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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KarissaKhaos

  1. Haha I'm so excited, first time I've ever looked in the mirror without sucking it in and saw ribs lol. Sleeves 7/30 SW 270 CW 184 [ATTACH]7764[/ATTACH]
  2. KarissaKhaos

    I have ribs!

    Unfortunately I do, my inner thighs are kinda highly, my stomach is loaded with stretch marks, and my boobs are flabby lol but I'm happy with my progress and feel great. Thank you all!
  3. KarissaKhaos

    I have ribs!

    Thanks everyone, I'm looking to get down to at least 150 and I'll decide from there whether I need to lose more or not.
  4. KarissaKhaos

    I have ribs!

    I weight 184 but thank you lol
  5. I take the Viactiv calcium chews, they taste great.
  6. Iron inhibits the absorption of Calcium. It basically prevents it from being absorbed so you have to take them a few hours apart.
  7. KarissaKhaos

    your last meal before pre op ?!

    The weekend before my surgery I pigged out on McDonald's and Chinese food.
  8. KarissaKhaos

    Antibiotics okay?

    You should be fine, I had to take an antibiotic not too long ago for an infection as well and I was put on Ciprofloxacin. My doctor works with my surgeon and does physicals for his patients so he knows what I should and should not take, I was fine. Mine weren't in capsule form though. My PPI is in capsule form and I have no problems so it should work out for you.
  9. Sounds silly but I take an adult dose of the Flintstones gummie vitamins. It's the only vitamin I can take without getting deeply sick to my stomach. They have B12 and Niacin in them too, 6 months post-op and I've been taking them since day one. My bloodwork was normal when I just had it done so they must be working.
  10. KarissaKhaos


    Sleeved on July 30th and I've hit a stall. I haven't even lost an ounce in over a week. This whole month I only lost 9lbs. I'm getting really discouraged and it's aggravating because I feel like I'm not where I should be at this point. Unfortunately my gym membership is no longer affordable so I can't sweat it out. Does anyone have any effective workout routines I can do at home or a little advice?
  11. KarissaKhaos

    Why is it?

    I'm almost 6 months out and I can't eat more than 2 sometimes 3 ounces.
  12. KarissaKhaos

    Loose Skin

    Besides cosmetic surgery, is there any way to tighten things up? My tummy and underarms really need it but I don't want nasty scars from surgery if it's not necessary. Any advice or suggestions would be great!
  13. I'm not concerned with what my BMI is as long as I am healthy and not huge anymore. I know thin people who are classified as overweight because of that stupid chart. All of my health problems disappeared when I lost 50lbs, so if I look and feel good and still have a high BMI, then I don't care what the chart says.
  14. Losing weight definitely changes sex. My fiance is thin and muscular so when I was 270lbs I felt extremely insecure being naked and didn't let myself enjoy it. I was always afraid that I was going to crush him if I was on top so I never was, and the thought of all my fat jiggling during sex made my drive go way down. Once I lost 80lbs I felt much more sexier and confident even though my skin was looser. And I don't feel like I'm crushing him either, we both enjoy it MUCH more.
  15. No wonder Fishy was banned, he's an ignorant idiot.
  16. KarissaKhaos


    And that's what the people who feel the need to bash others are. We all had this surgery because we were addicted to food and let it get out of control, completely degrading someone and making them feel an inch tall because they made a mistake or slipped up is utterly pathetic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is supposed to be a SUPPORT forum not a b***h at people who screw up forum. The people who slipped up and confessed OBVIOUSLY know they made a mistake, and they're adult enough to admit it on here so why get on their case? You don't have to say "aw no big deal" or sugar coat, but you also don't have to be rude and snobby like you've never ever made a mistake in life. Grow up, as for me I'll find a website or forum that is all about support and not a bunch of assholes degrading people who need help the most.
  17. KarissaKhaos

    Almost to my goal!

    Thank you all!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
