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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BigFatLoser

  1. BigFatLoser

    I Hate My Pre-Op Diet!

    Bahahahaha!!! Great visual.
  2. BigFatLoser

    Anyone Feel Like They Wont Lose?

    I feel this way. And I think Nate said it best when he spoke of it being an issue with believing in yourself. I mean.... We allowed ourselves to get to a point where we need surgery for christs sake, lol. I think it's natural to wonder if we'd allow ourselves to screw this up too. But yeah... Totally with you on this.
  3. BigFatLoser

    Co-Workers Talking About Me!

    I would confront her! I hate crap like that. So sorry you have to deal with petty immature nonsense. Just keep getting healthy!
  4. BigFatLoser

    Co-Workers Talking About Me!

    Oh yeah that has jealousy written all over it.
  5. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I just wanted to say how great I think it is that you and your husband get to do this together. And that you get to live healthy lives together. Yay!!!
  6. BigFatLoser

    The Top 5 Things You Will Not Miss After Vsg

    Oh man. I don't think anyone I know would be brave enough to get me any kind of fitness/diet gift. I'd pounce. That is so rude!!!
  7. BigFatLoser

    Learning The Lingo

    Hahahaha! I totally was. Thanks!
  8. BigFatLoser

    Learning The Lingo

    It's when you have finally slipped below 200 into the 100s!!! Haven't done it yet, but looking forward to it!!
  9. She has had surgery. Late may if I'm not mistaken. Well it's a tad soon after surgery. But just call the doctor! Lol. Not really sure what you expect from a bunch of folks online. Good luck!
  10. BigFatLoser

    The Top 5 Things You Will Not Miss After Vsg

    I will not miss: Sweating. I take so long to get ready for anything because I have to take extra time to cool off after shower/doing my hair/ getting dressed/finding my keys. It's no wonder I avoid leaving the house. Apologizing to my husband about how ugly/fat/pathetic i am. And doubting his truthfulness when he tells me I'm being silly. Not bothering to make myself look pretty anymore because I feel it doesn't make much difference. Shopping at the fat stores. And not even getting greeted when I go into he skinny stores (to buy perfume/jewelry). Rushing my once beloved hot showers because I don't like being with my naked self. Hiding behind pillows when sitting on a couch. Feeling like a prisoner in my own body. I can go on and on and on.....
  11. BigFatLoser

    Husband Is Confused...

    OTR- you're a self righteous d*ck. That is all!!!
  12. BigFatLoser

    Food Addiction And Wls

    Max- oh I dream of your scenario; to not think of food. That alone would make it all worth it. Pretty- wow. That is totally inspirational. Thank you!
  13. I'm wondering if there are any sleevers out there who also struggle wih food addiction? I have not been sleeved yet, but worry that I won't be successful because I have such a bad relationship with food. What an emotional eater, I am!!! Will weight loss be impossible for me?
  14. BigFatLoser

    Nervous About Denial.

    Good luck to you! I hope the approval comes sooner than later. Pins and needles, I bet! All I know is that a loss is not required, but it's recommended that you not gain. How serious the implications are for a gain depend on the insurance company and that's where I get worried. I also have to keep a food log and all that good stuff.
  15. BigFatLoser

    Nervous About Denial.

    Am going into month 4 of my 6 month supervised diet, and I'm not losing any weight. In fact, I gained 4 pounds in month 3 and have not been able to take it off. I do have a letter from my PCP that states that I have trouble losing weight due to my thyroid not being regulated yet. But since they tell you during the 6 month diet not to gain, I am worried that this will just ruin it for me. I have upmc for you... Which is a Medicaid ins here in Pittsburgh. My bmi is 40 with asthma and back issues. I need this and I am so worried. Any help is appreciated.
  16. BigFatLoser

    Weight Gain During 6 Mo. Diet

    Lol aww me too! It's always seemed weird to me that they make you diet beforehand. If we were successful, we wouldn't be here!!!
  17. BigFatLoser

    Food Addiction And Wls

    Thanks you to every single one of you that responded. You all have relieved so many stressors....a priceless gift!! I appreciate you all taking the time to share with me and help. I don't know why, but I'm always surprised when people choose to do that for me. As for the food addiction, it looks like counseling and determination will be the two secrets to my success. I can do it!!!
  18. You look fantastic!!! You don't look as though you have suffered any hair loss; Is that true? Congrats!!!!!
  19. BigFatLoser

    Support Vs. Going It Alone

    Let me just say: parents don't know everything. And I'm a parent, so I can say that! Do what's best for YOU. Grow up and take control of your own life!!! Go for it. Quietly, lol.
  20. BigFatLoser

    Tsh Level

    It usually takes about 4-6 weeks for a new dosage to change your level. What's your TSH at right now?
  21. BigFatLoser

    Tsh Level

    My surgeon wants my thyroid levels to be in the normal range before surgery because it can be difficult to lose weight if it's not. And since your thyroid regulates so much in your body, they want to make sure I don't have any obstacles in the way of healing, if they can help it. I haven't had my surgery postponed because I am not yet done with testing (no date yet), but I believe he would postpone any surgery if it wouldn't be regulated. Hope this helped.

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