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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by legster

  1. legster

    wedding pics

    My motto since being banded is: "Don't look back!" After banding, I started thinking about how my life would be different if I had "done something" about my weight sooner. It did nothing but bring me down at a time when I should be positive and HAPPY! Now when those kind of thought try to gain ground, I just chant my motto.
  2. legster


    Hey, welcome! I don't think you'll need any luck with your great attitude. Most people come in here worrying about the pre/post op diet, but not you! As far as getting enough Protein once you move to solid foods, it's not as hard as it might seem. You always have the option of drinking a Protein shake at the end (or beginning or both!) of the day if it turns out to be a problem. Did you have a consultation with a nutritionist? If so, my advice would be to make sure you have their email address in case you want to ask questions without playing phone tag. :thumbup: Keep up the positive thinking and you'll be a perfect bandster!
  3. legster

    May 2007 Banders

    I tend to lose weight in "clumps" as well. I kind of like it that way! I don't weigh very often, so that surely has some to do with it. Now that my losses are slowing way down it is even harder to not be slightly discouraged though. Every other Monday I sit on a panel of post-ops for my surgeon's psychologist. It's a day-long behavioral health seminar (we come in while they are having lunch to tell our stories and take questions) and it really helps to keep me focused and accountable. I always weigh on those days so I'll know the most current weight loss number to relay. I need to get back to my lapband "roots" and have already picked up my exercise even more and I'm tracking my food again, too. These last 20 pounds or so are going to be hard, but I can do it and you can too, Mischievous! I'll be waiting to hear you are in ONEderland later this month. :thumbup:
  4. legster

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    It's a great start! Congratulations!!!
  5. legster

    May 2007 Banders

    Glad to hear you're getting some relief. It sounds like it might turn out to a really good fill! Hope so. :tt2:
  6. legster

    I have a date!

    That's great news! Congratulations!
  7. legster

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi Holly. I hope you're feeling better by now. I have gone through some times of slight nausea, probably 3 times total. They generally lasted about 2-3 days. With me, it was just a faint feeling of nausea, not ever feeling like I might really vomit, but not wanting to eat or drink much of anything either. I called the nurse at Dr. Edward's office the 2nd time and they gave me a prescription for Promethazine (Phenergan). By the time I got it, I was already feeling better, but I keep a few in my purse just in case. Let us know how you're doing. Legs
  8. legster

    Nsv :)

    I bet they will be! :redface:
  9. legster

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Kookie, I got this from Susan this morning: "Yes you can put fruit into the shakes, just blend until liquid. A full liquid diet is anything you can drink. We just steer them away from too high a calorie liquid." Holly, most people don't feel much difference on the 1st, and sometimes the 2nd, fill. It's best to kind of "sneak up" on restriction because of the learning curve in eating with restriction.
  10. Your before pic is what I've been living with for several months. :biggrin: The after is a major, major improvement! I have a question, if you don't mind. I also have what I call "knee brows", loose skin draping around the top of my knees when I stand. Did you have any of that, or any problem with skin around your knees?
  11. legster

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    *hugs Kookie* It sounds like you're doing great! I, too, added a little frozen fruit to my shakes during the full liquid times. I can't recall why I thought that it would be allowed, so I am trying to get hold of Susan Daniel. Will let you know if I hear back from her. The last thing I want to do is steer you wrong.
  12. legster

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    At one time (or maybe even now) there was a Dr. who would periodically come to Cox from Overland Park, KS to perform bariatric surgeries. I'm sorry I don't recall his name, but I would think you could call Cox and find out about it. I can, without a second's hesitation, recommend Dr. Chris Edwards and his staff if that's what your ultimate option turns out to be. Please keep us informed about your progress with this, okay? If you have any other questions, just ask! Best to you. Legs
  13. legster

    May 2007 Banders

    Thanks, Weazer! Yes, this year is just incredible in so many ways. I'm aware of it almost every minute. Maybe this will help you post your pics: Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum - FAQ: Reading and Posting Messages
  14. legster

    technologically challenged

    A youngster I am not, but maybe this will help you: Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum - FAQ: Reading and Posting Messages
  15. legster

    Just Overweight - Yippee!

    I remember the day I became Merely Overweight Legster. The crazy thing was that with that same weighing I also became Merely Overweight Legster in Onederland. It was a great day. You have a great one, too!!!! :cursing:
  16. Jennifer, congrats on your decision and your weight loss so far! Try not to be nervous or scared. I guess I was just so ready for a change that I never, ever had those feelings. I just wanted to get on with my life. These days, every single day is a celebration!
  17. Hi there. :thumbup: I've been following this and many other blow-by-blow accounts of PS experiences. I'm a somewhat shy poster, but when I saw the above, I just had to congratulate you on your b00bs! I laughed out loud when I read your enthusiastic report. Best to you and Becky in the coming days. Legs p.s. Maybe you could get a small hamster to live in your bra to help with clean-up after meals. :tongue: (sorry, I couldn't resist)
  18. legster

    Desperately seeking some input!!!

    Try just staying away from the scales for as long as you possibly can. The stress you get from seeing the "wrong" number can't be helping matters. Just a thought.
  19. Just adding to the thoughts of the others. It is immediate, or might take a few seconds. Sometimes I know there's going to be a problem when I am swallowing the bite.
  20. legster

    Tomorrow Is My Day

    Hope to see you posting in here soon, Leah. Take care.
  21. legster

    One Year Anniversary

    What a difference a year makes! Try not to dwell too much on the last few pounds. If you keep on track, they will eventually take care of themselves.
  22. legster

    Tacos, Tortillas, Chips ....

    I eat black bean tacos regularly, but never within a couple of weeks of a fill. Could just be paranoia, but it seems like they might stick when I'm feeling tight.
  23. The foods I have trouble eating are moist bread, scrambled eggs and grilled tuna. Even those things will go down if I'm really careful about taking small bites and chewing well.
  24. You gooooo!!! You'll be ready for the PS consult in no time at this rate.
  25. legster

    May 2007 Banders

    Thank you Vikki, for your comments! I am also headed toward being NORMAL weight. I think I can do it! I feel like the Little Engine That Could. :-) Twelve more pounds and I'll be there. For me, every day is a celebration!

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