat a little at a time you just make damn sure what you do eat is really healthy and tastes good. Hopefully I can keep that up. I thought I would miss having big meals but I just don't. I feel like I have a super power now.
  18. I would get unflavored protein powder and put it on broth. I messed up the first time and put in too much. You have to be careful or the texture is really weird.
  19. Is this his requirement or the insurance company? Honestly I would change surgeons if it's his requirement.
  20. greensleeve

    Getting annoyed..

    I would just ask where she got her medical degree from and make it sound like a joke.
  21. I was thinking about doing boudoir pictures for my husband but I see other people's pictures and I don't know. I just don't know if my h would even like them. He's weird like that! I don't even know, it feels so far away!
  22. I refused to eat with other people! Too depressing!
  23. greensleeve

    I Dont Think Ya'll Are ready for this.

    That is awesome! Love it! How about "Hey judgemental bitch, I hate to tell you this, but I used to be you. So pat yourself on the back for being so cool as to praise my fat ass for working out, but remember you are one car accident, one fall, one major trauma away from being me. The sad thing is I can lose the weight but you will probably always be an as$."
  24. greensleeve

    A little worried

    I can't imagine. Seriously I have been fatigued for a month!
  25. You are on day three? Your body is very confused, you are coming off anesthesia and narcotics which can cause depression. Take it easy on yourself, this is all normal after being cut open! Your body is healing and feeling tired is normal, sleeping a lot is normal. You are adjusting to very few calories and only getting fluids. You are fine, just rest and let your body heal.

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