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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KarissaKhaos

  1. KarissaKhaos


    She's a bitter person, she needs more than WLS.
  2. KarissaKhaos


    Just because I remembered to chew it well, doesn't mean I made an effort to cheat. I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but that doesn't mean I was going to scarf it down because I was cheating anyway. Get off of your high horse.
  3. KarissaKhaos

    8 weeks post op today

    I felt like that for about 3 months after surgery. If you think about it you're losing so much weight that muscle mass is disappearing too so your abdominal muscles are a little weaker. My surgeon told me it's either that or the scar tissue. By the way 53lbs is awesome! Congratulations!
  4. KarissaKhaos


    Not a good idea, not only because you are freshly sleeved but because alcohol is nothing but empty calories and you are trying to lose not gain. I'm 6 months out and I am refusing to touch it ever again, not worth it.
  5. KarissaKhaos


    Hunny, screw the people who don't have something supportive to say and focus on those offering you great advice and words of encouragement. We are all human and make mistakes. I find it sad that former fat people are criticizing you when they themselves got the way they are from the same mistake, eating poorly. I slipped up too, 2 weeks out I was craving seafood so I tried a piece of baby cooked shrimp. I did fine with it and made sure to chew very well. After that, I stuck to my diet and 5 months later am down 82lbs. Try to focus on why you had this surgery and remind yourself that someday you will be able to have a nibble of whatever your heart desires, but for now you have to let your tummy heal and focus. Keep your head up
  6. KarissaKhaos

    Magical creme or lotion?

    I'm using scarzone and cocoa butter and the stretch marks and scars lightened up A LOT.
  7. I am down 80lbs and was sleeved July 30th
  8. KarissaKhaos


    Thank you I appreciate it
  9. KarissaKhaos


    So after months of complaining of excruciating pain when I eat, they finally diagnosed me with a stricture or narrowing of the part of my esophagus that meets my stomach. I'm getting it fixed on the 21st via dilation using a balloon. I'm really worried and don't know what to expect so I'd like some advice or input from someone who has gone through this. I'm stressing about it and need a little reassurance. Thank you.
  10. I have to have the same procedure, the opening of my stomach needs to be widened.
  11. KarissaKhaos


    I hope that all it is, is the end of my esophagus is narrowed and they need to dilate it but thank you for your prayers.
  12. KarissaKhaos


    I was sleeved on July 30th, honestly the biggest mistake of my life. 75lbs down but I can't even eat yogurt without it hurting me. I hate eating so much that I eat once a day. I'm completely miserable, fine when I have an empty stomach but as soon as I take a bite it hurts. So tired of this and I feel alone. Everyone I know who has had this surgery can eat without problems.
  13. My relationships have changed a lot in a good way, since my self-esteem has improved my relationships have improved and my fiancee is all over me now
  14. KarissaKhaos


    Thank you Chris
  15. KarissaKhaos


    And to make it worse I was diagnosed with a bad UTI the other day so I feel like I was hit by a Mac truck. I'm having every complication possible and I'm down in the dumps. I've done everything I'm supposed to and following every rule, I don't get why this is happening to me :/
  16. KarissaKhaos


    I have an appointment with him next week. I can drink with no problem, I drink all day long and can go through a 20oz bottle in a little over an hour. I'm pretty sure my esophagus needs to be dilated. Idk hopefully it's not too serious because I can't handle anymore problems. I actually munch on little things all day but I eat a real meal at least once a day. It just hurts so much to eat. I don't understand why because I chew chew chew and eat super slow.
  17. That's actually pretty good, I'm 75lbs down at 4 months and I was worried that wasn't enough either but my surgeon says that's great.
  18. I'm more unhappy with my body now than I was when I was heavier. I'm 20 years old saving for a boob job because they look like an old woman's breasts. I'm really devestated. At 20 I should be feeling sexy in the bedroom and now I won't even take my bra off in front of anyone including my fiancé. Boob jobs look so fake and you can tell apart the women with real ones and fake ones but I don't have any other option. I'm just really upset and needed to know that I'm not the only one, I hope I'm not.
  19. KarissaKhaos

    Unhappy With My Body.

    Thank you for all of your suggestions and support!
  20. KarissaKhaos

    Portion Sizes

    Thank you!
  21. At 3 months out I can eat a 4oz yogurt with no pain or problems but a 1.5 to 2oz meat of any kind is all I can eat. Is anyone else able to eat a larger portion of something soft than with siemobe solid?
  22. KarissaKhaos

    Portion Sizes

    I have lost 60lbs so far.
  23. KarissaKhaos

    How Much At One Month?

    One month out I lost about 40lbs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
