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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Tamster

  1. October 24th was my 1 year surgiversary! Lost 92 pounds and feel fantastic! Went from barely squeezing into a size 18 to fitting into a size 1 with some wiggle room! I went to my 20 year high school reunion and it was amazing, I looked and felt better than I did in high school. I love my sleeve, and I LOVE the fact I have saved my life! Hope you all are doing just as fantastic!!!!
  2. Four days from it being my 9 month surgiversary. Feeling fantastic!!!! Surpassed my personal goal and my surgeon's goal. So happy...
  3. Tomorrow (4/24) is my 6 month surgiversary. I would like to attach a before and after picture, but can't figure out how to attach it to my post. Before surg: 203 Current: 137 12 pounds until I reach my personal goal, 2 pounds until I reach my surgeon's goal. I feel fantastic! I love my sleeve and my new lease on life. Completely eliminated my diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, fatigue, painful joints, migraines and depression.
  4. Starting weight 203 Surgery date October 17 Today's weight 146 BEST decision of my life!!!! Had breast reduction 11 days ago and loving every day!!!!!
  5. Hi there, I have found it helpful to remove the negative self-talk such as "I cheated" and flip it into a positive. I had a few treats during the holidays as well, only I made sure I had my protein first, was taking all my vitamins and consuming all my fluids. This helped because I was not feeling like I was missing out on any treats, but by following the rules I was only able to have two or three bites of the treat. I also made sure that I treated it like a holi-day, not a holi-week, or holi-month. One day, a few bites of a treat, and back to the healthy rules again. I haven't felt deprived or depressed about the food at all. Good luck to you, I hope your relationship with food gets better.
  6. Phew!!! Made it through the holidays without getting sick or feeling deprived and still losing weight. LOVE my sleeve! It's amazing the amount of food and liquor people consume!!!
  7. Checking in.... SW-203 CW-172 Total lost-31 Sleeve Date-10/24/12
  8. Tamster

    Idaho People?

    Idaho girl here! Was sleeved on Oct 24th, and could not be happier with the results so far. Knock on wood, no complications. Dr. Valentine was/is my surgeon too!!! Have lost 28 pounds and gained positivity and happiness.
  9. How are all the Octosleevers doing with the holiday food?
  10. Tamster

    Menstrual Migraines

    I have had horrible TOM, and even have certified FMLA time to take during those times when it gets bad. Not only migraines but REALLY heavy flow issues as well. I've only had one TOM so far post surgery, and it was SOOOOOO much better than what I've experienced for the last several years. So, I don't know if it's cured, but I am happy so far with the results. There was absolutely no headaches, severe fatigue, or flooding going on this time. So much more hopeful for next month's TOM.
  11. Was sleeved Oct 24th, been off work this whole time. I resigned from a very stressful and sad job (pediatric cancer care) and will be starting a brand new job with totally new people TOMORROW! I'm both nervous and excited, but also concerned that I might not be ready to return to work. I've only been on soft solids since Wednesday and am still struggling to get all the liquids, proteins, and vitamin supplements in. My large incision area is still giving me some pains every once in awhile, and I tire pretty easily after activities such as grocery shopping and light cleaning around the house. The nervousness of starting a new job is a given, but I think that having a new stomach on top is starting to freak me out. I cannot put off going back to work any longer as my new manager has already been waiting a month for me. Ahhhh, I just need a little support right now and would appreciate any tips from those that have already been through the return to work phase. Thanks!
  12. 14 days post-op, with 7 more days of full liquids to go (per Dr.) and I am going crazy! I am starting to have crazy food cravings. I tried blenderizing some canned chili with cottage cheese and a bit of sour cream. NO WAY will that work, its too spicy for my new pouch. I must respect the pouch....
  13. Day 11 post-op, still on full liquids. Tried broccoli and cheese soup blenderized with some canned chicken chunks! Not too bad, ALMOST felt like I was having a chicken with broccoli and cheese dinner. So weird what our NEW normal is...
  14. staples out yesterday, able to sleep on my sides now, feeling good

  15. Tamster

    No Liquid Pre Surgery Diet? Is This Normal?

    I had 6 days of full liquids, then day before surgery was clear liquids and then nothing after midnight the night before surgery. My surgeon explained that it was to help soften your liver to reduce harm during surgery, since they have to manipulate it a lot to keep it out of the way. But he also said that it was to show you that you CAN DO IT, it did help to mentally prepare me for the one week of clear liquids post-op, and then subsequently two weeks of full liquids. Today is the day I get to start on full liquids again, and I am so excited! The week of clear was SO HARD, but I have had zero (knock on wood) issues other than some gas. Every surgeon and patient is different, but as strict as mine has been has, in my opinion, helped expedite my recovery. I've been off pain meds since day 4 post-op and have been gradually getting better each day. Good luck to you! You'll do great!
  16. Day 7 Post-op, doing well. Get to start on full liquids today, finally had a BM this morning! Lost 15 pounds so far. See the Dr.'s PA tomorrow for my one week follow-up and to get these dang itchy staples out. Hope all you losers are well.
  17. Tamster

    My Terrible Day

    This is frustrating to hear. But don't let it get you down, talk to the surgeon they are the ulitimate decision maker in this situation. I work full time, I'm in Grad school, and have kids and a husband. You have plenty of time to take care of yourself, what you don't have time for is listening to dinks that have no idea what you are going through. Complain, complain, complain
  18. Day four post-op, craving some melty cheese so bad

  19. My surgeon has stopped requiring the GI series for his sleevers. After 100 patients that had tests that were all clear, he chose to stop forcing the tests as long as there were no symptoms of complications or leaking. He felt that is was torture to force a new sleever to drink all that horrible contrast right after surgery when most of the time it was unnecessary. I feel lucky I didn't have to do that GI series...
  20. Tamster

    Byob Need Advice

    Crystal Light has some new cocktail flavors such as Margarita and Mojito, maybe mix that with some bottled water and pour into a regular cocktail glass. That's what I'm going to do when I go to a party with drinking.
  21. Thank you for the encouragement. I have been combining my bathroom trips with some walks around the inside of the house, and it has helped. I had some rumbly tummy yesterday while trying to get in all the fluids, but no gas pains. Just soreness and discomfort. I have found that the liquid hydrocodone BURNS going down, so I can't wait to ween myself off of that. Unjury Chicken Soup is a whey protein supplement that is allowed on the clear liquids. I got it from my hospital's outpatient pharmacy, but it can be ordered from www.unjury.com It tastes pretty good, similar to the broth in cup-o-noodles. I mix mine with a little organic chicken broth and water instead of just water. It can also be added to other things on the full liquids or soft foods menus to add protein and chicken flavor.
  22. Having a rougher time today, got home last night. Being off the i.v. pain meds makes a huge difference in discomfort. Still trying to keep moving around every once in awhile, drinking fluids, getting down my first 4 oz. of Unjury Chicken Soup... slow but steady...
  23. Had surgery yesterday, doing GREAT! Hardly any pain at all, going home tonight. Will be on Clear liquids for a week, then full liquids for another week. So far so good.... Found out I have another co-morbidity, sleep apnea. That make three with the hypertension and diabetes. So glad I got the surgery now rather than later.
  24. My surgery is tomorrow. House is all ready, bag is all packed. Just hanging out, getting my clear fluids in. Nervous but excited...
  25. My surgery is scheduled for this Wednesday the 24th. Have been on full liquids for four days. I'm glad I found this thread. Gax X strips went immediately on my pre-surg shopping list. Good luck to all... I'm getting anxious.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
