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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tigerbelle

  1. to address the few comments that alluded to the kids not having proper manners as regards to referring to people as "fat"...this is how I feel--I don't think it is a good idea or even healthy for parents to teach their kids that "fat" is a bad word or something bad to call someone...in fact, if they are taught that, then maybe they won't say the "f" word, but when they see someone who is fat, they will think there is something "bad" about that person...is that really a better attitude or lesson to teach your children?...heck, most of the time I call myself "fat" without mincing words, because at over 240 lbs., I certainly am fat...this is the thing, though--even if kids are taught that it isn't healthy to be fat, they should also be taught that human beings come in all shapes and sizes (as well as all colors and ages and religions and accents, etc.)...just because someone is different from what you are used to, that doesn't mean they are bad people or that you shouldn't respect them...*that* is the lesson I would want my kids to learn
  2. I think these answers follow pretty much the same thing my NUT said...she said not to worry about calories at this time (I am 6 weeks out) but to make sure I get the 60-80 grams of protein (she wants me to aim for 75g) and very important to stay hydrated, too...like others have said (and I can say by experience), unless you are eating starches and high sugar foods instead of the dense proteins, veggies and protein shakes, it is very difficult to eat enough volume-wise now to go over 600-800 calories per day (which is my current avg)
  3. tigerbelle


    not with this surgery because I was already in menopause...but when I had a previous surgery while I was still having periods, my period did stop for a few months; I just figured it was the stress and/or trauma of having the surgery...I know this is different...but you are only 27 so I bet your period does return soon...I would give it another month or two and then see your ob/gyn if you still haven't had a period
  4. I don't think a kid has ever called me fat exactly--at least not to my face or where I could hear...I have had a kid ask me why my stomach is so big...also, I have had a child tell his mother tell his mother in a store--referring to me--"mommy, that lady has a big tummy"...it has never really bothered me, because I appreciate the natural honesty of young children, and these children I mention were young--both under age 5...I told both of those kids (including the one in the store whose mother was embarrassed and apologetic) that I had a big tummy because I ate too much food, which was basically true...now, when adults have made snide remarks that were definitely derogatory towards me--even if the word fat wasn't necessarily used--that angers me and disgusts me, because unlike children they aren't just naturally curious and honest...they are just ignorant and insensitive jerks
  5. breederb, my a1c about a month pre-op was over 9, but it didn't prevent me from having the surgery...I understand your fear, though, regarding recovery and such...in the health food/vitamin section of the drugstore, cinnamon capsules are sold...from what I understand, they are basically cinammon in capsule form and there is no real possible harm in taking them even if they don't help with the glucose levels...I guess they are worth a try
  6. tigerbelle

    Incision Question

    chinamama, my surgery was about 6 weeks ago, and I definitely have no problem with the memory of no true pain...just slightly sore...maybe I was just lucky, but I have had previous surgeries (but none laporscopic like this one), and this procedure was nothing like those
  7. tigerbelle

    Best condom idea, ever!

    for men who are attracted to younger women, my theory is that it is more about their own ego--which may be similar to what you are theorizing, fiddleman...it's just that I don't think it is necessarily that they truly feel young at heart but that they want to convince themselves that they are still attractive to what they consider the more sought-after women (i.e., the younger ones)...keep in mind that I am a 51-year-old single slightly-cynical woman
  8. tigerbelle

    Progress pics

    bravo...keep up the good work
  9. tigerbelle

    4 days post-op

    did your dr give you a prescription for nausea? mine gave me one for Phenergan, but I did not have to use it--thank goodness...hope yours goes away very soon
  10. tigerbelle


    this question came up at our hospital WLS support group this week...the NUT there said the same thing about some people taking in more air through straws, but that if it didn't give you problems, you could use a straw...I had always thought straws were forbidden ever after, but apparently that is not the consistent guidance given by all drs and NUTs...I haven't tried using a straw yet but I will
  11. tigerbelle

    Incision Question

    I am also about 6 weeks post-op...the one larger incision is the only one that is not quite yet fully healed...mine looked about the same as the others except bigger...plus it was the only one that was somewhat tender although I wouldn't say painful...you are just 10 days post-op; I would say just to watch for signs of infection and contact the surgeon if you suspect that
  12. tigerbelle

    Best condom idea, ever!

    hmmm....does this qualify as TMI ?
  13. an update from me--now at about 6 weeks out...at about 2 weeks out I started taking half of a metformin pill each morning...since then, my glucose levels have been very good; and in fact a few times it has dropped almost too low...I am tempted to try to go again without meds, since now my average level is way lower than the 150 my dr told me to stay under...what do y'all think? my alternative is to wait until I see my PCP for my six-month checkup in August before I doing anything differently
  14. tigerbelle


    devonmae, how far out are you post-op? no problems eating the chicken and lettuce? also, I am curious--were you tempted to eat the shell (that is sometimes my favorite part)?
  15. tigerbelle

    Sleeved June 11th

    glad all is going well...I had a similar good experience post-surgery, better than what I had expected or feared...I understand your feeling...I didn't really feel guilty but more like wondering when the "bad stuff" was going to start happening...I just think I was well-prepared (like you probably were) and--most important--I chose an excellent surgeon...I am just thankful to God for no complications (and of course praying for continued blessing, the worrier that I am)
  16. tigerbelle

    8 months post op

    congrats on your success! I hope I can say the same thing at 8 months out...I see you are an LSU fan...same here and alum from 1984...Geaux Tigers!
  17. tigerbelle

    I'm hungry!

    I concur with the advise of the others...also, what you are experiencing sounds "normal" to me and similar to what I felt at that phase
  18. cinward, do you have a nutritionist/dietitian? I know you said your dr told you to test foods, but did you have a consult with a NUT? if you did, I would call him/her for guidance I had my surgery on May 6, so I am almost 6 weeks out...the first couple of weeks I was liquid only and lost about 20 lbs....then I moved on to soft foods and now I am--like you--in the testing phase...but since losing those first 20 lbs., I've only lost another 4 lbs., so I can understand your frustration..those breakfast and lunch amounts you listed sound similar to what I am eating portion-wise...I might eat a little more in the evening, like you...tonight I ate at a local restaurant and had baked trout--I ate about 1/3 to 1/2 of what was served to me...no salad but I did have a few bites of steamed veggies...you didn't say how much of your meal you ate, but I know physically I couldn't handle much more than I had tonight and in fact probably overdid it a little...as for the Water, I still cannot guzzle for sure, although I don't have to sip like others have all in all, it doesn't seem like you are eating huge portions compared to others...my dietitian and fellow sleevers both here on the message board and in support group keep advising me not to compare myself to others and not to focus overly on pounds lost...I am trying very hard to follow that advice, and I recommend that to you as well let me ask this? how do you feel--health wise that is? I think that is most important {{{cinward}}} hang in there
  19. tigerbelle

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    how is everybody doing? just some random thoughts and such--I went to the first monthly WLS support group meeting at the hospital where I had my surgery...I am glad I went for the most part...when introducing ourselves most people chose to say what type of surgery they had, when it was and how much they had lost since surgery...there were a couple of "veterans" there that had surgery over three years ago and I think the most recent sleever was 9 days out...I liked that there was a diverse group in many ways, and I learned a lot by sharing and the opportunity to get feedback from those that have been there/done that, as well as from those who are at a comparable stage with me...about the only negative is that I did let myself temporarily get a little demoralized when most participants who were similar to me at one to two months out had lost more weight than me so far...I have been in a stall...but I just kept reminding myself that we are all different and that I should not compare myself to others another random thing...I tried to eat a few almonds this evening as a snack--it was about 6 dry roasted almonds...my little tummy did not like that, and I was surprised the only other issue I have had is when I tried watermelon at about 3 weeks out...the adverse gastric reaction was not quite as bad with the almonds at least...I guess it is a trial and error thing, because I had specifically asked my dietitian yesterday if I could try the nuts...oh well...anybody else tried nuts during the first couple of months post-surgery? what was your experience with them?
  20. tigerbelle

    Egg drop soup

    on my plan that would be pureed/mushy food as well, so I agree with JoiaRox on that...as for the baked potato soup, on my plan I can't even have that occasionally until at least six months out because it's a starch...my dietitian's plan disallows corn, potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, etc. until at least 6 months out and then only occasionally
  21. tigerbelle


    ok so you are over 3 months out...like others have said, I would suspect when I am that far out I could tolerate popcorn, but it could become a slider food and empty calories...you sound like you recognize that, though...and awareness is a good thing...I aready know that I am one of those types that will allow myself something as a "rare treat"...but then I enjoy it so much that the rare treats become more frequent...and I get right back into poor habits...I don't like that I am like that but again awareness is a good thing
  22. tigerbelle


    all good advice so far...that sounds about right what you are taking in
  23. scrambled eggs...peanut butter...yogurt...refried Beans...hummus I still like these and I am 5 weeks out
  24. tigerbelle


    slimmerplt: when was your surgery?

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