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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jld2375

  1. jld23475' date='

    after one year, working hard with the sleeve - with more weight to loose - i can only imagaine your feelings/depresson etc

    all the above info from fellow sleevers, is great - i'm sure you'll get more reinforcements

    please don't give up - you've come so far - you've been successful - you're about 1/2 way to goal - what an accomplishment

    get rid of the Peanut Butter and any other bad food/junk in the pantry - when you go shopping - don't even go down that aisle

    don't know what happened that you "temporarily" have taken a wrong turn in the road - but turn again - you can find yourself on the right path- i know you can

    some of your hunger might be head hunger - we can all relate to that

    you've been so successful this past year, you know what to eat, and what not to eat - you can do this, have the confidence in yourself that i have in you

    we can all give you the support and compassion you need - but you must be there for yourself - go to a support group, talk to a friend/family member

    you might be bored, watching tv? so you go back to bad habits and eat? try and get busier

    i know that the above is easier said than done -

    please don't sabatoge yourself after you've come so far

    good luck[/quote']

    Awww thanks a bunch. I'm trying to make that turn.

  2. Ive been there too! (the uncontrollable hunger and cravings) I think seeing a therapist who works with nutrition will help.

    You see you have to find an equilibrium that works for you... Maybe you eat healthier some days because you're busier or eat more on some days because you're doing more exercise... You've kick started your new life but you need someone to talk to who really knows you personally and who you can talk each of these issues out with...

    For me (even pre-sleeve) I know that if I never open another can of soda again I'll be better off. If I never starve myself again' date=' if I eat Breakfast everyday, if I avoid take away, these a small victories that add up!!!

    Nobody's perfect but you will eventually find what is perfect for you! I have faith![/quote']

    Awww thanks.

  3. Start taking you PPI again and go back to basics. Try following LilMissDiva's "the Basic Bootcamp diet." It helps get rid of the cravings for sugar. Then follow a plan where you eat Protein first' date=' veggies, and a little bit of starches. Always ask yourself this question before eating: Am I hungry? If not, do something different like taking a walk. You can do this, it's just getting back on track and refocusing yourself. :) We all have this struggle. [/quote']

    Wht is ppi? Thanks for the advice.

  4. First of all you need to drop "only" from your vocabulary. You have lost 98 pounds!!! That is amazing! Those are pounds you will never see again. Second of all if you can keep Protein Snacks like string cheese or boiled eggs or cottage cheese around those are great go to foods. When that doesn't work for me I always have mint gum handy. Chew some and the mint sooths your tummy and the sweetness it a plus. Besides when your mouth is minty fresh who wants to eat on top of that. Congrats on the great weight loss and keep it going. I know you'll do great!

    Thanks soooo much. I'm trying to keep at it since I got 110 more pounds to lose. The doc told me tht my cholesterol was higher than b4 surg so after tht I was mad and haven't been the same since. So I do try to stay away from the boiled eggs and cheese. But b4 she told me that I ate those things all the time. So I'm dang if I do and dang if I don't. UGH!!!!!

  5. Swap it! Take control of the cravings by changing the Peanut Butter (which is probably the fat or salt you want) with a sf kind (I've heard US has something called PB2 which is a good alternative) or get some macadamias to munch on (unsalted are still tasty!)

    Get some 0% Greek yoghurt with some fruit in it (i love mixing it with frozen berries for that icecreamy texture!)

    Start preparing more... Boil eggs' date=' grill meat, store tins of salmon/tuna in the fridge, make up some savoury cupcakes (in the recipe section)...

    Get remotivated however you need!

    And remember this is a lifestyle thing, you'll have ups and downs, smiles and frowns, just keep getting back on the horse!!!!!

    Peace and best wishes!!![/quote']

    I keep trying to take control but I do gd for 4-5 days and then bad for 2-3 dys. Can't seem to stay on track thanks to the over whelming cravings of bad foods. It's an addiction like ppl on crack it just calls my name and I don't know wht to do after about 4-5 days. Plus I'm always hungry. I could eat every 2 hours. I guess they didnt cut hungry sensory out or it grew back cause for the last several months I'm just hungry. I started again this morning w/ Protein shakes. I use the PB2 in my chocolate shakes. But I don't crave that Peanut Butter it's the darn jiffy. thanks for your comment.

  6. Omg I just posted a help thread. In some wht the same situation. Then I read your thread. So I feel u. I started out pre surg 401. Now I'm 304 and been fluctuating b/t 304-308 for over 3 mos. it sucks. I was a 30-32 and now I'm a 22 and very few 20s. I'm not in the 5x no more which I'm thankful for. I'm 3x top thanks to these boobs of mines but 2x bottom cause I have no butt. Lol. Praying that God will enhance your metabolism and help u get thru this. Keep your head up we will get thru this.

  7. Can somebody help me. I just feel hungry all the time. Protein is not holding me to the next meal. I'm addicted to jiffy Peanut Butter. I just feel like I eat all the time. Calories are adding up. Craving sweets like crazy. Nov will be a yr since surgery and I have only lost 98 pounds. I feel like im losing this battle. HELP!!!!!

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