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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Comments posted by ahoog

  1. I am 2 months post surgery. After surgery I had lost 25 pounds from the per op fasting and the 2 weeks after surgery, then nothing for a month. Finally I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, then I stopped again. I am now 3 week no weight loss. Im hoping at 1 month again I will lose.

  2. Have your last meal. I had pasta. If you really like hamburgers have it now. I have found and have heard from others that beef is hard to digest after surgery. I have tried a few bites of a hamburger and a piece of meat loaf since surgery and I have to vomit it up because it hurt too much. I am 2 months post surgery. I'm not sure if it will get any better, but its not something I really liked so veggie burgers for me from now on.

    Best wishes on your surgery.

  3. I'm a para also and I don't think you are going to be able to go back to work that soon. There is some discomfort in the beginning and you have to have the drain removed a week after surgery. I know one week later I felt like a truck had hit me, but once you start getting the protein drinks in you again and start taking the vitamins and B12 you will start feeling better. I would give it at least 2 weeks before you go back to work.

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