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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms.AntiBand

  1. Jeeze Louise.. Looks like I missed out on a good excuse to pig on popcorn
  2. Ms.AntiBand

    TMI - over 18, MFP question

    There's been studies that even the most vigorous sex acts don't burn enough calories to bother counting. Maybe under mild walking?
  3. Ms.AntiBand

    Seriously.. What's up with yogurt these days?

    Yep, ... Just like wine is fruit
  4. Ms.AntiBand


    Sometimes I just call them out and then theres so many who back the op so I just give up.
  5. Ms.AntiBand

    Travel Post Op

    I travel 1200+ miles post op. it's doable.. Just make sure you walk and excercise to keep the blood flowing
  6. Ms.AntiBand

    She got mad!

    Lol.. Leave it to the lipsticklady to pinpoint the sensual typo.
  7. Ms.AntiBand

    Not happy

    I had a seven week stall. Everyone is different and you just have to either try different things or go with the stall. It will work.. Just be patient
  8. Ms.AntiBand

    Band 2 seeve today. FAILURE

    I had to wait 18 months before any release to be sleeved. First off, I was extremely ulcerated and bleeding internally. Aside from all the damage the band did in that area I was severely enemic and very unhealthy. My system would not have tolerated a major surgery along with the surgery for repairing my insides. I have seen on this forum many complications arising from surgeons jumping the gun on band to sleeve surgeries. OP.. Your surgeon was correct and although it's a bummer now.. It's for the best.
  9. ANYTHING .. That you can eat a lot of. As in cereal and alcohol in your case. Alcohol is sliding and you can drink endlessly and gain from all the gazillion carbs/calories. If you can eat/drink something and not get full with it then it's a slider food. You're digesting it as fast as you're consuming it. Avoid it.
  10. First off. 1. Admit you have a problem 2. Do something about it. 3. Stop justifying your wrong choices Or.. Blame it all on your sleeve (and not yourself) and concede to failure Sincerely, Reality
  11. Hmmm.. Obviously, Alex's cuss filter failed your post Anyway.. The sleeve was not made to prevent you from eating or drinking yourself into failure. That is up to you.
  12. Ms.AntiBand

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    I wasn't too creative and probably a little bitter when I came here from the lapband forum.
  13. Ms.AntiBand


    You're right. Depending on what support you're looking for this site can be either good or bad for us. For me, I need the slap in the face, tear me apart reality that slipping up is not an option. People need to realize that sure eating like you did before might be working now, but it's not going to work down the road and it's going to lead right back to pre-op stats/issues. I firmly believe our wls will only be long term effective if we take advantage of it and change our eating ways while it's easier in the beginning.
  14. Ms.AntiBand


    Being around other people triggers my impulse to eat.. And sometimes I still find myself mindlessly picking up chips or a snack food just because that was my whole life in social settings. I will forever be a recovering food addict and this site's more or less my personal support sponsor *sits back down*
  15. Ms.AntiBand

    Question about a friend

    Strain on the liver? Why is that.. ?
  16. Ms.AntiBand

    Question about a friend

    If he's drinking that much already its a good bet he's already an alcoholic and is just continuing his addiction. It's not going to get any better.. Fact, without intervention he's going to fail in more than just wls.
  17. Be sure to talk to several patients.. Preferably by phone and go with your gut instincts. This is all in addition to through research
  18. Ms.AntiBand

    Handling the Holidays with a Baby Sleeve

    I was a pre Christmas sleever and no one but my husband and grown kids know about my surgery. The 30 + other family members didn't even notice I wasn't eating. They're used to me dieting so it was normal for me.
  19. Ms.AntiBand

    Sleeve stretched?

    Sounds normal. I was always able to drink like a camel and some people are able to eat right away. Be careful not to irritate things though.. Your stomach is still pretty tender
  20. Ms.AntiBand

    Sleeve vs lapband...

    The band should not even be on the market anymore. Plus is mass expensive to maintain... If you live to use it.
  21. Lol.. I'm fine with not knowing
  22. Jane.. You go girl! You deserve the new you and I wish only the best for you glad you're doing ok and don't forget to soak up some sun
  23. Ms.AntiBand

    Discomfort on lower left side...

    Lol @ leeched Most likely it's gas or backup. The left side contains the majority of the intestines so any issues will be felt there. Have you been having regular BMs?
  24. I'm lost. How does one get a before and after of their stomach? Some of us have a video of the surgery and then a pic of the stomach after its remove and is sitting there looking huge and ugly

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