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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by doxieville

  1. Hi Everyone, I was sleeved 4 weeks ago (8/21). About 2 weeks ago i noticed when i wake up I have a headache. Weird! I go see my surgeon soon and will ask him, but I wanted to know if anyone else does?
  2. doxieville

    Waking Up W Headaches

    Yep, that's what I've heard!! I measured last night and my measurements haven't changed. But they will. I'm really not uptight about that. I'm not an uptight/anxious person. :-) It will happen when it happens. But....i'll bet my fat is releasing hormones and that's why my head aches. That really seems to be the most logical explanation. Thanks!!
  3. I love my EVOO! I have inflammatory diseases and I really do think it helps. My thinking that the doc wants you to take it to aid in keeping your bowels moving, something the link didn't mention. Not sure why he wants you to take it in soup though? Maybe he was just using that as an example of how to take it? I'm glad your surgery went well!
  4. doxieville

    Drinking While Eating.

    Cookeezz.....i'm not You Tube savvy....couldn't find the video.
  5. doxieville

    Waking Up W Headaches

    I'm going to combine my responses to all you wonderful people who answered me: No dehydration or caffeine. I am not a coffee drinker, every once in awhile I had a caffeinated cup of tea, and no caffeinated sodas.....so it's not caffeine or withdrawals. It's also not dehydration. I have a disease where my mucous membranes don't produce moisture so I'm always drinking. I even have special permission from my surgeon to drink w food. BUT for someone else who is reading this and has headaches, these are two excellent suggestions. I am getting enough sleep, although I have noticed it is harder to fall asleep. Why IS that? The release of the fat hormones makes sense, but i'm on a stall. Been stalled for 3 weeks. I'm not panicking because I lost 37 pounds in about 4 months, mostly pre-op, so I know my body needs to readjust. Oh, I also am not drinking anything w aspartame. It IS exactly what someone said, a little bothersome headache. Doesn't stop me from doing things, thank goodness, it's just annoying. Thanks everyone! Maybe it's connected to the stall & hormones. Any other ideas are welcome & much appreciated.
  6. doxieville

    Drinking While Eating.

    Hi! I have an auto-immune (Sjogrens Syndrome) which affects moisture-secreting glands. Basically, I have no saliva. It was a big concern if i could have the sleeve because of the no drinking. I can't go 10 minutes w/o drinking, nevermind 30-90 minutes. The surgeon has no problem with me drinking. I just have to take very small sips and be really sure I eat my Protein first. (Still working on that!). I probably get hungry faster than other sleevers because I may be pushing my food thru faster, but i just eat smaller meals more often. So, the long and the short of it is, if you are uncomfortable not drinking, then take a sip. A small one! Just realize that you may have to adapt your eating pattern and keep a close eye on your caloric intake because it could be easier to overeat. :-)
  7. doxieville

    Leak Test

    I had no problems at all. Needed to take a few small sips and the xray machine moved around me. Then I wanted to see what was going on so doc had me take a few more sips. The barium wasn't any worse than some of the protein drinks i've tried. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It was so cool to watch my sleeve in action!
  8. doxieville

    Decaf Coffee?

    I'm 4 weeks out and I still can't drink tea. Leaded or unleaded. And I don't like herbal teas. Wait...let me rethink this. I DISN'T like herbal teas. I should try some w my 'new' tastebuds. :-)
  9. doxieville

    Re-Sleeved With Dr Aceves

    Sorry for two posts. My iphone said the first message didn't go thru. Obviously it lied to me! Horrors!! :-) That really stinks that it wasn't done right the first time. Do you care to share the name of the doc so others are aware? You certainly don't have to, just asking. Maybe it was just a fluke? How long till you think you feel strong enough to go home? Take care of yourself!
  10. doxieville

    Re-Sleeved With Dr Aceves

    Wow. Never heard of resleeving! Who did your surgery the first time? Do you think it wasn't done small enough the first time or did it stretch? Thanks for sharing your story and I hope all continues to go well.
  11. doxieville

    Re-Sleeved With Dr Aceves

    I didn't realize they could redo it. How did it get big? Thanks for sharing your story!
  12. doxieville

    Where Are Your Incisions?

    I had staples which they took out on the third day & put on steristrips. Now, 4 weeks later, my scars are barely visible. .
  13. doxieville

    Pain Is Discouraging

    OMG! That's EXACTLY what I did two days ago! I bent and twisted and ZOWIE!!!! Darn it hurt! It's a bit better today, just feels like a slight pull. Thanks for that explanation.
  14. I'm 4 weeks out also. I've maybe lost 4 or 5 pound since the surgery. But I'm not upset. Like you, I lost pre-op. 37 pounds. Our bodies need to readjust to that significant weight loss. Seriously, if you are following your program, and it sounds like you are, you will lose. Hang in there! I know it's hard! I'm in the same position you are. :-)
  15. doxieville

    No Band Rant!

    Seriously? That sounds awful! No wonder people are switching. What a pain, physically & mentally, that must be! Thanks. I've been kinda hesitant to ask. Didn't want to seem rude.
  16. doxieville

    Has Anyone Cheated?

    I know! It was harder for me than the pre-op. i even dreamed of food. (There's a thread about that somewhere on here.) I had a calendar where I marked off the days with a red marker. So yeah, we really DO know how hard it is not to cheat. Oh, another thing that got me thru it was reminding myself that when I CAN eat that no food would be off limits. I can forever now take ONE bite of anything I want, and my sleeve will hopefully do it's job and stop me. I'm only 4 weeks postop, but that is still keeping me going. In moderation, and done right (Protein first) i will never have to deny myself a bite of something in the future. I hope i'm making sense...dreaming of a bite of cheese cake...soon...... :-)
  17. doxieville

    No Band Rant!

    I'm really clueless about bands. Can someone explain to me briefly why people have revisions? Why is the band so awful? I'm being nosey, that's all. :-) Thanks!
  18. doxieville

    Has Anyone Cheated?

    It's nice to be able to just blow off steam and talk about what you did or might do in hopes that you won't be tempted to eat next time but will come here and post instead. I personally think that everyone who posts here knows their doctor is the one who sets their protocol and thats what they should follow. So i've decided to stop saying 'call your surgeon.' *sigh*. Prolly gonna get me in a heap of trouble. :-) The reason i know about the stomach being at rest was because i cheated with oatmeal. It was SO dumb. But i was craving oatmeal so badly....and i watered it down. And chewed....my NUT almost had a coronary..... This is hard work. It really is. I survived by not watching TV because of the commercials and by hanging out on here. Hang in there!!
  19. doxieville

    Has Anyone Cheated?

    I'm not lecturing because this IS hard! But please remember that you don't want your stomach doing the action of digestion. It's supposed to be at rest so it can heal. Even if you are chewing foods, your tummy will still see it as 'aha! Food! Must digest!' and it will go to town. The boring liquid you have to drink just sloshes in and sloshes out. :-)
  20. Yeah, i'm getting pretty bored!! Probably why I post on here so much, lol! It's not a bad pain. I just knew i had done an 'uh oh!' Try to start your Vitamins as soon as you can. And get all your Protein in every day. And stay hydrated. All of those really help in healing and you should be ok in 4 weeks. You may want to get co-workers to help you lift at first. Oh, and start walking. That will help build up your stamina for work. No crazy hikes or walking w weights, just simple walking.
  21. doxieville

    Meatball Dream

    OMG yes!!! Pre-op i was having crazy, full on crazy food dreams. I don't eat red meat and I woke up after dreaming of steak and craved a bite. Thank goodness the cravings are short lived. And the dreams went away postop after full liquids. Enjoy dreaming!
  22. I'm 4 weeks out. Yesterday i went to Bed Bath & Beyond. My son drove- I don't even have enough energy to drive safely yet. Anyway, I twisted and bent to see something on a lower shelf. WOOZERS!! Needless to say, today i hurt like the dickens. I know I just pulled something. PLEASE use these 4 weeks wisely and pamper yourself. If you push and keep having setbacks, you won't heal in time to go back to work.
  23. doxieville


    I've never been so amused on here as I have with this thread. Hilarious!! Not making fun of OP! It's cute. My hubby bought me little baby spoons and they are annoying. (He meant well!). They are just too small for my hand. Teaspoons work fine. I do intend to buy a small bowl/plate set soon. Just haven't been out shopping lately. Too tired..... Thanks again for the laughs!!
  24. doxieville

    Um...gas Question...

    It's true. I never had stinky farts. Ever. Now I realize it's because I ate junk food. Already processed so my body never had to work at digesting. Now? Ha! Totally diff story. Phew.

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