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Traci J.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Traci J.

  1. Have you been taking your acid reducer? Sounds like you're getting a build up of bile and it's trying to get out. Maybe call the surgeon's office and ask if it doesn't get any better soon. Good luck
  2. Traci J.

    Liquid diet?

    Sleeved 12/19 and I am on full liquids for one week, then can have soup, eggs, potatoes, cream of wheat, yogurt, etc.
  3. Congratulations, you look fantastic! Hope I can lose 100 in 6 months to.
  4. Traci J.

    I am approved!

  5. Hi Biddy, are you taking your anti-nausea meds? I was sleeved on 12.19 as well and today I've been able to get almost 40g. protein in, and drinking gatorade and water off and on. I get a very sharp pain in my sternum when I drink to fast or too much, but I just breath through it and am fine within a few seconds. I'm not weighing until Wednesday, I don't want to get obsessed with the scale. Hope you can do better tomorrow. Good luck!
  6. Good luck and hope you have a smooth recovery. Mine was 12/19 and I have no hunger at all.
  7. Traci J.

    My Weight Loss Story

    Wow, you sure went through alot to get to the loser's bench. It'll all be worth it in the end though. Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  8. Traci J.

    The old me.....

    From the album: My Journey

    This is me the night before my VSG, photos and measurements taken.
  9. Good luck Dana, mine is tomorrow so you'll be right behind me. I totally get the not being nervous thing to, I'm just excited to get it over with. Hope you have a smooth recovery like his other patient's have had. Keep in touch.
  10. 2+ lbs. a week on average is a healthy weight to lose, anything over that is just a bonus. Looks like you've lost 4 lbs. a week on average..so I'd say Good Job! Keep it up
  11. Traci J.


    Hi Sara, good luck!. I'm getting sleeved tomorrow to. Isn't it exciting? Hope you have a quick and smooth recovery. Please keep in touch with your recovery. See ya on the flip side
  12. Sorry to hear that, but glad they caught it quickly. Glad you're doing better and hope you feel better soon.
  13. Traci J.


    Congrats! Can't wait until I get there myself. Keep up the great work!
  14. Traci J.

    Kind of surreal feeling..

    Just breath, it'll all be great. Good luck!
  15. Traci J.


    Good luck biddy, I'll be right there with ya. 9:45 am tomorrow I will be in lala land. Keep in touch!
  16. I'd stick with the sleeve, studies have shown it gives the same results as the bypass if used correctly. Also, if you happen to not lose the weight you want, you can always have it switched to the duodonel switch, which is the end all of WLS. Although I doubt you'll need to go that far. You will do great!
  17. Traci J.

    New here

    Congrats on your decision for a better life, and glad you found the site. I'm getting sleeved tomorrow and have been on this site for a few months during the wait and there is a ton of support here. I wish you a quick and smooth recovery, and hope you enjoy the ride
  18. Congrats, I'm getting sleeved tomorrow also. Don't be scared, you WILL lose weight, just don't freak out if you go into a stall. They are normal. Even if you just lose an average of 2-3 lbs. a week that is a good, healthy rate and it will stay off and is more than most people will lose without the surgery. Slow and steady wins the race Good luck, and hope you have a quick and smooth recovery.
  19. Traci J.

    Any Vegetarian Sleevers? Spicy food?

    It really depends on the individual. I've talked to quite a few people that have no problem with it, others do. And if you don't tolerate it the first time you try it, you might tolerate it a few weeks later as your stomach adjusts.
  20. Traci J.

    10 months out.

    You look awesome! Congrats on your success.
  21. Traci J.

    Being discharged today!

    Congrats!! Hope everything goes well and you have a smooth recovery.
  22. Traci J.

    So frustrating!

    If they submitted the information yesterday, you can call your insurance company today and see where they are at in the process of reviewing it. My insurance approved me same day. I didn't wait for my surgeon's office to call or for the letter of approval....I'm too impatient for that, plus I didn't want to get "lost in the shuffle". Good luck!
  23. Traci J.

    Puree ideas

    Thanks for the ideas, even though I won't be there until 12/31. At least I'll start the new year off with a good bite of something
  24. You shouldn't have any problem meeting the ladies, it's just the matter of getting a good one Congrats on your loss so far, and good luck with all your goals next year. I'm sure you will surpass them all.
  25. I'm getting sleeved tomorrow at 9:45 and have so many feelings right now. I am so excited and can't wait for it to be done, but on the other hand am thinking about all the food I will miss eating....although I know I'll be able to eat most of them eventually in a more healthier portion. I'd just like to say how much I appreciate this site and want to thank every one of you for your posts, words of encouragement, and just all around support. I feel like I am ready for whatever happens and am glad and honored that I get to share it with such inspirational and strong people. To all my fellow same-say surgery buddies, I hope you all have a quick and smooth recovery and that all your efforts pay off. Good luck to you all and I will talk with ya soon.

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