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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tigerbelle

  1. tigerbelle

    Two Months - down 42 pounds!

    very encouraging and bravo...today is my one month surgiversary and I am sad and frustrated to have only lost 20 lbs, and it was all in the first two-weeks post-surgery...I am reaching the end of my rope emotionally not having lost for almost two weeks now...I am following the program (at least the one I was given)...I am going to be extremely upset if I go to my 2-month follow-up with my surgeon and haven't at least lost 30 lbs post-surgery
  2. tigerbelle


    not really...my surgeon told me not to soak for a long time in the bath until my incisions healed, but I am taking showers anyway, which he said are fine since the beginning...I never asked him about swimming but fellow sleevers here on the forum have said they have been advised not to swim until their incisions totally heal--which most say takes about 4 weeks...I am about a month out, and one of my incisions (the largest one) still is definitely not totally healed
  3. tigerbelle

    1st day with the sleeve!

    thanks for the update....seems like things went fairly well, and I am glad your pain is under control...I am thinking you will feel even better tomorrow...hope your night is restful--at least as restful as it can be in the hospital...if you get the chance, check back in with us tomorrow
  4. tigerbelle

    Whats "normal"?

    if there is anything I've learned since joining this site, it's that everybody's weight loss pattern is different...sometimes I think the variance is partially because different doctors have different post-surgery diets...mine did not have any such requirements; therefore, I started surgery day at 0 lbs lost...others have gone on three month pre-ops and lost 50 lbs pre-surgery...then others have 2 week liquid diets pre-op and can lose 20 or 30 lbs before surgery...you and I are the same height but I weighed 268 on surgery date and am down about 20 lbs since then...so I am not even where you are at now...I would think that the less weight overall you have to lose, the less quickly it would come off...but that is just intuitive thinking on my part
  5. tigerbelle

    One year later suriversary!

    good job and congrats...thanks for the website suggestions
  6. tigerbelle

    BSN synthra-6 isolate?

    ok..lol...I did so much research on the various protein powders out there pre-op, so I am surprised I hadn't heard of that one..my post-op program for the first week was clear liquid and called for a special type of protein for that short period...I used Isopure, and there were like 40g of protein in each bottle...now that I am using protein powders, a scoop has around 20g...the ready-to-drink ones I've explored have a little less per bottle...I just can't tolerate the RTD ones, so I use the powder and blend it with ice and other things in my Ninja
  7. tigerbelle

    incision healing?

    thanks for the responses, y'all
  8. How long did it take for your incisions to heal? I am just at a month out, and all but my largest incision are mostly healed. The largest one still has some redness and is a little sore...any feedback on your experience will be appreciated
  9. tigerbelle

    What was i thinking?

    fyre, where ya been? I don't think I've read many posts from you lately
  10. to be honest, the person whose advice I would most trust is the anesthesiologist...they are truly the experts, and that is what they do each and every day
  11. tigerbelle

    Surgery postponed

    I am sorry to hear that, and I can understand how frustrated you must feel...I am not sure how I would have dealt with that if I were in your situation...I think we just do what we have to do, if you know what I mean...just spend a lot of time on here...everybody listens and supports me when I get down or frustrated, and I think it will help you, too, during this unexpected additional wait time
  12. tigerbelle

    myfitness pal app--awesome for tracking food intake.

    well dangit...when I try to download to my iphone, it says I need 5.0...I guess that's another reason for me to upgrade my iphone
  13. tigerbelle

    BSN synthra-6 isolate?

    I don't even have an idea as to what this is!
  14. tigerbelle

    What was i thinking?

    I also am not qualified to give medical advice, but I don't see how at over a week to go before surgery some cottage cheese is going to do any damage...every surgeon is different...mine didn't require any kind of pre-op diet
  15. tigerbelle

    When will it get better

    mirrim, I took 3 weeks off of work as well, and I have a desk job...just advising you to take it easy tht first week back at work....I originally had planned to work half days for my first week back but that didn't work out...at the end of each 8 hour day, I was exhausted, and at the end of the week, TGIF took on an entirely enhanced meaning! things are much better this week...just don't overdo it when you go back to work...best to you
  16. tigerbelle

    scared nervous and hungryyyy

    I remember they tried to give me some liquid Lortab before they released me from the hospital...I couldn't get that stuff down; I think I would have to be in some awful pain to use that, and I've had to drink some pretty horrible stuff for other tests and such
  17. when did you eat the chicken and cucumber salad? my advice is to tell the nurses/anesthesiologist when you check in to the hospital exactly what and when you last ate and let them decide if it is safe for you to have the surgery
  18. tigerbelle

    Why me?

    felyn, I am a little confused...why would you need a new surgeon? I agree that his handling of your situation is terrible, but are you planning on having additional surgery?
  19. tigerbelle

    1st post follow up appt

    good status report...keep up the good work
  20. tigerbelle

    Why me?

    I am still stunned that your dr told you that you were going to fail...I remember the advice a fellow sleever said recently: the weight didn't come on your body that quickly, so we shouldn't expect it to come off quickly
  21. brady, thanks for the input...I am glad for you and very much hope I start losing again, too
  22. Mercyanew, I was also hopeful that my type 2 diabetes would go into remission after surgery, but I am a month out and it doesn't appear that I am "cured"...the first 4 weeks post-surgery I was on no meds at all...my dr said that if I could keep my glucose levels around 150 average, I could stay off any meds...well, the lowest I could consistently get my levels to was around 150, but a lot of times during the day I was more like 170 or 180...so today I started taking one Metformin in the morning and will see how that works before I increase to one both morning and evening...I am trying to focus on at least having the possibility of decreasing the meds I used to take...pre-surgery I was on 2 Metformin twice a day plus 40 units of Lantus insulin nightly (and even on that medicine regimen, I was still having a1c levels over 9)
  23. tigerbelle

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    I can definitely relate...didn't do a pre-op..was sleeved May 6 and to date have lost only about 21 lbs....I also feel true hunger and not just head hunger..I am also very diligent about the portions of foods and follow the rules about the liquids like you mentioned...and yes it's been a struggle
  24. tigerbelle

    When will it get better

    well, Landen, I can't comfort you but I can commiserate...I was sleeved on May 6, so we are pretty much on the same track. While I was on liquids post-op for about 2 weeks, I lost 20 lbs and thought at least the suffering through the many Protein shakes and the hunger (I had real hunger and still do unfortunately, not one of the lucky ones) was worth it...now that I have been on soft foods for almost 2 weeks now, I have lost maybe one pound during this phase..I am extremely frustrated, sad and on the verge of regretting the surgery (though not quite there yet)...I am following the program except that I need to exercise more (I am still just walking about 20 minutes per day)--the problem is, though, that I am so weak and tire so easily that about all I can do is the 20 minutes...in the end, I am a realist, though...I knew when I made the decision to have the surgery that there was no turning back and that there was no guarantee of success..the most I can do--and the same with you--is give it my best and--at least for me--continue praying for strength to hang in there
  25. I had to read this topic when I saw the description because it is exactly how I am feeling today, and I am almost a month out...I still have my ups and downs...I remember feeling like you when I was on liquids still...then I started feeling better when I could eat mushy foods...my current "funk" is the result of my not losing any more weight at all for at least a week...it is extremely frustrating because I am following the program...I am only taking in about 500 to 600 calories per day, so how can I not be losing at least a little weight? I can assure you that a month pre-surgery I was eating way over 500 calories a day--also eating my beloved bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and the occasional sweet and I didn't gain weight...I didn't lose either I admit but now I am the same (not losing) and yet I am doing without...I know I am just whining now and usually I am much more of a realist than a whiner...blame it on my hormones, lack of carbs, depression, whatever...but I just feel like saying "it isn't fair!"

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