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Band Chick

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Band Chick

  1. I was banded in Summer 2007. I've had all kinds of difficulties with restriction, life issues (dad passed away, mom cancer, moved, 5 kids, etc), and it seemed like no matter what I tried I couldn't lose more than 30 lbs and then quickly gain it back. I worked out to the point of constant pain and ate like a bird, only to lose very little. And the minute I had a setback the weight came rushing back. I'm grateful I got the band and I believe it's kept me from gaining a whole bunch more weight but it never worked for me like I saw with so many of my fellow bandsters.

    Good news, bad news.... (mostly good) I found out that I have PCOS and some pre-cancer symptoms. One of the main side effects is extreme weight gain and difficulty with losing weight. I've had all the symptoms of this since I was a teen but nobody ever caught it. Now, it has advanced to an alarming degree and they finally discover the issue! Thank God! I will be having a complete hysterectomy next week and won't have those issues anymore!!!

    I will have to have my band unfilled for the surgery and then go through the fill process again from the beginning. With a new, unhindered metabolism and a fresh start with my band... I get a do-over!!!! I'm almost as hopeful and excited today as I was when I first got banded! Woohoo! :D

  2. Thank you all for your support and advice. It has helped a lot!

    I called my Dr's office. They want me in ASAP. So, I'm going up on Monday. I'll stick to mushies and liquids for the weekend. I'm getting super head hungry for real food. I am anxious to see how much I've lost. I'm hoping this got me under 300 :rolleyes2:

  3. Just be careful and don't overdo it. If you start to feel overrestricted, stick to liquids and Soup or something until you can get to the doctor.

    I go in tomorrow for my third fill and am debating on whether I need it or not. I may find myself in a similar situation.

    Yep. That's my plan now. I will get in to the Dr for a little unfill on Monday I think. I'm calling today. I read a post last night from a gal that had to have a complete unfill and start all over because of irritation. I do not want that!

    Good luck on your fill!

    I don't think I could eat 2 cups of cottage cheese. I used to hate it too, but I learned to eat it mixed with yogurt. It's pretty good that way. I am sure I would be full on less than a cup.

    I really don't understand this whole pouch thing. Why does food get stuck if it's staying in the pouch? It has to be going through the band right off the bat or it wouldn't get stuck if you don't chew well enough.

    I was told that the thing that makes you feel full is that the band presses on the nerve that tells your brain it's full.

    The way I understood it is... The sensors that tell our brain we are full are near the top of the stomach. Thicker food, like chicken, takes longer to go through the band so the pouch fills because we eat quicker than it can get through and the sensors tell our brain the stomach is full even though it's just the top half that's full. Then again, there is so little known about the stomach and obesity that who knows. LOL!

    Hi Everyone....I need some support today. I am stuck....not losing a thing! I started at curves two weeks ago so I am trying to rationalize to myself that it is because I am 'toning' now and muscle weighs more than fat.....but come on! How do I get the scale moving again? I haven't lost anything in over a month....I am really getting discouraged. I have good restriction too, depends on the day but for the most part, I think I am just right. I am just really getting down on myself :)

    You are probably right about toning and gaining muscle. You may have also hit a bit of a plateau. If you're like me, you'll turn around and drop a big chunk all at once. Just keep doing what you're doing. You're definitely on the right track. Hang in there! :thumbup:

    Have a great day everyone!

  4. Hi. I think my last fill was just a tad too full. At first I figured the golfball feeling and slight discomfort would go away as the swelling went down. I have been feeling fuller faster and longer, which I thought was a blessing. I was able to get down a little bit of chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and 10 corn chips (not in one sitting) so I thought I was doing OK. Then I PBed and threw up on chicken. Later that same day I PBed on 2 chips. The next day I PBed on pureed chili. Today the most I got down was mashed potatoes.

    I'm pretty sure now that I'm a little too tight. I can get liquids and some mushies down. It's not like I'll starve or I'm PBing my saliva. But now I'm worried about what effect this might have, if any, on my band.

    My Dr is 3 hours away and my next fill is scheduled March 6. Should I wait? Do you think this will pass as I am shrinking so quickly?

    Thanks for your input!

  5. Hi, all! How is everyone doing this week?

    I think my last fill may have been too tight. I was able to eat well chewed chicken on Sunday, but PBed on pureed chili last night. UGH! I'll take it easy this week and see how it goes. The down side is a feel a little weak and shaky. The up side is I can feel myself shrinking. I can't keep this up for long but will roll with it for now.

  6. Peppermint white mocha is my favorite. DO you have them make it with 2% milk.. I figured it was much worse than that!! I may have to start having one daily.:huh2:

    Tall, 2%, no whip= 200 cal, 10g pro :tongue2:

    starbucks® beverages

    Yesterday was a weird day. Long story short... I had pureed chili for dinner and for some reason after only two bites, and an hour of struggling, I PBed big time. So I'm still on liquid and mush and didn't get much to eat/drink yesterday.


    Breakfast: Starbucks Tall Peppermint Mocha, no whip (200 cal/10 pro)

    Lunch: chocolate Slimfast (190 cal/ 10 pro)

    Snack: Jello (80 cal/ 2 pro)

    Dinner: PBed

    Snack: Starbucks Tall Peppermint Mocha, no whip (200 cal/10 pro)

    Snack: Baby Bell cheese (70 cal/ 5 pro)

    I am so super hungry today. I wish I could eat a great big juicy steak and baked potato.:smile2: My band is so tight from PBing that I'm afraid to have anything more solid than mashed potatoes anyway-- a blessing in disguise I suppose.


    Breakfast: Starbucks Tall Peppermint Mocha, no whip (200 cal/10 pro)

    Lunch: chocolate Slimfast (190 cal/ 10 pro)

    Snack: Mashed Potatoes (119 cal/ 2 pro)

    Going to try pureed chicken enchilada Soup for dinner

    Is anyone else trying the 5 day test this week?

  7. Hi all! I posted my day one of the diet in the slow losers section http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f137/5-day-pouch-test-53690/

    How is everyone else doing?

    I don't get many email updates for posts to this forum since they changed the layout. I didn't think anyone had posted yet today.

    I hear ya Jody. Are you sure you should go cold turkey? I did that a few years back and had such bad headaches and nausea that my Dr took me off the diet. All things are good in moderation, maybe? You already got the band. What more can you do to torture yourself, duct tape? LOL!

  8. Day one of the test for me. I'm not eating great but I am way below my daily calories. Starbucks is my FAVORITE Liquid Protein. Can you tell? lol!

    Breakfast: Starbucks Tall Peppermint Mocha, no whip (200 cal/10 pro)

    Lunch: chocolate pudding w/ Unjury Protein (140 cal/9 pro)

    Dinner: Bean and Bacon Soup pureed (152 cal/15 pro)

    will have later tonight...

    Snack:Starbucks Tall Peppermint Mocha, no whip (200 cal/10 pro)

    Late snack:Chocolate pudding w/ unjury protein (70 cal/4.5 pro)

    So far so good. :) How is everyone else doing?

  9. Band-Chick thank you so much for the posting, I will definitly try it? I will be starting it on Monday and what about you. This is what I have been looking for Thanksssssssssssssssssssssss.

    Monday it is! Anyone else want to join us and start on Monday?

  10. Band Chick where is you Dr? ... here on Long Island.

    Sorry, Ann. My Dr is in Olympia, Washington. Though he is definitely worth the 2.5 hour drive from Oregon, I think NY would be too far. lol!

    I took a look at the 5 Day Pouch Test. I don't mean to be dense, but how does this 5 day program tell us how big our pouch is?

    Hi Anne,

    I was thinking the 5 day test included the pouch size test. She either took it out since I last read through it or I was confusing too much information together. I have the pouch size test in one of my books too. Basically, how this all works is the 5 day test allows your stoma to go back to it's natural size and then you do the test to see how much your stoma really holds.

    The pouch size test: Put 2 cups of cottage cheese in a measuring cup. Eat the cottage cheese quickly, until you feel full, within five minutes. Your pouch will fill before there is time for any food to flow out of it. Look to see how much of the 2 cups you consumed; that's how much your pouch holds.

    I'm a slow loser too.. :lol:

    I've had my 2nd fill and I'm still hungry... real hunger.. not head hunger.

    I go for my 3rd fill in 2 weeks. I hope this is the sweet spot one...

    I can see the inches falling off.. but not the pounds.. I'm down 22 pounds from my Dec. 27th surgery.

    Hi Jazzy,

    Congratulations on your 22 lb loss! I absolutely understand about the real hunger. It's been a while since I had that but early on, about where you are, between fills I would get really hungry. My Dr told me to eat when I'm hungry and that we had to build up to a good restriction. Take it easy on yourself. You're still healing from surgery less than two months ago. You're doing great!:lol:

  11. Hi Band Chick, I was surprised (and relieved) when I saw where you mentioned that your doctor recommends about 1 cup of food. It seems like everything I've heard is that we're supposed to shoot for 1/2 cup of food and be satisified for 3-4 hours. I'm closer to the 1 cup mark.

    Any thoughts, anyone?

    Yep, my Dr said about 1 cup, give or take. That's about what I hit and my pouch has never been stretched when I went in for my fills. I always watch on the screen to see my pouch. I got pictures of the nurse, tech and machine at my last fill: February Fill

    Ever since I saw this 5 day pouch test I've wanted to try it and see how big my pouch is. Anyone else want to try it too?

    Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

  12. I'm REALLY curious now, as to how being full has ANYTHING to do with the sinuses??? If I eat too big of a bite or get something hung in my throat, it will do that too. My husband laughed at me when I told him it made my nose twitch.

    I read about the "soft stop" shortly after being banded and started watching for it. Sure enough I had all the classic signs. It's so weird, huh? Here are some other posts about it:



  13. Hi Everyone,

    My name is Anne, and I feel like a slow loser. I have three areas of weakness... sweets (which seems to be improving in the past couple of days), lack of exercise, and lack of Water. I just bought a cute 1/2-gallon water bottle. It looks like a 5-gallon water cooler bottle.

    A friend of mine made some comments yesterday that really bothered me. She was speaking to me as if I don't give a damn, and as if I haven't made any progress. I came to the realization that she was comparing me to someone she knows who had gastric bypass. I had to remind her that weight loss with gastric bypass is more rapid. I've decided that maybe I shouldn't reach out to her any longer. Perhaps she was offering me "tough love," but it was unexpected.

    I'm proud of myself for not having one drop of soda since two days before surgery. I do miss it, especially when I'm surrounded by others drinking it.

    I feel like I've done a lot of worrying since being banded. I'm trying to relax and not worry so much. Some things are just out of my control, and I have to try to remember that. I have an excellent surgeon with an excellent track record, so I have no reason to worry about potential complications. I just hate when I read where someone required re-banding or a port revision. I also need to stop worrying about my skin. This has been an issue.

    I would like to throw a question out there. Does anyone recommend anything for energy? I think some people suggest green tea. I've never been a tea or coffee drinker. I take a couple of medications that cause drowsiness, and I really need to find a way to boost my energy level.

    Thanks for listening.

    Hi Anne, You have done so many good things for yourself and are losing more than enough weight. Give yourself a break. You're doing great!

    As for your clueless friend... You teach people how to treat you. Teach her you won't allow people to speak to you that way. I have had this same issue with my mother. She thinks negative comments will motivate me. Now every time she says something stupid I call her on it. She doesn't even realize she's doing it half the time. Ugh!

    Brag about your victories. You have a lot to be proud of!

    It happens to me in public sometimes and I try to keep a straight face so as not to let on that I'm "choking!"

    In public is the worst. I was out to luch with the family once and spent half the time spitting my drool and slime into a toilet :biggrin:

    I had tuna fish with mayo today and boy, that didn't want to go down to well either. No sliming just took forever.

    To some degree, though not as bad as you mention, it should take a while for things like tuna or well chewed chicken to go down. The guide my Dr told me is take small bites, chew really well, eat about 1 cup of food, don't eat for longer that 20 min. and it should take about 3 hours until you are hungry again.

    With more solid foods I take a few bites and then have to wait for a small burp before I can eat more. I can tell I'm full when I start to get discomfort and often I will hickup or my nose runs. Weird, huh?

    My NSV: I made it to water aerobics this morning! This is a big personal victory and I'm proud of myself. :)

  14. I did it! I made it to Water aerobics this morning!!! It was touch and go there for a while. I really didn't want to at all. So I did one thing at a time-- "just get my suit on and see how I feel... Just take daughter M to school and see where we are with time..." I made it through my morning, to the pool and then through the class. I feel a little weak but very good!

    Doddie, you're right about parking farther away, taking the long way around, etc. I have been doing that more and more and walking is getting easier for me and creating good habits. It's a slow but steady process for me.

    How is everyone else doing today?

  15. I need to exercise too! I've had such an issue with this. I get started and then something throws me off track. I've started and stopped at least six times since last August. I like my Water aerobics class and my 18 year old daughter likes going with me, but getting there for one reason or another has been a real struggle. That's it! I'm going to get up right now and go get my swim stuff ready and set my alarm to go in tomorrow morning! I'll report in here tomorrow for accountability.

  16. I can only speak for myself, but the band definitely changed a lot of things about my daily eating-- some have been hard, but they have all been good. I don't get as hungry as I used to and it takes a lot less to fill me up-- about 1 cup of food and I'm full. I'm not on a schedule but it helps if I keep close to the same meal times each day.

    As far as gaining it back... I haven't reached my goal weight yet and am just starting out. I can tell you that I chose the band because it will be with me forever. If I lose all my weight and start to gain back, I just need to get in for a fill on my band. I have a friend that had gastric bypass, lost 200lbs and gained it all back because her stomach stretched back out. The band is plastic, not muscle and won't change.

    Best of luck in your research!

  17. Thirty two pounds, gone forever, is indeed a wonderful thing! :tongue:

    Thank you, Kim and everyone else! You have all been very supportive. I was feeling so down and a bit out of place when I posted this. Since you all responded and I went to the slow losers section (Slow Losers Unite - Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support), I've been feeling much better. I am even at a place where I am grateful for my average loss-- in the end it's healthier for my body. Thanks! :cursing:

  18. Do you have a good recipe for the chili you eat? I have almost NO Protein intake and I am a VERY picky eater but I like chili! Thanks!!

    I don't use exact measurements when cooking most of the time. A bad habit that I need to change. When I get the portions figured out I will post it on my blog and let you know. In the mean time I'll just tell you what I do now.

    I brown and season about 1.5 cups extra lean ground beef and 1.5 cups ground turkey, in a medium size pot. I drain and rinse a can of kidney Beans and a can of chili beans and add them to the meat. Then I add 1 can Tomato paste and Water (or V-8 if I have some) and a chili seasoning packet. Stir and heat.

    After it cools, I scoop 1 cup servings into zip lock bags and freeze them. For a quick luck I put the frozen chili in a bowl, microwave, top with fat free sour cream, a sprinkle of cheese and four tortilla chips. Sometimes I can't even finish a whole bowl, it's so filling. I figure it's about 30g protein.

    Hi: Just a word of caution on having too many liquid meals. The whole purpose of the band is to help us eat small but normal healthy meals. By chewing the food, we help ourselves feel full. Many people can't eat at breakfast, fair enough, but if you can't get down fish, chicken as protein, you may have to tight a restriction...Doddie

    You're so right, Doddie. The thing is that I have been going in about every 3-4 weeks for a fill. So I spend the first week after that going gradually from liquids, to mushies, to solids-- about one week per month. I don't know why the Dr gave me such a huge band but it taking forever to get to my sweet spot. Though, I think I may be close with this latest fill.

    ...It's sure been nice though to buy clothes here in smaller sizes. JC Penny's had a clearance sale where a bunch of nice stuff was 2.97. I was so happy not to go to the plus size department.

    Congratulations on shopping for smaller clothes! How fun!!!

    I had my first sliming incident today also. I ate a Lean Pocket for breakfast which I always did before this last fill. Oh boy:eek::cursing: what a nightmare. Must have been too doughy. I was "sick" for about an hour. Not violently ill but uncomfortable. I am going to start practicing some good chili recipes. Sounds like it is a good way to get some tasty protein.

    Oh, ick! Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Not fun at all. It's little moments like those that make me cautious about my eating and has made me curb some of my bad habits. I both hate and love my band for that. LOL!

    I'm just glad you got it down and it didn't come up. It will probably get easier as time passes. It usually takes me a week or so to adjust to my fills.

    I can't think of anything more difficult than eating slowly, small bites. I try so hard but sometimes I get rushed and gulp it down and then have to gulp it back up again...

    Yep. Me too. Especially if it's something I really like. My band will "remind me" to slow down or else! I use toddler silverware to help me take smaller bites and that helps. I look at portions I used to eat and it just amazes me.

  19. yes, I am content that at least I am losing, even if it is averaging 1 pound a week. ...

    I can so relate. I've decided to look at the up side of losing weight "slower". One to two lbs is the recommended healthy amount to lose. It takes less toll on organs, we are less likely to lose hair (though mine has been thinning a bit) and our skin will have less sagging and stretch marks. We are also more likely to keep it off long term. Slow and steady wins the race! :thumbup:

    Hello Everyone!

    I too am a slow loser. I had surgery in August 07 and have lost 33 pounds. I hate to even look at my fellow crazy ates weight loss. They are complaining about 50-80 pounds and here i am. I excerise and try to do what I am supposed to do....

    Hi, fellow Crazy Ate! Nice to see your name again. I've had the same problem and am glad I found this section. You are not alone.

    Hello- I am totally depressed and discouraged with myself :cool2:. I was banded in May 06 and I haven't lost ANYTHING!!! Mind you I haven't been a good girl and get filled as much as I should. I got back on track last Aug- got 2 fills (total of 4) and need to go back- but I am SO embarrassed that the doctor will call me a lost cause:blushing:. I do eat less than I used to- BUT I know I need to exercise too. It is just that getting motivated is my deal. Any tips, should I take caffenine pills? I work long hours 50-55 a week so when I get home, motivation is an issue. My husband likes to think that to motivate me is to complain and tell me that I got the surgery for a reason and now it looks like a waist of time.

    I am a slow looser that needs a friend- so if anyone wants to give me some advice I WILL appreciate it.


    Hi Susan, here are my tips for you (you asked. lol!):

    1. Give yourself a break and ignore your husband. You aren't overweight because you want to be. It's because you have a problem. You didn't get this way overnight and you won't fix it overnight either. Getting the surgery alone can be traumatic, but it was the right step and you are on your way!

    2. Do a little bit at a time. It's more effective when you make small changes gradually.

    3. Make an easy and manageable plan. "For the month of March I will get a fill. In April I will exercise once a week." and so on...

    4. Automate your Breakfast and lunch. I got this tip from Dr Oz and love it. I make one batch of chili or salmon patties and that's what I eat for lunch every day for a week. Pre-pack Snacks so you can go to the cupboard or fridge and grab it without hunting.

    5. Don't worry about your Dr. He works for you, not the other way around. Do what you have to do to take care of YOU.

    6. MOST IMPORTANTLY, come here for support, to vent, and help others. You made your first returning post, that's a big step. :lol:

    I was on the Crazy Ates thread when you were. I am SOOOO glad to see you are back and posting again. I am also a slow loser. We are losing just not at the rate as those on the other thread. Welcome back!! I have thought about you often.

    Any suggestions as to how to get the Protein down??

    Hi, Jody! It's nice to see you again! I'm glad I found this section and am back to posting. Any time I went to post on the Crazy Ates section I felt like I wasn't doing enough and didn't want to show my measly weight loss. I also know that posting and staying connected makes a big difference so I came back looking for a place to post. It's nice to see familiar names :biggrin2:

    I have had five fills, totaling 8.4 cc in my 14 cc band, and I know all about getting protein down when your band is tight. I eat things like chili (homemade high protein), salmon, cottage cheese, add unflavored Unjury powder to pudding (my nightly snack) and a Slimfast for breakfast. Be sure to post any new creative ways you come up with.

    It's another beautiful day. I'm off to work!

  20. ... I was banded in 8/07. The first week after surgery I lost 14lbs. Since then (well as of 2/8) I've lost another 12.5lbs. It's soooo frustrating to me!!! ... I'm glad I'm not alone and that I have you guys to lean on.

    ME TOO! I was banded 8/07, lost about 15 lbs right away and have yo-yoed and snailed my way to losing a total of 32lbs. It's so tough seeing fellow 8/07 bandsters lose 50-80lbs like it's no big deal. Thank God I'm not alone and came here!

    Hey fellow slow losers!!!

    I went for another fill on valentine's day and had gained 2 pounds!!!! UGH I am soooo frustrated...

    I absolutely understand your frustration. I had the same thing happen. My pattern has been that I drop a big chunk of weight and then plateau, gain a few and drop a big chunk again. I have been doing the same things all along with food and exercise. So, my conclusion, as well as my Dr's, is that it is my genetics. Maybe you are the same way. Here's wishin' you a big loss :wink2:

    I'm so glad I found you fellow slow losers! :wink_smile:

  21. I'm finding it very hard to come to the boards and groups for support, like I should, because I'm losing so slow. I'm down 32 lbs and the Dr says I'm on track. It's just that so many of my fellow August bandsters have lost 50 lbs or more. Is there anyone else in my shoes?

  22. Hi fellow bandsters,

    I've been a little down lately but vowed to get it in gear for 2008. My loss has been very slow. My doctor says I'm doing fine and on track but then I see how much everyone else is losing and then I feel a little bummed. I've also been losing chunks of hair. The good news is I'm posting again and going in for another fill this Thursday:smile:

    Is anyone else losing slow? Or losing hair?

  23. Hi everyone! I have 3 more days of walking to report.

    I am finally losing again, mostly due to my last fill. I haven't gotten on a scale yet but my clothes are baggy and people are commenting on how much I've lost just since Thanksgiving. :biggrin1:

    I am so in the holiday mood this year!!! I'm having fun shopping, singing, planning and of course all the kid's events. "Tis the season to be jolly fa, la la, la, la...."

    Happy Holidays! Jesus is the reason for the season!

  24. Thank you for your support!

    One more exercise day down! 20 minute walk with my daughter tonight.

    I asked for a membership to Curves for Christmas. I think that will help. I'm also reading The Success Habits of Weight-Loss Surgery Patients. My WLS councilor says I'm right on track and losing, but I know I could be doing a lot better-- and I want to!

    As I get more restriction I'm more limited on what I can eat. I'm getting bored with the same ol' same ol'. What are some of your favorites? I'd love to find something new.

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