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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmandaRaeLeo

  1. <p>Squirrels are evil but entertaining. I moved to the country and there are none... now it is the coyotes who look in longingly thinking they can eat my lil dog or kitty.</p> <p> </p> <p>whataburger and that 5 guys place are good - but I have a serious question... don't you get ill eating that food? Problem I have is that I am not in training..haha...not used to junky and fast good so when I do eat it, it gives me a tummy ache.</p>

    The crappier the food, the worse I feel. Every time.

  2. <p>So I've finally caught up, took me 3 days to do it but here I am. </p> <p> </p> <p>No questions about it, I'm an addict. Not just to sugar and carbs but to food. FOOD still tastes good to me on a daily basis. I haven't given my sleeve anything that it didn't tolerate just fine. As I have gotten further out it has become harder to stay on track because now I don't have this list of like 4 foods that it is okay for me to eat. I actually have to choose to eat what I should, and for the most part, I do. I have days that I fall off the wagon, but each day is a new day. I get up, brush myself off and start again. </p> <p> </p> <p>I am from Louiaiana. Not just from the south but from one of the most obese states in our country. You know there are "starving kids in China" so we don't throw food away, or at least that's what we were told growing up. My grandmother was a feeder. Everyday after school (after finishing off a big grab bag of flaming hot cheetos and a large icee) she would have Cookies or cake or fried chicken fixed and just hanging around. We got to eat what ever, when ever we wanted. This was all before the age of 13. It didn't stop. When I was in my early teens my parents did a dieting program through our church and lost weight. I didn't lose weight. I ate what they ate but I ate as much as I wanted. When I was a junior or senior in high school, I went through the program with them and lost 30 pounds. When I started college my freshman 15 turned into my sophomore 60 and stuck around for my senior 70. I seriously gained around 80 pounds in my 4 years of college. I lost some while working on my second degree but then got pregnant just before I graduated. When I went in to have my son I was 286 pounds (I had gained somewhere between 50-80 pounds during my pregnancy). I lost about 20 after I had him but within 4 months put it back on. Fast forward 5 years and I can't get pregnant. We think it's because of my weight gain (I'm now about 320) so I decide to go for a sleeve. A month before my sleeve was scheduled to be done, I find out I'm pregnant. And you know what, I was SAD!!! I wanted this surgery. I wanted to be healthy for my pregnancy but here I was super morbidly obese and pregnant. Gross. I only gained 23 pounds during my second pregnancy and the baby weighed almost 10 pounds so not too bad. That weight came off pretty quick and then I was sleeved when the baby was 4 weeks old. It was the best decision I have ever made. </p> <p> </p> <p>I have learned a lot already. I know that I have limited will power. My will power stops when I take a bite of anything. I can resist any food all day long until I take one bite and then it is all over. I can't stop myself. Carbs are a nightmare. If I start the day off with them, I'm hungry all day and wanting to eat. Same goes for sugar. But it isn't just those. Like Cheri, it fried goodness, burgers, savory, spicy, chips and salsa, FOOD! I have eaten out of bordom, I ate when I was happy and when I was sad. Something good happened, "Oh, lets celebrate! Where do you want to go eat?" Something bad happened, "Oh, bless your heart. What can I get you to eat?" It was never ending. I haven't been a big food sneaker but there were times that I did. I could, and probably still can but have not tried, to polish off a pint of ice cream in a single sitting. I never ate a whole pizza but I sure could eat half a large by myself. I was the one who finished my husbands food, and the kid's. I was the same as someone before who would go to McD's and get a large value meal and get chicken nuggets to go with it. I was out of control.</p> <p> </p> <p>Now I am not a slave to food. I don't think about it all the time. I enjoy it but it does not rule my life. I have an amazing support system and my hubby is happy to finish my left overs :) So much has changed about me in the last 8 months, on the inside and the outside. I am liking this new person I am becoming. I used to tell people that people liked me for the same reasons they like Santa Claus, cause I was fat and jolly! I'm still jolly. My joy is dependent on far more than the weight I carry or my circumstances but people are going to have to find a new reason to like me!</p>

    Congrats on making it through this thread. Congrats on your baby. Congrats on your sleeve. And congrats on taking control of your life!

  3. I try really hard not to compare myself to others. When I do I feel bad about myself.

    I try really hard not build myself up by putting another person down. It makes me feel bad about myself and cheapens my own success.

    When someone does it to me I remind myself that that's their hang up, not mine. It works about half the time.

  4. My chubby butt got up to 405 lbs so I didn't get push back about needing WLS.

    I got push back because I went to Mexico to get my WLS.

    Now that my VSG is helping me succeed and my Mexico experience was an amazing success my support system are 100% with me....

    But man did the fur fly when I said I was going to Mx.

  5. The difference is, the other surgeries have a huge weight loss right out of the gate.

    I'm glad you said this. Brings up a lingering question I've had. It seems like I read or hear so many instances of huge loss amounts within months of the surgeries aside from the band. This is great for those people losing weight and I commend them on their journey. My question is this though, can you lose weight too fast?? I've heard that you can and its obvious that dramatic amounts of pounds can be shed quickly with the other surgeries. Excuse my ignorance again but is that really all that healthy or safe? Again, I'm asking, not trying to wage a war. I truly seek an answer.


    Protein is pushed immediately after surgery, second only to hydration for VSG patients.

    (I cannot speak to RNY aftercare)

    This is in part to ensure that vital organs, like the heart, are staying healthy while the rapid weight loss occurs.

    If a patient chooses to ignore the postop diet, designed with healing and health, then there certainly is risk.

    If a patient follows those guidelines then the risk is greatly mitigated.

    If you stroll through the VSG forums you will find many a post bemoaning Protein shakes.

  6. Mis73

    Congrats on your success. I hope to share very similar numbers when Sleeve Perry and I get to goal.

    I'll not quote you but it seems like your last two posts proclaimed your success, as well it should, and slammed alternative WLS options, which is counterproductive and fuels the fire.

    If you do not want the drama then perhaps join me and many others in ignoring those who stir the pot and instead wish to share in each other's successes?

  7. The most common VSG misconception I've seen tossed around is about "stretching" the sleeve. That is damn near impossible due to the nature of the surgery. And the tone it's been used in is a taunting tone. I've read the mention of VSGers having a lot of dumping. Although it happens, it is rare. Very rare.

    But you're right. No one from either "side" should antagonize each other simply for entertainment and sport. We discredit ourselves and look like jerks when we do.

    Was any of that brought up in this thread? Forgive me if I'm thinking wrong, can the sleeve not be stretched? As I said earlier, I know there are tremendous benefits of the sleeve, it doesn't go without its issues though. Can't a person mistreat their sleeve and eat around it just like you can with band or bypass? This is not a debate question I'm asking. I'm asking honest opinion or stated fact here.

    I read where you said you're a social gal. I can appreciate that and wish everyone was more social. It seems that with the merger that there are more hens in the house and everyone is trying to determine a pecking order. Sad really cause I think we should all be able to support and congratulate each other.

    More of a build up of various comments on different threads. Regarding the misinformation that is. Yes we most certainly can eat around our sleeve. And many people do. Crackers slide through rather easily. I've resolved to avoid them. But it's not a because we've stretched the sleeve. It's because we are making poor choices.Like the band, the sleeve is a WLS tool designed to aid us in our journey, and not carry us.

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