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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by doxieville

  1. doxieville

    Soft Foods

    Really? Awesome! I guess if you chew & make them moist in your mouth, they become soft foods. :-). Thanks!! Love me some Wheat Thins!
  2. Wow! My heart goes out to you!! The only thing I can think of is that you are in a vicious cycle. You are nauseous because you are dehydrated, but you can't drink bcs you get nauseous! That's the pits. For breakfast, what about a Protein bar? Try Power Crunch bars. Someone here suggested those and they are really good. Wafer type, not heavy like many bars. I'm sorry you had your personal days cut. The budget does NOT need to be messing with our teachers! Education is the key to success...but don't start me on that soapbox.
  3. doxieville

    What Is Going On?

    I've heard that leg cramps can be low potasium?
  4. doxieville

    Soft Foods

    I start soft foods tomorrow too. Wheat thins aren't considered soft? I've stocked up on cheeses. Go to eggface. (i don't think I have that correct..?) Lots of recipes. We can start having fruit too, so I plan to add fruit to my Protein Shakes. Just a little bit.
  5. doxieville


    Please be careful with what you mush up to eat. Talk to your doc, because everyone's doc is different! However, I was like you: all liquids. I like the fork analogy! Anyway, the purpose is to REST your tummy. You do not want it to try to have to work at digesting. So, I'm going to disagree (no slammin' - just differnet opinions) with the person who suggested you eat a bit more chicken or more substantial food. I don't think your doc would agree, but PLEASE call and ask. One thing is consistent here: everyone's plan & doctors orders are different and we need to respect that. You may not be hungry; dehydration is often mistaken for hunger. Good luck & sorry about your dumping! It's kinda normal to try to 'test' your new sleeve. It's not normal if you keep doing it. :-)
  6. doxieville


    That totally works!! You aren't lying. Your sromach IS a little 'off.'. :-). Have fun!!
  7. doxieville

    Hungry Days?

    ...hit Send too soon! I realize now what 7-up did to me, and I have no desire to go back to it. Not even a sip. And I don't feel deprived. But...everyone is different! Some people go overboard if they feel deprived.
  8. doxieville

    Hungry Days?

    I agree with ButtertheBean. I CANNOT go back to drinking 7-ups. My addiction. And I
  9. doxieville

    What Is Going On?

    I'm doing pretty good. My 3&4th days were hard, but thats in the past. Yesterday i had horrible heartburn. I took a PPI and went back to Clear liquids for the day. I think the SF choc pudding i had didnt agree w me. I've had no problems getting my liquids down. I was so worried early on because I wasn't getting full!! But i've been told that liquids don't fill like food does. I'll find out tomorrow becuase its my first day of soft foods. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to eat. Prob cheese. Maybe tuna? Lol. I'm anxious!! Tomorrow is week 3 for you too! Have you started soft foods yet?
  10. doxieville

    What Is Going On?

    Hi! I'm 3 weeks tomorrow too. My energy is pretty low. I'm a dog trainer so I've cleared my schedule until October. I'm glad I did because I'm not too sure I could work right now. I'm just reading, sleeping and concentrating on my 'new' normal life.
  11. Uh oh! But that happens. The first few days I actually had an empty cup by my bedside for a 'spit cup.'. Sounds gross, but i'd take too big of a sip and think 'Oh S%*!!'. Most of the time I was able to catch myself ahead of time. I'm 3 weeks out tomorrow and every once in a while i still glug too much.
  12. doxieville

    I Get To Go Home!

    That's great!! Don't do too much at home yet! Still pamper yourself.
  13. Did your doc/post-diet specify protein the first week? Mine, and many others here, didn't have to get the protein down until week 2. However, do what YOUR doctor has recommeded.
  14. I have Atena; it's your starting date. Day 1 when all this started. :-).
  15. doxieville

    Books Or Dvd's

    Our local library had some good selections.
  16. doxieville

    Musinex, Childrens Version

    Animals are amazing! We have 4 long hair doxies and they have been next to me while I'm recovering. They know!! What's all in your bed besides the chiuhuha?
  17. doxieville

    Food Porn ( Graphic)

    I can eat on Tuesday. And its a choice betwen Pasta alfredo or a salmon dish at the Cheescake factory. Yummmmyyy!!! What a fun post. How about if you just eat a few bites of the top of the pizza, not the dough. And chew really well. You can always spit in out discreetly.
  18. doxieville

    Sf Fudgesicles

    Oh wow!! I was eating those post-op! They are in a blue box, right? I think I still have some in my freezer! Gonna go look. :-)
  19. This happened to me last week! I went over what I had done the previous day and I realized that I'd picked up my 15 pound dog a few times. When it hurt I just held it in tigjtly and by the next evening the pain was gone. But DO call your doc.
  20. I was the other way. 4 days out and the 'never trust a fart' warning I've read on this forum came true!! Now I'm almost 3 weeks out and I need miralax, but I take half the required dosage every other day and it's been smooth sailing. LOL!!
  21. doxieville

    Some Before And After Pictures

    Looks great!! You got your hair cut last week, didnt you? It looks adorable!!
  22. doxieville

    Well, Today I Crashed...

    Thanks Justine! I haven't had to deal w heartburn yet. I am propped up with a bunch of pillows, but tomorrow I'll sit at the kitchen table and see if that's better. Thank you!
  23. doxieville

    Well, Today I Crashed...

    Yes, it was my period! I am SO SORRY I didnt make that clear. It's my TOM, so I expected it, but not that amount. Sorry!!
  24. doxieville

    Why Do I Keep Spitting

    When did you come home from the hospital? And what are you drinking? Is it teeny tiny sips? 3 days out is still very new. You may be drinking too much, too fast?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
