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Posts posted by Boofster

  1. I'm a pretty open person, generally. At work (a very conservative department in a very conservative-cultured company) I've only told 2 people - one in HR, and one friend in another department who is a band-to-bypass patient at my doctor's practice. If asked, I kind of head them off at the pass and simply say I'm eating less, making better choices, and exercising (totally true). No one bats an eye. And if I'm super dense and it turns out they suspect something else is going on, then let them talk. It's a medical based company, and I deal with HIPAA all the time, so I'm down with all the privacy stuff. I just figure, it's no one's business, and will remain that way.

    I've told close friends, family and some of my son's friends' moms. Only a select few have commented in a positive way. Some have made really dumb comments ("get ready to throw up all the time") and a few look at me as if I've just announced I'm having gender reassignment surgery. Some don't comment at all. Either they don't care or are a bit envious. So no, I've not really received a ton of support from those I've told, which to me further justifies my choice for not telling co-workers.

  2. It will happen! I go through stalls all the time. I'm getting used to them. Body loses a block of weight, then levels off for a while, then another little chunk comes off. Two months out and I'm down 27 lbs. Compared to some others, I am a slow loser, but I'll take it. You'll see - in a little while you'll look back and go, what was I freaking out about? Have faith!! :)

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon! Can't wait to see pics. I will probably need plastics on the belly (a tuck would be nice) but it won't be covered and out of pocket isn't possible. When the insurance company approved the VSG, they sent me a letter saying hey, we approve your surgery and good for you for taking this step. The next paragraph was, don't even think about getting plastics because it's not covered. LOL!!

    Anyway, good on ya! Feel better soon.

  4. I've found that I stick to a weight for a few days to a week and then get on the scale and a little block of weight comes off (3-5 lbs) all of a sudden. I am a slower loser too but the inches are coming off like crazy. Smaller sizes are now baggy and the things that fit 2 weeks ago are starting to look gross. Hang in there - it will happen! You don't see anyone on this site 8 months down the road going I've only lost 15 lbs!! :)))

  5. The Syntrax Nectar Vanilla Bean Torte rocks. I used to add Mio in tangerine/orange for a creamsickle flavor or unsweentened cocoa powder to do chocolate (go light on the cocoa powder if you do this - it's really concentrated). Really good. Also, I find the Atkins Milk Chocolate ready-made shake to be pretty delish. 15 grams Protein and only 1 gram of sugar. 160 cals. Still drink one every day (almost 8 weeks out).

  6. You get used to not drinking with meals. Occasionally I will have a small sip if I am eating something really dry, like chicken, which still does not go down well (7 weeks post op). You obviously can't gulp down like you used to, and that you become accustomed to as well. I've never really been a soda/pop drinker, but I imagine you could eventually try a small amount and let it go flat (I've heard). Now, if I had to give up Crystal Light, they'd have to take me out in a straightjacket... that, Vitamin Water Zero and Atkins Protein Shakes (milk choc) are my daily go-to's.

  7. Sounds like a bit of jealousy or bias On the trainer's part got in the way. I'd prolly look for another trainer. As someone whose main concern is health and vitality, I think she definitely could have been more positive. You want someone who inspires you, right?

    When I told a good friend of my plans for surgery, she said "be prepared to throw up a lot." I laughed at her ignorance and left it alone. People say the dumbest things. And I haven't barfed once.

    On the flip side, I went to the dentist for a cleaning & checkup today. The hygienist asked if here were any changes in my health. I told her about the surgery and my weight loss,and that i was off all my meds. She lit up like a Christmas tree, hugged me and said I looked great. She asked a few questions about the surgery and congratulated me again. You could tell she was genuine in her happiness for me.

    Good luck, and kudos to you for hitting the gym!

  8. My mother always said there is a difference between hunger and appetite. I try to remember this when feeling what I think is hunger and wait it out. If it persists, I am hungry. If it passes, then I think it's just appetite or head hunger. It's hard to break our old habits of just eating because we think it's time, or we're bored, watching TV, driving, etc. We have the physical part down (smaller stomach) but the mental part is something we'll always have to work on.

    Wait until you're on solids - you'll likely feel more restriction. I am six weeks out and still can't really eat chicken breast, tuna, eggs, or any kind of dense bread (not that I'd want to) without a kind of choked up feeling. Shrimp, soft fish, low fat cheeses, Protein shakes (love Atkins milk choc) and lots of Chobani is how I get my Protein now.

  9. I'm over 6 weeks out and lost 24 lbs. Husband is jealous. Never thought that would happen. Makes little comments about me staying after work to go to the gym, being friends with guys on Facebook, etc. He respects my new way of eating - that's not a problem at all, but the jealousy thing is a bit hard to take. And I think he's suddenly bothered by the money I'm spending on new clothes (I work in a very conservative, professional atmosphere and need to dress the part). He never ever says anything about money.

    And I'm not anywhere near goal yet. . .

  10. Today I wore pants that I haven't worn in YEARS (yes, I save everything). I tried them on a few weeks ago and they were a little tight...so I put them back in the closet thinking ok, I'll try them in a couple weeks. Well today I put them on and they were big...almost sloppy...I was amazed!! I wore them to work but they probably won't be worn again. Squeal!!

  11. Shopping will definitely be fun - and you'll probably hit some sales too. Rock it!! Can't wait to hear details on that date. My friend went on a date once and the guy was a bit nerdy and drove an old beat up car. He was in grad school and didn't have a lot of $$. She was about to ditch him but we talked her into giving him a chance. Turns out he was sweet, kind, smart and got a fabulous job -- now she's married to him driving a BMW and living in a big house. They've been together almost 20 years.

  12. First, you should be applauded for not smacking her very hard. Even though they are in the medical profession, not everything they say is bible. I would find your zen place, take it in stride, and keep doing what you are doing. On what other "diet" or "program" have you lost 22 lbs in less than a month?? You are doing great. Don't lose sight of the big picture just because of one person's comments. You ROCK ON.

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