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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Geminidrive

  1. Anyone else get those looks or reaction when you tell people you are having surgery the " can't you just diet regularly" . I get so frustrated, I really feel like just saying" yeah I'm gonna take the easy way out instead because I don't want to diet" . Seriously this is one of those times you want to tell them walk in my shoes! I've always been heavy, fought all my life with yo-yo dieting and I finally decided to take action that requires actually MORE work than regular dieting! Sorry had to vent!

    I haven't had anyone say anything negative at all everyone has been very supportive and encouraging. If someone were to say something negative I would have no problem at all educating them. My colleagues and I have also banded together to meet with cafeteria managers to discuss additional healthy options/portions for specialty dieters, WLS patients along with Gluten free options, so it's going to be a win-win. :)

  2. do you have any regrets? NO

    Anything you wish you would have done before surgery? NO

    Do you regret getting the surgery? NO

    What about afterward? NO

    Also, did you tell people beforehand that you were getting it done? I told only a few people because it was very busy at work and I didn't have time to field/answer questions.

    But if you had people that were not supportive, how did you deal with it? My circle both professionally and personally are phenomenal, thankfully I did not have to worry about that.

  3. I am a very open book and will tell everyone who asks what I did - I'm pre sleeve right now. I think the only way to change the stigma about WLS is for those who have it to speak up about it- and be very honest about the benefits and challenges. In my experience, if you don't experience something personally, you really don't understand it or know how it feels- whether it's obesity, infertility, death of a parent, sibling, cancer, a chronic illness, etc. I don't want to assume or demand that a person be educated about something that they are not personally involved in. They will just pick up what they know from people around them and the media- no in depth knowledge. For example, I struggle with infertility too, for four years I've had to deal with comments from my Grandmother about when we are going to start a family, don't we want kids, etc. From my cousin I got the typical "well just relax and it'll happen" line. I opened up and told her how I was feeling, how long we'd been trying, what infertility involves, what tests (emotional and physical pain & humilation) we had to go through, what a miracle it is to get pregnant in the first place- everything has to go right at exactly the right time...etc. She was flabbergasted and had no idea some people had that problem...she popped out three kids right in a row. The more we tell people about our surgery- those who want to listen and really want to know, the faster the true face of WLS can be seen in public! Be patient with people and understand that there are a lot of misperceptions out there! Educate them!

    Thank you! I TOTALLY AGREE!!!

  4. My dear Gemini,

    It was definitely implied in your statement.

    But I'm sure nurse Grace can handle herself on this one.

    Another thing the op asked about fish. Not what you thought of her philosophy on the matter of telling strangers or not.

    Some tell everyone.. some don't .

    I personally reserve the right to change my mind everyday as to tell someone or not.

    It has nothing to do with ones love and confidence in ones self.

    As I stated initially " Any time you have to put that much effort into something to benefit others it is in my opinion unnecessary stress." and I stand by that statement. AGAIN, My statement " I guess I'm just a confident person and refuse to be anything else." is a general statement about ME and my views. I can state my views, just like yous stated yours. It's not personal, and if either of you think that....so be it. Enough said, I have nothing further to add to this topic.

  5. Not telling people private health information does not equal lying. It aldo doesnt mean that you are somehow more confident and comfortable with yourself than I am so lets not draw these false equivalents.

    Urgh, can you tell me where in my post did I state that I am more confident and comfortable than you? My statement " I guess I'm just a confident person and refuse to be anything else." is a general statement about ME and my views, not directed to you. I'm sorry if you felt that it was an attack against you it was not, I was simply stating my opinion. Sigh........

  6. I am a little more stealthy than some, and I dont need to come online usually to ask strangers how to help me hide things because I can manage on my own just fine, but I understand them. If you had experienced public humiliation like that you might understand a little better why some people just will not share this information with people who are not our close confidants.

    There's also something to be said for not over-sharing Over-sharing is so common these days with the Facebook mentality that everyone has. Wanting a little privacy is OK, and I think its a healthy thing to maintain some privacy.

    I'm not one to over-share, and like you I believe privacy is very important. On the other hand, I also feel that lying and concocting fabricated stories takes too much energy. I don't believe in lying. I won't/don't let others opinions of me and my life choices bother me, but then again I'm not the type that will cower and allow others to humiliate me either. I get it that others may not have to strength or courage to stand up for themselves, not me. I guess I'm just a confident person and refuse to be anything else. Oh, and no worries I didn't take your post as confrontational. :)

    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent - Eleanor Roosevelt

  7. Hopefully this will hep some with questions. Sometime I wonder if some people received post-op instructions, or whether some even read them. I love that it says "It is a good idea to read over this booklet several times before and after your surgery. You will probably notice new things each time you read it!"

  8. It depends. You mentioned that you have a yearly exam with your cardiologist, is there an underlying problem? I had to get clearance because I have mitro valve prolapse which has never affected my health, but as a precaution I was given a EKG and echocardiogram. I was not required to take a stress test.

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