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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KarissaKhaos

  1. KarissaKhaos

    Loose Skin

    Yeah I've heard of people doing that, I just want to find something that actually works because I really don't want a tuck.
  2. KarissaKhaos

    Almost to my goal!

    Thank you and good luck!
  3. KarissaKhaos

    Almost to my goal!

  4. KarissaKhaos

    May to December Transformation!

    You look amazing!
  5. You sound exactly like I did a week ago, but I ended up finding an acid reducer that works and got an endoscopy. They ended up dilating my esophagus and poor pain is gone when I eat. You might have tightening around the opening to your sleeve. As for the bile, as for actigall, it's a prescription to decrease the amount of bile produced and prevents gallstones. Good luck!
  6. KarissaKhaos

    I Definitely Regret Surgery.... So Far!

    They ended up doing an endoscopy and dilating my esophagus a little, I feel so much better and have been able to eat without discomfort
  7. KarissaKhaos

    I Definitely Regret Surgery.... So Far!

    They ended up doing an endoscopy and dilating my esophagus a little, I feel so much better and have been able to eat without discomfort
  8. KarissaKhaos

    Esophageal Dilation

    Thank you Jersey
  9. KarissaKhaos

    Esophageal Dilation

    Has anyone here had it? It was confirmed that I have a narrowing of the distal portion of my esophagus. My endoscopy is this morning at 8 and I'm a nervous wreck. I can't sleep and I'm worrying too much. If it's not as scary as it sounds can someone please calm my nerves? What can I expect?
  10. KarissaKhaos

    Hate eating

    I do at times too, but I think most of the problem is I don't get a full sensation.
  11. KarissaKhaos

    Bionic Smell?

    Have any of you experienced issues with taste? I seem to dislike the taste of anything I eat, especially sugary things(which is good), but it is a little disappointig because nothing tastes good(except for fruit).
  12. KarissaKhaos


    If only each doctor were on the same page, it seems like one doctor tells you this is ok and the other says absolutely not.
  13. KarissaKhaos

    Esophageal Dilation

    Yep I did fine, I'm still sleepy from the anesthesia but I'm happy that I haven't had any discomfort eating today!
  14. KarissaKhaos

    Esophageal Dilation

    So they ended up finding nothing, told me I had a stricture but then they didn't find one, so the scope ended up stretching my esophagus a little and my discomfort is gone. Glad it wasn't as bad as they thought.
  15. KarissaKhaos

    Esophageal Dilation

    Thank you Aussie
  16. KarissaKhaos

    I Definitely Regret Surgery.... So Far!

    You have me feeling so much better right now, you sounded exactly like I do now. I was recently told that I have a stricture, it's excruciating to eat and I want to feel normal again. It's hit me so bad that I've sunk into a depression, I very rarely get out of bed and I'm in a funk because I don't feel normal. I'm glad you're doing better.
  17. KarissaKhaos

    Esophageal Dilation

    I'm more worried about afterwards, I've read articles that say that it's almost certain that vomiting and nausea occur after the procedure and I'm already miserable enough so I don't want to deal with that either.
  18. I still have about 30 until my goal
  19. KarissaKhaos

    When is the right time to try?

    Thanks ladies, my wedding is in May and within a year of that we'd like to get pregnant so I'm going to see what the doc says.
  20. KarissaKhaos


  21. KarissaKhaos

    Reactive vs Proactive Thinking, Action & Responses

    If calling people idiots and telling them they should be ashamed of themselves is tough love in your eyes, then I really hope you're not a parent.
  22. KarissaKhaos

    Pain when i swallow anything

    It's normal, I had that for the first few weeks.
  23. KarissaKhaos


    Well "grown-up" people wouldn't be as rude and snobby as many are on here, it's a support forum keep that in mind.
  24. KarissaKhaos


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
