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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jennifer4444

  1. A little over an hour I believe. Don't recall much. They said they were giving me something to relax in the holding area and that was all she wrote! No memory of going into OR. Don't even remember waking up in recovery. First memory is being in my room telling my husband to go home because I was too sleepy to have any kind of conversation. They got me up in a few hours to walk. No pain really, just sleepy.
  2. Ahhh fellow Bostonians! I was petrified of the anesthesia as well. Over before you know it though. I'm 11 days out now and really feel good. Still on just protein shakes but a lot of energy. Surgery day itself was not bad. Not a lot of pain but just VERY sleepy. 1st day was horrible. Nausea was pretty uncontrollable. 2nd day though I felt great, better everyday since. Hang in there and good luck on your journey!
  3. Made it to the bench! Surgery 10/23. Horrible day (uncontrollable nausea wed. Million times better Thursday so was able to go on to clear liqs yesterday. On to protein shakes today and tolerated well so sent home. Little sore, but not bad at all. I'll take any amount of pain you want to give me over nausea!
  4. jennifer4444

    Post Op Paranoia

    My doc says she holds her breath and keeps her fingers crossed for the 1st 6 weeks than good to go! Hasn't had a leak yet and I told her I will not be her 1st!
  5. jennifer4444

    Ricotta Cheese Bake

    I saw this the other day and salivated! Still on preop but can't wait to try it in a couple weeks!! Looks delicious!
  6. jennifer4444

    My Journey Through Photos

    I did start. on day 8 of 14. going in next tuesday. so far so good. Only slip was day 1 when my 18 month old was trying to feed me cheerios and i totally forgot and took one from him! Really not as bad as i thought. tried liquid diets before and couldn't do it. i think the fact of knowing there's an end point to this one plus having my mind so made up that this is it, has to be done, is helping as well.
  7. jennifer4444

    My Journey Through Photos

    Your story has just made my day 8 liquid preop much easier to get through. Thanks for showing that light at the end of the tunnel. Congrats and good luck!
  8. Or does it seem like there's more fellow sleevers that having to deal with and suffering with leaks or other post op complications lately? I'm scheduled next Tuesday and I don't know if I'm just getting nervous or what.
  9. Just finishing up day 3 preop diet. Not that bad. 5 shakes and clear liquids for 2 weeks. Not hungry, not even really tempted. Aren't the first couple days supposed to be the worst?
  10. If this is all that's wrong with me, I'll take it!!
  11. jennifer4444


    Thank you guys for the input. We'll have the results next week. She said bypass is an option but she is hesitant to do that because I have a family history of ovarian cancer and she's concerned that if I had breast cancer down the road i'd have issues with absorbing tamoxifen. Really weird because my family is negative for the gene that would make me at a higher risk. I'm in the medical field so I know the last thing I want to do is encourage a surgeon to do a surgery they don't want to, but seems like this might be way too conservative and a second opinion might be in order. Just bummed because I've got all my time off and coverage for the kids lined up. Oh well, just wait for the results I guess! Best of luck to you on your journeys and congrats on your successes!
  12. jennifer4444


    I've always had what I thought was mild reflux. Occasional heartburn that tums or a Zantac would fix pretty quickly. I mentioned it at my preop and doc wanted to do an upper gi. This showed some slow movement of the fluid in my esophagus. She then ordered a motility test. Not very pleasant! 2 parts to it. 1st they snake a tube down the nose to check the muscle reaction of the esophagus. Not a final report, but according to the tech, no real issues. The they place a smaller tube down the nose into the stomach and check the pH for 24 hours. I felt no heartburn for the 24 hours. Had the tube removed this am and the tech asked me why I didn't press the button when I had heartburn. Told him because I didn't have any. Seems like there was a lot of acid. He said his best guess was it was moderate to severe but on the lower end between the esophagus and stomach. Final report due next week. The surgeon said based on the upper gi if i had a motility disorder, she does not think I'd be a good sleeve candidate. My question, and sorry for such a long intro to it, is has anyone had reflux and still been able to get the sleeve? If so, how bad did it get. Thank you for reading and any insight would be very much appreciated. I finally made up my mind to do this and would be SO disappointed if I can't go through with it.
  13. jennifer4444


    Hey pcoser's-- I'm scheduled for 10/23. Currently take max dose of metformin which keeps some of the symptoms at bay. Wondering if any of you were able to decrease or even stop it post op? Thanks!
  14. jennifer4444

    October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves

    October 23 with dr cheung in Boston! Very excited. A little nervous, not so much about the surgery but being able to take care I my 3 boys (4yr old twins and a 17 month old) as quickly as possible after. Had VERY quick recoveries after both my csections so hoping this will be the same! Great to see so many others!
  15. jennifer4444

    Boston Folks?

    I'm scheduled for 10/23 at Faulkner hospital with dr cheung. Anyone have her? I'm really hoping to be able to have the sleeve. I mentioned I had some intermittent heartburn (mostly since my last pregnancy) so they did an upper gi. Showed some excess acid which got me a ticket for a motility test. Waiting on the date of that but not too excited about having it done--doesn't look pleasant! Anyone with similar issues? The heartburn is not bad. Seems to come in spurts but noting some Zantac hasn't been able to handle. Thanks for any input!
  16. jennifer4444

    Boston Folks?

  17. jennifer4444

    Boston Folks?

    Hope everything went great for you today!
  18. jennifer4444

    Boston Folks?

    And ps -- this site is GREAT! Learned so much reading about everyone's experiences!

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