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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tigerbelle

  1. tigerbelle

    3 weeks post op

    I was just starting mushy foods at your stage...I remember that my NUT's main advice at that point was to get fluids in, so I would say you are on track there...I might have been eating more like 400-500 calories per day around 3 weeks out, but I was having more problem getting fluids in than soft foods and protein
  2. tigerbelle

    Friend or foe?

    the only way I've found to deal with negative people is to simply ignore them...by that I mean to--as much as possible--avoid those people, especially now when you need to stay positive...also, what I always try to remember is that when people are negative (or hateful in any way), it is all about *them* and not about *you* at all...it is their own insecurities and issues they are projecting and I would just pretend I have this shield surrounding my body protecting me from their negative vibes
  3. tigerbelle

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    great, ramirelek...I am also two months out but not doing quite as well as you--only 30 pounds for me; plus I've got a lot more to lose overall to reach my goal weight...I wouldn't mind the slow losing if I just wouldn't keep hitting these stalls....I was in an over-two week stall, and then finally started losing again...but I only lost about 3 pounds before I was back in another stall...currently it has been about a week with no more weight loss ::sigh:: it really makes staying on the program more difficult when in these frustrating stalls
  4. I agree...especially when fall/winter gets here, I hope to have tons of sweaters that are too big by then...they are size 2X (22/24) so they may be too big for a lot of us by then...instead of living in the same "virtual city," it would be great if we lived in the same physical locale
  5. congrats on your success...like others, I can only pray I enjoy your same success when I am one year out...I think you need to update your ticker, girl! ps I am only 2 months out but already know what you mean about not being able to eat that extra bite...the times I feel this the most is when I have been at a restaurant and there is something I truly enjoy and can only eat a few bites...I know I should be happy to at least eat a few bites, but it's hard not to at least eat half of it
  6. tigerbelle

    Post op food help!

    not sure of your dr's plan, but at 2 weeks I was starting some mushy foods, like scrambled eggs...you could also try low-fat refried beans or peanut butter--I see a lot of people on here like those...you might also be able to move on to creamy soups like cream of chicken or cream of mushroom..best to you...and as another poster pointed out, if you have lost 30 pounds post-op, then that it is better than average for sure...I am a slow loser but I am 2 months out and have only lost 30 pounds post-op
  7. I would take Celine up on her offer...also, what others have said is good advice...I am also out 2 months...had my surgery May 6...per my NUT's plan, I need to get in 60 to 80 g of protein daily and 64 oz of liquids...she doesn't have me counting calories or carbs but I generally get in no more than 800 calories...I don't worry about carbs because I am mainly eating lean proteins and some veggies...no fried foods, no sweets, no starches at all (no corn, potatoes, rice, bread, cereal, pasta, crackers, chips)...if you aren't eating those kinds of starches and carbs and only eating 800 calories per day, it would be difficult to go over a carb limit...I have trouble getting in 64 oz of fluid, but I am trying to get there...also, my plan calls for daily exercise...I have been having low energy levels so I rarely walk more than 20-30 minutes daily--I am trying to improve...still no drinking with meals or at least 30 minutes after eating...still supplementing protein with the shakes when needed...no carbonated drinks...a multivitamin, B12 and calcium daily...can't think of anything else now
  8. tigerbelle

    Under 200lbs for an entire month

    looking good...keep it up
  9. tigerbelle

    refried beans

    I haven't had gas issues with them...although I did wait until I was about 4 weeks out to try them
  10. tigerbelle

    The bad and the ugly

    let's see...keep in mind I am only two months out myself...the bad is that this is a major lifestyle adjustment, and no matter what you are going to have many times of temptation (at parties, during meals with friends and family, etc.)...even though everyone will keep telling you during the first few weeks to hang in there, drinking those gross protein shakes and doing without solid food is going to be tough...you will also have low energy and possibly some pain...I was fortunate not to have any surgical related pain after coming home and very little gas pain...also, don't expect for sure that you won't feel both "head" hunger and real hunger; while many VSGers don't experience true hunger post-surgery (because of lack of grehlin hormone), I have not been one of those lucky ones--I still experience true hunger at times...I have been very fortunate to have no post-op complications (such as dehydration, infection, or stricture), so I cannot address that "bad side"...one more thing that I am currently experiencing for the second time is a weight loss stall; I wouldn't say that is an overall "bad" thing since it is normal and does come to an end, but it can be very demoralizing and frustrating from an emotional--if not physical--perspective good luck, and I applaud you for bravely facing the possible "bad" side
  11. tigerbelle

    What's different?

    anncharlie, I am impressed with your success so far...I am 51 and had my surgery May 6th (so just a month after you)...I've only lost 30 so far and had hoped to have lost closer to 40 by now...I have a little more overall weight to lose than you to reach the same goal weight of 150...I am just wondering what I am doing differently from you...I walk most days but not every single day...also having some energy issues...if I may ask, how many calories are you taking in per day? liquids and proteins? typical meal plan for a day? thanks for any feedback you can give
  12. tigerbelle

    Need help /:

    My dr had me on clear liquids for a week and then full liquids for another week...so when I was 10 days out I could have any "cream of..." soups...the cream of chicken was my favorite, and it was definitely an improvement over the chicken broth...I tried cream of mushroom but didn't like it..there is also cream of asparagus, cream of shrimp, cream of broccoli--really a lot of choices in that category...also, many people here in the forum have loved cream of tomato soup...I was hesitant to eat it because of higher sugar content (I am diabetic) and the acidity of tomatoes (thought I might get heartburn)...but many people have enjoyed the cream of tomato soup with no problems...good luck! just remember that this liquid phase is only temporary and it won't be long before you can move on to soft/mushy/pureed foods
  13. tigerbelle

    Need help /:

    not sure I understand your question...when was your surgery? are you asking for soup suggestions?
  14. tigerbelle

    Turkey patties?

    hang in there, colcol...I remember that feeling...I have never been so happy to eat a bite of scrambled egg as I was the first day I was off liquids btw, I was around 270 when I had surgery about 2 months ago, and my personal goal is 150 as well...I have hit a few stalls (just expect that possibility) and have lost 30 pounds so far...best to you
  15. I would recommend you just push yourself to tolerate the protein shakes and drinks during this early period...once you can eat some solids, even mushy foods, I think it will be easier...it seems like "forever," but the time does go by fast...hang in there--it is very important to get those proteins in even if it is unpleasant
  16. tigerbelle


    I think just keep trying to get some walking--whatever you can manage--in each day...don't push yourself at this point...I think it is important just to try to walk--even if just around your house--more each day...be patient...you will start to feel stronger
  17. tigerbelle

    opinions please

    I think there are different techniques used by surgeons, as well as the different bougie sizes...the technique and bougie size used can have an indirect link to the weight loss experienced I think...but I don't think it is a major factor...since the sleeve is just a tool, I believe the most significant factor in subsequent weight loss is how you use that tool
  18. tigerbelle

    Turkey patties?

    smokey, are you able to eat a whole patty?
  19. tigerbelle

    Best condom idea, ever!

    well....start a NEW topic!!
  20. tigerbelle


    I am 7 weeks out...I am not one of the lucky ones who does not experience real hunger any more...I do feel hungry at times...with the restriction it takes a lot less to fill me up and satisfy my hunger than it used to...but if I don't eat something at least every 3 hours, I get hungry
  21. tigerbelle

    I have a question!

    I think Sassygirl is right...stick to the program and realize you will have stalls and even occasional small weight gain...hang in there!
  22. tigerbelle

    What's different?

    my experience and perception are the same as gr8kauz's...in my case, I think it's the natural slow-down of metabolism (I am also menopausal although not every woman 50+ is of course) and the fact that I have been a type 2 diabetic for over ten years now...there are plenty of women on this forum who are over 50 who have been quite successful...so the Club Five-Oh members can do it!!
  23. tigerbelle


    I was sleeved May 6, and I have somewhat of a "routine" as far as eating...per my NUT, I am supposed to be getting in 60-80 g of Protein per day, but if I am lucky I hit 60...fluids I am supposed to be getting 64 oz daily, I rarely get in more than half of that though (that is my most difficult goal each day)...my NUT tells me not to worry about calories because if I am following the dietary plan--and given the capacity of my stomach--I shouldn't exceed 800 calories per day...she is right because most days I am between 600 and 700 calories for breakfast, it's either a scrambled egg, boiled egg, some cheese squares, yogurt or an occasional Protein shake for lunch (during the work week), I either eat leftovers from previous dinner or have deli meat and cheese roll-ups, Soup or chili, maybe some Peanut Butter or yogurt for dinner, I have some sort of lean protein (turkey or chicken usually with some cheese sometimes and some type of veggie or Beans, such as green beans, carrots, steamed broccoli or cauliflower when I can tolerate them I occasionally have a protein shake as a snack or supplement (my NUT wants me to do this more often) Snacks consist of mainly sugar-free Jello or popsicles, a tablespoon of peanut butter, some cheese squares, unsweetened fruit such as diced peaches it is somewhat boring at this stage but that is OK because I am trying not to focus on food as a pleasure source...also my NUT (not all are like this) tells me that for at least 6 months, I can have no starches at all--no bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, oatmeal, Cereal, crackers...and of course no sweets at all
  24. tigerbelle

    at a stall again

    I think I might be as well...we can wait it out
  25. tigerbelle

    Best condom idea, ever!

    I am scared to make this post because I am female, but it's not about the thread topic but the last several posts...I am on another message board, and there is a gender specific forum that is only for females (I think it's called the pink forum or something like that)...it's like a private forum that you have to ask permission to "join"...no one who is not a member approved by a moderator can post in the forum or even see the posts made...would that be something that would work here or is possible with the software? I only suggest it since that way people wouldn't be afraid to post in the gender specific forum because of lack of privacy ...just something to consider

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
